- Mailing Address
1402 South Grand Blvd.
St. Louis, Missouri 63104 - Phone
- (314) 977-9870
- Email address
- slumd@health.slu.edu
- School Information
- "Saint Louis University School of Medicine has a long tradition of excellence in teaching, research and patient care. Established in 1836, the school has the distinction of awarding the first medical degree west of the Mississippi River. Today, about 550 faculty members, 700 medical students and 550 residents in 48 graduate medical education programs, including residencies, subspecialty residencies and fellowships, call SLU home. The school is a leading center of research in five key areas: cancer, infectious disease, liver disease, aging and brain disorders, and heart/lung disease" (Source: https://www.slu.edu/medicine/about/index.php).
- General Information
- The School of Medicine engages in numerous anti-racist and DEI initiatives. Namely, DICE (the Division of Diversity and Innovative Community Engagement) was created and hosts its Diversity and Inclusion Webinar Series, covering anti-racism as a core topic. DEI resources are also offered by DICE. The School of Medicine is additionally home to the Diversity and Social Equity committee, promoting minority recruitment and retention. The committee also hosts numerous DEI events. See developments below:
Actions Taken
- Anti-Racism, Bias, and Diversity Training
The School of Medicine's Diversity and Social Equity Committee will "enhance the integration of diversity and inclusion-related discourse into the education and training of students, residents, faculty, and staff with relevant knowledge and experience about cultural and individual diversity as it relates to the field of family, community, and behavioral medicine."
The Division of Diversity and Innovative Community Engagement's goal to "establish a culture of inclusive excellence, equity, and human flourishing for all members of Saint Louis University and our connected communities through education, elimination, and transformation" is accomplished by its Diversity and Inclusion Webinar Series which covers "whiteness, anti-blackness, and anti-racism in society" in efforts towards "achieving social justice and racial equality through the promotion of diversity, equity, and inclusion."
The Office of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion offers a "12-week program to help educate and shine light on racial injustices" for faculty and staff.
- Faculty/Staff Requirements
In August 2020, the Office of Diversity, Equity and Inclusion "launched two mandatory training series for the entire School of Medicine" including "four sessions that explore[d] systemic and institutional racism and methodologies to dismantle it" and a second program which "focuse[d] on unconscious bias and [would] become an important component of onboarding."
- Program and Research Funding
In February of 2017, Saint Louis University's News section published an article titled "SLU Family Medicine Residency Program Honored for Improving Racial Equality, Social Justice" which stated that "In 2016, SLU received a five-year $1.87 million primary care training and enhancement award from the Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA) to train family medicine residents and medical family therapy doctoral students in a behavioral health curriculum." The program was honored "as one of four organizations making a difference in the St. Louis community by improving racial equality and social justice."
The ODEI at the School of Medicine is "currently working with the development office to increase scholarship opportunities for underrepresented minority students, helping to diversify the student body to more accurately reflect the population served by the School of Medicine."
The SLUSOM "Summer Undergraduate Research Program Pilot for Students Underrepresented in Medicine" is now accepting applications for the 2025 school year. The program aims to "improve the recruitment and retention of students who are underrepresented in medicine."
- Resources
The School of Medicine has a Diversity and Social Equity Committee which will "provide guidance and resources to faculty, students, and staff when diversity and inclusion-related questions or concerns arise related to marketing and recruitment materials, policies and procedures of the department and associated clinics, interpersonal relationships, the climate of the learning environment in the department, and retention of faculty and students who occupy minority identities."
DICE offers numerous resources for DEI.
On June 5, 2020, Saint Louis University's News section published an article titled "SLU Med Students, Faculty Participate in White Coats for Black Lives Protest." According to the article, one of "WhiteCoats4BlackLives’s" goals is "developing national medical school curricular standards that educate current and future medical professionals on the history and current manifestations of racism in medicine, principles of anti-racism, and strategies for dismantling structural racism."
The School of Medicine Strategic Plan's stated mission is "To pursue excellence in education, research, clinical care, and improving the health of our community through professional development, collaboration, and social justice, grounded in our Jesuit values."
The school's Leadership Council on Diversity, Equity and Inclusion (LCME) outlines its many objectives and initiatives and states, "This council’s work will go well beyond LCME; it will include work and solutions that lead to a more diverse, equitable and inclusive School of Medicine. The council is charged with developing goals, outcome measures, and monitoring processes related to diversity, equity and inclusion and crucial to driving impactful change across our academic and administrative operations."
- Symbolic Actions
SLU's School of Medicine has hosted numerous events on "Diversity and Social Equity."
The School of Medicine's Diversity and Social Equity committee will "match underrepresented faculty, staff, students, and residents with mentors with relevant knowledge and experience for promoting faculty and student retention and success."
The Diversity and Social Equity committee hosts many events and programs related to DEI.
The SLUSOM ODEI "annually presents the Diversity Ally Award to SLU students/graduate students, residents/fellows, staff, faculty, administrators and alumni who exemplify an unwavering commitment to diversity, equity and inclusion." (The office announced its 2024 nominations on this page.)