- Mailing Address
750 East Adams Street
Syracuse, New York 13210 - Phone
- (315) 464-5540
- Email address
- admiss@upstate.edu
- Website
- https://www.upstate.edu/
- School Information
- "Upstate Medical University in Syracuse, NY is the only academic medical center in Central New York. The campus includes Upstate University Hospital, Upstate University Hospital at Community General, Upstate Golisano Children's Hospital and numerous satellite sites. It is also the region's largest employer with 9,460 employees. The mission of Upstate Medical University is to improve the health of the communities we serve through education, biomedical research and health care" (Source: https://www.linkedin.com/school/suny-upstate-medical-university/).
- General Information
- The school has engaged in an array of actions related to promoting the instruction of anti-racism on its campus. Namely, the 2020 Diversity Task Force was formed in order to highlight priorities related to education and training, among other goals. Some targeted plans included requiring faculty training within anti-racism and requiring all students, faculty, and staff to take a course related to bias. See developments below:
Actions Taken
- Admissions Policies
The school states that, “a prime goal of the Office of Diversity and Inclusion (ODI) Task Force, we need to be better at recruiting diverse individuals and retaining them by providing high-quality support, mentoring and career development.”
The President's "Statement of Policy in Diversity & Affirmative Action Program" includes the "admission of a diverse student body."
The University's 2023-2028 Strategic Plan aims to increase diversity, equity, and inclusion by "[improving] academic and employment pathway and pipeline programs to Upstate."
- Anti-Racism, Bias, and Diversity Training
Upstate planned to implement required faculty training on racism according to its 2020 Diversity Task Force.
According to the 2020 Diversity Task Force, Upstate planed to "offer a required short course for all incoming students, trainees and faculty and staff, orienting them to social justice and to Upstate’s mission and culture, including an introduction to local history related to social justice and brief training in bystander intervention for bias."
The University's 2023-2028 Strategic Plan aims to "[i]mplement race, equity and inclusion training."
- Curriculum Changes and Requirements
In 2020, the Office of Diversity and Inclusion developed its 2020 Diversity Task Force. One of its goals was to "systematically assess all Upstate curricular content for bias and implement appropriate changes to mitigate bias" and "perform a survey of the curriculum to eliminate inappropriate/offensive material and reduce heteronormative bias."
- Program and Research Funding
On April 20, 2022, it was announced, "Upstate physician Amy Caruso Brown has been awarded a grant to expand her work on addressing biases in healthcare education to advance health equity. The $25,000 President’s Grant from the Josiah Macy Jr. Foundation will allow Caruso Brown to promote her Upstate Bias Checklist and further the work of the Bias Checklist Collaborative she created by funding the development of a website that will support users of the checklist."
On June 27, 2023, it was announced that the Public Health Scholars program received a $100,000 grant as a “Special Pathway for historically disadvantaged populations.”
The school has a program known as Collegiate Science and Technology Entry Program, which “is an initiative that aids in the success of students in preparing for careers in the scientific, technical and health-related fields for students from underrepresented backgrounds."
The school has a Jump into Healthcare program which seeks to “diversify the health care workforce by introducing students from underrepresented minority backgrounds to the range of health careers that offer promising employment opportunities.”
The Mercy Works SYNERGY Summer Internship (professional development) Program at Upstate "targets goal-oriented minority students from the city of Syracuse who are currently enrolled in an undergraduate college program."
The goal of the The Presidential Scholars Summer Internship Program is "to attract and retain talented under-represented professionals from the Syracuse Metropolitan Area." The program is a "preparation for employment and/or for advanced degree study related to occupations in the health care industry."
- Resources
The Health Sciences Library offers a list of resources on "Anti-Racism."
The school's Office of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion published its resource page which includes "Everyday Bias" and "Racial Equity Tools."
According to Northwestern University's National Collaborative for Education to Address the Social Determinants of Health, "At SUNY Upstate Medical University, all first-year medical students take a case-based longitudinal course in health systems called Patients to Populations (P2P). First originated in 2016, the course has long included discussions of racism in medicine."
In 2021, the university published a video presentation of its Diversity Action Plan.
The university's grand rounds included a presentation by Dr. George Stanley titled "Concepts of Race, Racism, and Racial Issues in Women’s Health: A Historical and Contemporary Discussion."
- Symbolic Actions
The Health Sciences Library also offers resources dedicated to "Multicultural Appreciation
According to the 2020 Diversity Task Force, Upstate planned to "create a social justice roundtable series and health equity M&M conferences."
The school hosts the Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Celebration Committee, which will “work to celebrate our diverse campus community year-round by providing educational materials and planning events that celebrate our community members.”
The Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences Department has “created the roles of Quality, Diversity, and Wellness Officers and have added them to our organization chart.”
The Department of Public Health and Preventive Medicine “is also an active participant in efforts to support diversity, equity, and inclusion.”