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Augustana University

Undergraduate School

Mailing Address
2001 S Summit Ave
Sioux Falls, South Dakota 57197
(605) 274-0770
Email address
School Information
Founded in 1860, Augustana is a selective, comprehensive university affiliated with the Lutheran Church. With more than 100 majors, minors and pre-professional programs for undergraduates, along with graduate degree and continuing education programs, the University is committed to enriching lives and fostering development by combining a foundation in the liberal arts with professional skill and advanced study. Augustana serves more than 1,900 students from 41 states and 24 countries. Most are part of our residential community and call our 100-acre campus home. Our graduate and continuing education programs serve students online and during times that are convenient for adult learners. (source:
General Information
Augustana University has demonstrated an overwhelming commitment to advancing diversity, equity, and inclusion. In 2019, it unveiled a “Diversity and Inclusion Plan” which seeks to embed DEI principles into every aspect of the University including enrollment and retention, hiring, curriculum, and training. In 2020, the University conducted a “Black at Augustana” event to ally with Black Lives Matter and “educate” students on anti-racism. Augustana’s Dean released a “Call to Action” letter denouncing the “All Lives Matter” slogan and promoting anti-racism. In an optional seminar, students and faculty can earn a “Diversity Advocate Certification” by attending seminars on “bias,” “critical race theory,” and “intersectionality.” Diversity education is integrated directly into curriculum for students and faculty, including First Year Seminars (FYS) and pre-professional programs. This training aims to promote racial sensitivity and inter-cultural competency.

Actions Taken

Admissions Policies
  • AU's 2022 Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Plan states that it would "Assess current practices related to recruiting, enrolling and retaining a diverse student body" and would "review adequacy of financial aid resources necessary to support a more diverse student body."
Anti-Racism, Bias, and Diversity Training
  • In Augustana's 2019 "Diversity and Inclusion Plan," it planned to "Define institutional standards to be used by search committees that will emphasize diversity as a consideration and conduct inter-cultural competency and sensitivity training for search committee members." This process is to be repeated for administrators, coaches, and support staff.
  • Augustana offered a "Diversity Advocate Certification Program." This program includes seminars on "Understanding Bias," "Safe Space Training," "Intersectionality," "Critical Race Theory," and "Supporting Systemically Non-Dominant Students."
  • In Augustana's 2019 "Diversity and Inclusion Plan," it created a goal to "Conduct inter-cultural competency and sensitivity training that develops core diversity awareness for all campus community constituencies--faculty, administrators, coaches, support staff and students."
  • AU created a flyer listing all of its Fall 2023 "Diversity Advocacy Courses" which are a series of training courses on diversity. Included in the offerings are, "Intro to Diversity Advocacy," "Leading Inclusive Diverse Searches," and "Understanding Bias."
  • AU's 2022 Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Plan states that it would "Conduct inter-cultural competency and sensitivity training that develops core diversity awareness for all campus community constituencies—faculty, administrators, coaches, support staff and students."
Curriculum Changes and Requirements
  • In Augustana's 2019 "Diversity and Inclusion Plan," it planned to "Enhance students' understanding of diversity-related engagement..." To this end, the University commits to "Integrate diversity education and experiences more deliberately into the curriculum, starting with FYS (First Year Seminar) courses and including advanced courses (ideally as part of each major, but particularly for pre-professional programs in business, nursing and education)." This process is to be repeated for faculty.
  • AU's 2022 Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Plan states that in order to "Integrate diversity education and experiences more deliberately into the curriculum," it would do the following: "Facilitate professional development opportunities for faculty related to effective integration of diversity education (e.g., inclusive pedagogy, mentoring, advising)"; "Include more courses that expand the diversity of ideas and perspectives within disciplines and that are likely to attract more diverse faculty and students"; "Explore new majors, minors and academic programs (e.g., social justice) that have a more direct focus on diversity and that create different career and service pathways for students."
Program and Research Funding
  • AU's 2022 Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Plan states that it would "Create a diversity fund to encourage and support innovation related to diversity initiatives."
  • On April 17, 2024, the Journey Scholars Program was highlighted in an article. This program focuses on projects involving BIPOC.
  • The athletics department has its own programs and resources for DEI.
  • Augustana has a "Diversity and Inclusion Office" which "supports a community of learners who value and support diversity, cultural competency and multicultural education."
  • Augustana Dean posted "A Call to Action" on behalf of the schools condemning a "resurgence of attacks on Black bodies." He asks students to "educate" themselves and provides a link "with resources for allies and accomplices to aide in your anti-racism work." He adds, "Be sure to remember, when your hear and see folks declaring that "Black Lives Matter," don't respond that "All Lives Matter." In theory, yes, all lives matter; however, right now, we are concerned with the lives of Black folks who are suffering tragic deaths due to social injustices, anti-blackness, and systemic disregard of their lives. Therefore, Black Lives Matter."
  • The school has an Inclusive Language Guide for terminologies related to DEI.
Symbolic Actions
  • Augustana hosted a "Black at Augustana" event in October 2020 to have a "conversation" and "educate students" on what blacks students are "feeling," "facing," and "fighting for."
  • "More than 100 members of the Augustana community gathered both virtually and in-person to pay witness to the Black Lives Matter (BLM) movement Oct. 30 where students shared personal experiences, called for changes on campus and urged allies to step in." Augustana sophomore Tsegab Arega moderated the event and commented, "It's not our job to educate the campus." "We do it because it is embedded in our DNA to fight for equity. That is something our administrators should do, especially if 'diversity' is considered a core value."
Last updated July 15th, 2024
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