Cited in Congressional Resolution
In May, Sen. Rick Scott (R-FL) introduced a resolution “expressing the sense of the Senate that Critical Race Theory serves as a prejudicial ideological tool, rather than an educational tool, and should not be taught in K-12 classrooms as a way to teach students to judge individuals based on sex, race, ethnicity, or national origin.”
In S.Res.246, Sen. Scott resolves (among other things) that:
the Senate—
(1) condemns racism in all forms and calls on the people of the United States to eliminate racism and defend the civil rights of all individuals, including within our Nation’s education system;
(2) calls on the Department of Education’s Office for Civil Rights and State attorneys general to assist schools in being compliant with existing civil rights laws and to investigate and enforce the law when appropriate;
(3) supports the actions taken by States and communities to implement policies and practices to protect the rights of parents and guardians to know what their children are being taught;
(4) calls on States and communities to support curriculum transparency policies that make elementary and secondary education curriculum materials accessible, including online, to parents, guardians, and the public for review before the use of such materials;
(5) recognizes that open enrollment and school choice policies allow students to access the school, and thereby the curriculum, which the parent or guardian believes is best positioned to educate the student;
(6) condemns State and local educational agencies that facilitate or expend resources on education and professional development exercises that focus on ostracizing 1 individual or group from another;
Sen. Scott mentioned our work here at, which has grown tremendously since the time the resolution was introduced, “Whereas William Jacobson, a Cornell University professor, created to highlight the over 200 universities across the Nation with Critical Race Theory programming.” has now catalogued over 400 institutions of higher education, and we’re not close to finished. We’re also branching out beyond higher education into all areas of education where doctrine, loosely referred to as critical race training, has planted roots.