- Mailing Address
Quad Center
Auburn, Alabama 36849 - Phone
- (334) 844-4000
- Email address
- admissions@auburn.edu
- Website
- http://www.auburn.edu/
- School Information
- "Auburn University was established in 1856 as the East Alabama Male College, 20 years after the city of Auburn's founding. In 1872, under the Morrill Act, the school became the first land-grant college in the South and was renamed the Agricultural and Mechanical College of Alabama. In 1899 the name again was changed, to the Alabama Polytechnic Institute. Finally, in 1960 the name of the school was changed to Auburn University, a title more in keeping with its location, and expressing the varied academic programs and larger curriculum of a major university." The university enrolls over 30,700 students, employs over 1,420 faculty, and has over 150 majors. (Source: http://www.auburn.edu/main/welcome/factsandfigures.php)
- General Information
- Auburn University had considered requiring Critical Race Training across campus, but no requirement was ever implemented. In 2020, the university launched a task force for "Opportunity and Equity." The university task force's subcommittee for "Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Education and Training" recommended a mandatory university-wide "diversity, equity and inclusion" training program. In July 2024, it was announced that Auburn will shut down its Office of Inclusion and Diversity to meet new state law regulations. See developments below:
Actions Taken
- Admissions Policies
The Office of Inclusion and Diversity published a document titled "Auburn University Institutional DEI Strategy Overview," which states that one of its goals is to "Assist Auburn University in recruiting and retaining minority and women faculty, students, and staff at all levels."
The Tiger Takeoff Program at Auburn is an "educational recruitment conference for rising seniors (high- school class of 2025) from Alabama" and is "open to all students with a focus on students from underrepresented geographic locations and backgrounds."
An April 20, 2023 document titled "State of Inclusion and Diversity" states that "Auburn is driving diverse enrollment and recruitment by engaging underrepresented communities" and that "[each] college has a suite of scholarships for underrepresented students."
- Anti-Racism, Bias, and Diversity Training
The university has launched the "Presidential Task Force for Opportunity and Equity" to "address disparities in recruitment and retention, as well as the implementation of a campus-wide Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Education and Training program."
The university task force's subcommittee for "Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Education and Training" recommended a mandatory university-wide "diversity, equity and inclusion" training program through the "EverFi learning module".
The Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Committee at the Department of Psychological Sciences is working with the university’s Office of Inclusion and Diversity to meet the DEI plan and goals including offering anti-racism training and incorporating DEI education into classes.
The Office of Inclusion and Diversity at AU offers "Diversity Education" sessions to "increase the knowledge, skills, and awareness related to diversity, equity, and inclusion for faculty, staff, and students at Auburn University."
The Office of Inclusion and Diversity published a document titled "Auburn University Institutional DEI Strategy Overview," which states that the College of Human Sciences would "[s]upport faculty and staff success by offering professional growth opportunities and diversity and inclusion training." Additionally, the overview states that the Harrison School of Pharmacy would "Increase awareness, education, and training of Diversity and Inclusion for administrators, faculty, staff, and students."
The AU University Libraries published its "Diversity Action Plan," which states that it would "[p]rovide both computer-based and in-person opportunities for training on inclusion, bias, microaggressions, reporting discrimination, etc."
- Curriculum Changes and Requirements
The College of Liberal Arts at AU lists its courses related to diversity and states that the College "strive[s] to create an inclusive curriculum and intentionally incorporate[s] diversity" into its courses.
The Office of Inclusion and Diversity published a document titled "Auburn University Institutional DEI Strategy Overview," which states that the Harrison School of Pharmacy would "Integrate diversity, inclusion, and cultural competence into the HSOP Professional Curriculum." Additionally, the overview states that the College of Education would "Develop and enhance curriculum and training focused on diversity and inclusion for the college and broader communities."
One of the 2022-2023 goals of the Department of Psychological Sciences at AU is to "Advance research and support for incorporating DEI [Diversity, Equity, Inclusion] goals and materials into our curriculum and courses."
- Disciplinary Measures
AU's Student Affairs Department has a "Bias Education and Response Team" webpage where students and staff can report a bias incident. The Department states, "A bias-related incident involves conduct (acts, behaviors, or communications) against a person, motivated by the offender’s biases regarding age, disability, ethnicity, gender, gender identity/expression, nation origin/nationality, race, religion, sex, sexual orientation, veteran status or other identity."
- Program and Research Funding
One of the 2022-2023 goals of the Department of Psychological Sciences at AU is to "Expand resources, access, and publicity for diversity science research."
The College of Liberal Arts at AU offers "Academic Enrichment Scholarships for Diversity," which "provides up to $3,000 to CLA students who are enrolled in a study abroad program related to their educational and career goals." Eligibility requires full-time students who demonstrate "diversity as determined by the goals of the Auburn University Strategic Diversity Plan."
An April 20, 2023 document titled "State of Inclusion and Diversity" states that "Auburn invests in its staff, faculty and students to empower diversity on campus with Inclusive Excellence Grants" which has "awarded more than $29,000 across several impactful initiatives throughout Auburn’s campus."
- Resources
Beginning in Spring 2022, Auburn University’s Office of Inclusion and Diversity will be expanding its diversity, equity and inclusion learning modules and provide additional DEI courses and education.
On April 14, 2022, Auburn University’s Office of Inclusion and Diversity hosted its inaugural State of Inclusion and Diversity event where they highlighted diversity initiative progress in education as well as a “20-percent increase in new Black freshman and transfer students last fall.”
At Auburn University, they offer a mentee-mentor program which enables students to gain information and learn about how to become career ready. Under the Merge Mentee program, mentor-mentee pairs are encouraged to discuss the six career readiness competencies: communication, critical thinking, technology, equity and inclusion, teamwork, and leadership. Under the equity and diversity tab, it is shown that to have the skill of equity and inclusion, one must “demonstrate the awareness, attitude, knowledge, and skills required to equitably engage and include people from different locals and global cultures… [as well as] engage in anti-racist practices that actively challenge the systems, structures, and policies of racism.” One of the ways one could become equitable and inclusive is by “active[ly] learning about diverse cultures, races, ages, genders, sexual orientations, and religions.”
One of the 2022-2023 goals of the Department of Psychological Sciences at AU states the following: "Our department internally approved an updated tenure and promotion policy that incorporates DEI activities, and we will advocate for it to proceed through the college and university review processes so that it can be officially adopted by the end of the academic year."
The Claremont Institute Center for the American Way of Life published a report titled "Going Woke in Dixie?: The Progress of DEI at the University of Alabama & Auburn University," which discusses in depth, the current DEI practices/programs at Auburn University. The executive summary states the following: "In 2020, the Presidential Task Force for Opportunity and Equity recommended initiatives focused on DEI education and minority recruitment/retention. Not only does Auburn adopt faculty recruitment policies like implicit bias training and diversity certifications for candidate pools; it skirts federal law on racial recruitment for students.... At least five colleges have active DEI committees, variously named. These include the College of Education, the Samuel Ginn College of Engineering, the College of Liberal Arts, the Harrison College of Pharmacy, and the College of Science and Mathematics."
On November 3, 2022, Auburn hosted an event titled "Land in Alabama: Heirs Property, Critical Race Theory, and Reparations" which "looks at 'heirs' property and the myriad of issues this form of inheritance of property has caused for Black families in Alabama."
The Diversity Leaders Roundtable is comprised of "Academic and Administrative Diversity Leaders" who are appointed in order to "coordinate the advancement of diversity, equity and inclusion policies, practices and procedures within their given" units.
The DEI Student Advisory Roundtable at Auburn assists and advises the Office of Inclusion and Diversity "on efforts to advance the university’s diversity, equity and inclusion (DEI) initiatives" and is "comprised of no more than 15 excited and engaged undergraduate, graduate and professional students from a variety of backgrounds, departments and class years."
One of the goals of the Human Development and Family Science Anti-Racism Equity and Inclusivity Committee is to "[a]ddress implicit and explicit racism that impacts hiring decisions, recruitment efforts, department climate, and retention of underrepresented minorities."
- Symbolic Actions
The Department of Sociology, Anthropology and Social Work at AU offers a "Student Award for Commitment to Social Justice," which is presented to a graduating social work student who has demonstrated a "commitment and dedication to the ideals of social justice" and "promoted awareness about oppression and issues of diversity, equality of opportunity, and social change efforts."
The Office of Inclusion and Diversity states that the university "will proactively work to eliminate barriers facing underrepresented community members and commit to sustaining and supporting diversity in all its forms...."
On April 18, 2024, the Black Alumni Council hosted the "2024 Donning of the Kente Graduation Ceremony" which was held for black student graduates. The "Kente cloth, with its vibrant colors and intricate patterns, symbolizes the endurance and spirit of the African diaspora." The council also states, "Wearing the Kente stole signifies pride in our African heritage and honors the legacy of those who have come before us."
As of 2024, the Auburn Athletics Department has compliance information. Its mission includes “a spirit of inclusion, encouraging diversity and equitable treatment for all.”