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Alfred State College

Undergraduate School

Mailing Address
10 Upper College Dr
Alfred, New York 14802
(800) 425-3733
School Information
"Alfred State, a residential college of technology, provides career-focused education enriched by the liberal arts. With about 80 dynamic majors — offering engaging course work in both traditional classrooms and the real world — Alfred State provides students with unparalleled preparation." (Source:
General Information
Alfred State offers a course "Power, Privilege, & Difference." Alfred State does not currently require Critical Race Training sessions of all students. However, see developments below:

Actions Taken

Admissions Policies
  • ASC's Strategic Plan aims to reach and recruit new audiences "tailored to BIPOC and under-represented groups."
Anti-Racism, Bias, and Diversity Training
  • The Center for Equity, Inclusion, and Title IX offers workshops and training with topics ranging from "safe zone training" to "privilege walk."
  • In October of 2020, the Alfred State athletic department worked with Shawn Newton from the Newton Consultancy Group to provide student-athletes with education on racism. Newton presented a program titled, "Racism: Breaking it Down and Breaking it Apart," which is designed to "enhance people's awareness of the phenomenon of racism and the methods and techniques to dismantle it."
  • The Cultural Life Center states it maintains a "commitment to addressing unethical systemic power imbalances present between institutions and people affected." The Center also provides "educational workshops/programs, professional training, advocacy, and outreach," to facilitate students’ "self-awareness, learning, and growth of different cultures, viewpoints, and experiences."
  • The Center for Equity provides "workshops and trainings" including those on "Social Justice," "Who Am I? Identity Exploration and Diversity," "Privilege Walk," and more.
Curriculum Changes and Requirements
  • As of the Fall 2023 semester, ASC's General Education requirement includes a "Diversity, Equity, Inclusion and Social Justice" component in order to fulfill the 30 credit hours of coursework.
Faculty/Staff Requirements
  • ASC's College of Technology states that it would require faculty to "participate in diversity training each year."
Program and Research Funding
  • The Center for Intercultural Unity at ASC "facilitates students' self-awareness, learning, and growth regarding different cultures, viewpoints, and experiences" and "support[s] and promote[s] under-represented student organizations, including, but not limited to LGBTQ+, students of color, women, veterans and military service, international students, and faith-based groups."
  • The Drago Family Endowed Fund provides scholarships to "academically talented incoming students" with priorities given to "minority students."
  • Alfred State offers a course, "Power, Privilege, & Difference," which "examines the social forces at work directing the distribution of power and privilege in American society. Using a sociological perspective, students learn about the multiple hierarchies defined by class, race/ethnicity, gender, and sexuality and the consequences of one's location in them. Students will learn intersectionality theory and its application to the study of inequality; that 'difference' is socially constructed in systems of privilege to create 'otherness,' and, in turn, prejudice and discrimination."
  • Alfred State's Library offers research guides on systemic racism.
  • ASC's e Center for Equity, Inclusion, and Title IX provides a list of "anti-racist" resources which include: "A Kids Book About Racism," How To Be An Antiracist," and "Me and White Supremacy."
  • The College Library provides definitions and resources on "White Privilege," "Anti-Racism," "Whiteness," and "Intersectionality."
  • The College provides resources on "Inclusive Pedagogy."
  • The College has a Chief Diversity Officer and Policy Specialist.
Symbolic Actions
  • The School displayed a Black Lives Matter mural after raising at least "$6,750" through a GoFundMe campaign that was "seeking $8,000 for the mural."
Last updated July 10th, 2024
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