- Mailing Address
Office of Admissions PO Box 100215
Gainesville, Florida 32610 - Phone
- (352) 273-7990
- Email address
- med-admissions@ufl.edu
- Website
- https://med.ufl.edu/
- School Information
- "Since graduating its first medical students in 1960, the College has graduated more than 5,000 physicians. The college also offers other graduate degree programs, including : medical sciences, biomedical engineering, physician assistant studies, and Graduate Program in biomedical sciences. The college’s Gainesville campus is comprised of 29 clinical and basic science departments and the UF School of Physician Assistant Studies and is staffed by more than 1,400 faculty members. The Jacksonville campus, located 75 miles to the northeast, is home to more than 450 physicians and scientists delivering medical care in an urban setting, performing research and educating medical students and residents" (Source: https://med.ufl.edu/about/).
- General Information
- The medical school offers training and resources related to anti-racism, diversity, equity, and inclusion. The school is also taking steps to develop inclusive excellence and to restructure recruitment and retention. At this time, it does not appear that anti-racism training is mandated. See developments below:
Actions Taken
- Admissions Policies
The Strategic Plan for the Department of Inclusion, Diversity, Equity, and Access (IDEA) includes assessments of current inclusion, diversity, equity and access matters, increasing recruitment and retention of underrepresented faculty and students, and promoting health equity research.
The University of Florida College of Medicine’s Office for Diversity & Health Equity has pipeline programs such as the Summer Neuroscience Internship Program which “aims to support college students from diverse backgrounds who seek to pursue doctoral (Ph.D.) training in neuroscience and prepare for rewarding careers in biomedical research, education and enterprise.”
- Anti-Racism, Bias, and Diversity Training
As part of the statements on combating systemic racism, the school made recommendations “for those who want to learn more about systemic racism” by saying, “please do not further burden your Black friends and colleagues by asking them to expend the energy necessary to educate you.” They advised them to do the work themselves and provided resources including online training, videos, articles, and books with several from Ibram X. Kendi.
- Curriculum Changes and Requirements
According to a report published by the group Do No Harm, "First-year students must take instruction in the principles of health equity, distributive justice, and ethics in healthcare law and policy. Other courses discuss 'the social determinants of health which influence health inequities among population groups.'"
According to a report published by the group Do No Harm, the college's "Health Systems Science curriculum aligns with IHI’s recent discussions of adding 'advancing health equity' as an additional component of the Triple Aim, as the learning objectives reflect current DEI orthodoxy about health equity. Examples of topics within each domain include 'Teach and practice medicine with cultural humility;' 'Describe how social determinants of health influence patient health and health disparities;' and 'Examine bias in healthcare delivery and research.'"
- Faculty/Staff Requirements
According to a report published by the group Do No Harm, "Senior leadership must publically [sic] embrace, through broad, repetitive and effective communication, a definitive and unequivocal position that diversity, inclusion, and health equity is synonymous with excellence."
- Program and Research Funding
According to a report published by the group Do No Harm, the college spent $400,000 on its "Racial Justice Research Fund," which offered "support for research that will inform understanding of the Black experience, racial justice, diversity, equity and inclusion on campus and beyond" in 2020-2021.
On June 13, 2022, the Gainesville Sun reported that Stanley Goldfarb, the chair of Do No Harm, “claims the University of Florida is discriminating against white people by offering a scholarship to minorities who have been historically marginalized and underrepresented in the medical field.”
On May 10, 2023, the college of medicine reported on its "Increasing Diversity, Equity and Access (IDEA) summer internships" which "offers a paid, eight-week opportunity to work alongside leading biomedical researchers." The article states, "Minority undergraduate students from either UF or Santa Fe College who are juniors or seniors are eligible to apply."
On January 9, 2024, the college of medicine announced, "Fourth year Underrepresented in Medicine (UIM) students interested in the field of radiation oncology have been invited to apply for the UF Radiation Oncology SPARK-ONC Student Program." The program was created to " increase representation and participation of underrepresented students in radiation oncology at the University of Florida."
- Resources
The school has a site dedicated to the June 2020 statement on anti-black racism following the death of George Floyd as well as the action plan for the school.
The Department of Multicultural and Diversity Affairs and the UF Health Science Center Library Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Team have each “created a resource page with information to promote diversity, equity, and inclusion” with multiple recommendations for books, courses, and readings by Ibram X. Kendi as well as providing these books and articles for free at the library.
According to a report published by the group Do No Harm, the college's "admissions page also has a link to a university article, Resources for Combating Systemic Racism."
According to a report published by the group Do No Harm, the college "lists self-study materials such as 'Antiracism Resources for White People,' 'An Antiracist Reading List,' and 'Guidelines for Being a Strong White Ally,' which advises the reader, 'Assume racism is everywhere, every day.'" The Office of Admissions also suggests resources, including "White Fragility: Why It’s So Hard for White People to Talk About Racism" by Robin DiAngelo.
UF Health has a site dedicated to “Inclusive Excellence Resources.”
The college of medicine offers the "Global Health Equity seminar series" elective which "will emphasize the frameworks of human rights and social justice and employ the Social Determinants/Ecologic model to examine health and health care systems in the US and around the world."
- Symbolic Actions
The school’s Inclusion, Diversity, Equity, and Access (IDEA) department has an Advisory Council, Health Diversity Council, and Champions Committee that works to “cultivate a culture of inclusive excellence” taking steps against racism and inequity.
According to a report published by the group Do No Harm, the college "makes its first impression on visitors to its website by displaying a photograph of medical students on its main admissions landing page. This is not the stock image of people simulating a conversation about a patient’s diagnosis. Instead, the students’ fists are high in the air, and they hold a sign that reads #WhiteCoatsForBlackLives." The caption reads, "BLACK LIVES MATTER! The UF College of Medicine Office of Admissions unequivocally condemns racism, injustice, and prejudice in all forms. We acknowledge the existence and persistence of systemic oppression and racism that endanger the lives of people of color. We strive for an admissions culture that is reflective, informed and inclusive, dedicated to building a diverse community of future physicians who share a commitment to excellence and equity in healthcare."
According to a report published by the group Do No Harm, the college's Office of Educational Affairs said, "Our educational programs will promote health equity in our society.” The office has also said, "The curriculum is responsive to emerging and dynamic needs of society including local and global health disparities, and inequity."
According to a report published by the group Do No Harm, "three consecutive statements" in the college's Code of Ethics "advise students to acknowledge and uphold the anti-racist and DEI agenda." These statements are, according to Do No Harm, "Foster a just and inclusive community by speaking out against social injustice, racism, prejudice, and inequity," "Strive to eliminate social barriers to health, health disparities, and inequality within our profession," and "Acknowledge and minimize our implicit and explicit biases as we relate to others."
The University of Florida College of Medicine’s Office for Diversity & Health Equity has a Minority Mentoring Program.
On April 10-15, 2023, the College of Medicine hosted a “Celebration of Diversity Week.”
In 2023, the College of Medicine will offer the Summer Health Professions Education Program which has a goal to “strengthen the academic proficiency and career development of students underrepresented in the health professions.”
From July 31 to August 25, 2023, the Radiation Oncology department held a program known as SPARK-ONC which was made to “increase representation and participation of underrepresented students in radiation oncology at the University of Florida.”