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Azusa Pacific University

Undergraduate School

Mailing Address
901 E. Alosta Ave.
Azusa, California 91702
(626) 812-3016
Email address
School Information
"Azusa Pacific University, one of the largest Christian universities in the nation today, began on March 3, 1899, when a group of women and men passionate about creating a place for Christian education gathered to form the Training School for Christian Workers. It became the first Bible college on the West Coast geared toward preparing men and women for ministry and service. Meeting in a modest home in Whittier, California, and led by President Mary A. Hill, the school grew to an enrollment of 12 in its first term. The early years of growth saw the school relocate and change leadership several times. Then, following mergers with three Southern California colleges, the university relocated in 1946 to the city of Azusa, where it resides today." The university offers over 200 programs at both the undergraduate and graduate levels, with a student to faculty ratio of 12 to 1. The total enrollment is over 10,000.
General Information
The university has instituted many initiatives in order to promote diversity, equity, and inclusive excellence. Faculty diversity training has been created to further implement these changes. Additionally, the Office of the Provost seeks to change the curricular structure especially in General Education. These changes establish diversity topics as central to school curriculum. See developments below:

Actions Taken

Anti-Racism, Bias, and Diversity Training
  • APU hosts the Diversity Ambassadors Program. This is a six-session intensive that seeks to train faculty, staff, and administrators as "diversity ambassadors" who will continue developing "diversity curriculum."
  • The university has created the Imago Dei Diversity Training for Faculty and Staff in order to "embrace diversity." Last year, this training was intended to have "stripped away barriers" and to have "imparted practical ways to overcome biases."
Curriculum Changes and Requirements
  • The Office of the Provost stated that APU will work to "integrate diversity studies into the curriculum" including within General Education. The school also offers an Ethnic Studies Minor.
  • APU lists its many diversity courses and states, "In an effort to integrate diversity studies into the curriculum, pertinent issues are addressed within General Education courses, and specific courses focus on diverse perspectives."
Disciplinary Measures
  • APU outlines its Bias Incident Reporting system and states, "A bias incident is any intentional or unintentional act or behavior directed toward an individual or group based on any facet of the individual’s or group’s identities." The outlines goes on to state that acts of bias may include "Cultural appropriations" and "Microaggressions."
Political Actions and Support for Anti-Racism
  • The university released an article detailing an interview of two professors, T. Scott Bledsoe and Kimberly Setterlund, who co-authored a book titled "Using Narratives and Storytelling to Promote Cultural Diversity on College Campuses." This interview also touched upon the subject of George Floyd.
Program and Research Funding
  • The Student Center for Reconciliation and Diversity "designs and implements an array of services and programs that promote equity-minded recruitment and retention, leadership development, identity development, and the pursuit of holistic success of APU’s diverse student population, especially historically underrepresented students." This center is a branch of the Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Division.
  • The Center for Diversity, Equity, and Inclusive Excellence which is the second branch of the Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Division seeks to incorporate inclusive excellence with "diversity initiatives, services, and resources designed to support staff, faculty, and administrators in advancing diversity, equity, and inclusion in all aspects of university life." This includes the Diversity in the Classroom series of programming that APU hosts.
  • The SCRD provides scholarship opportunities such as the Multi-Ethnic Leadership Scholarship which seeks to promote students to "hone their skills and abilities as servant leaders and promote ethnic diversity and multicultural awareness at APU."
  • As an extension to the EDLS 405 Diversity in the Classroom course offering, APU offers the College Headed and Mighty Proud program which is a "service-learning experience" that is "designed to engage prospective teachers with issues such as race, culture, gender, ability, and wider social forces that affect traditional success and failure in the education setting."
  • Azusa Pacific Seminary professors of theology "launched a discussion with their students about how the seminary might fight racism." This was an effort that extended throughout the campus.
  • A grant from the Louisville Institute supports the "Lamenting Racism" project, which is a "series of six thought-provoking videos that invite church groups to practice biblical lament as a tool to fight racism" and was created by Azusa Pacific Seminary and Herald Press.
  • On July 19, 2023, APU reported that it "received a $199,996 grant from the National Science Foundation (NSF) to study the effectiveness of learning assistants in the classroom and the experiences of historically underrepresented students in STEM, while providing funding for an additional 10 learning assistants per semester over the next two years."
Re-Imagining Policing
  • Members of the Department of Campus Safety at APU "participate in extensive training focused on a variety of topics, including harassment, implicit bias, microaggressions, mental health awareness, persons with disabilities, crisis communications, de-escalation techniques, and use-of-force training."
  • APU has effected the Diversity Mosaic Experience which includes resources such as videos meant to "develop a deep discourse on diversity." Additionally, the program seeks to instruct students, faculty, and staff on "diversity, equity, and inclusion."
  • The university provided resources for educators on how to "further educational equity."
  • In February 2021, the university recommended 7 books as a part of Black History month.
  • Alongside CCCU, APU hosts a Diversity Conference.
  • The Diversity Council at APU "affirms and values the nature of diversity and promotes the establishment and further support of university education policies, practices, and programs related to the understanding and appreciation of diversity from a biblical viewpoint."
  • APU seminary hosts events that "offer a platform for meaningful conversations, such as Black Lives Matter, Listen Los Angeles, [and] Black Pain and Tears..."
  • The school has a website dedicated to offering anti-racism and DEI resources.
Symbolic Actions
  • The President of the university made a statement in response to the deaths of Ahmaud Arbery and George Floyd saying that, "As your President, and on behalf of the President’s Cabinet and Board of Trustees, we simply are unable to let these incidents go by in silence. We are compelled as Christians and resolved as academic leaders to create a University, and contribute to a society, where all persons feel a sense of belonging and thrive. To our faculty, staff, and students of color, we acknowledge the pain of this injustice."
Last updated July 15th, 2024
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