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Bowling Green State University

Undergraduate School

Mailing Address
200 University Hall
Bowling Green State University
Bowling Green, Ohio 43403-0085
(419) 372-2531
Email address
School Information
"Bowling Green State University provides experiences that enhance lives. Students are prepared for lifelong career growth, lives of engaged citizenship and leadership in a global society. U.S. News and World Report names BGSU as one of the top public universities nationwide with a strong commitment to first-year programs that lead to success. Within our transformative learning community, we build a welcoming, safe and diverse environment where the creative ideas and achievements of all can benefit others throughout Ohio, the nation and the world." The university enrolls over 19,100 students, has an 18:1 student-faculty ratio, and over 180 undergraduate major programs. (Source: (Source:
General Information
Bowling Green State University (BGSU) has not yet implemented an school-wide antiracism program. However, the school has increased the amount and promotion of antiracist resources. Most recently, the university has hosted a workshop entitled, "Introduction to Identity, Social Justice, and Anti-Racism", which will "help people recognize and acknowledge their own thoughts, actions, and attitudes. As well as begin to make small changes in their daily lives with the goal of eradicating racism and the pernicious effects of all iterations of racism in their lives and in others." No mandatory Critical Race Training sessions are yet required of students. However, see developments below:

Actions Taken

Admissions Policies
  • The Division of Diversity and Belonging's 2020-23 "Comprehensive Strategy and Plan" states that "As a community, we commit to advance this culture through a comprehensive strategy and diversity plan that focuses on the recruitment, retention, and success of a diverse student body, faculty, staff, and administration."
Anti-Racism, Bias, and Diversity Training
  • The Office of Multicultural Affairs offers diversity education through an Inclusive Leadership Certificate program with sessions on “intercultural communication,” “social norms and microaggressions,” “power and privilege,” and “social justice.”
  • On April 7th, 2022, the Center for Faculty Excellence will be providing a Diversity and Belonging Workshop on “Microaggressions in Times of Trauma: Engaging Empathy with Colleagues as a Form of Anti-Racism.”
  • The Division of Diversity and Belonging offers multiple workshops and inclusive pedagogy on “implicit bias, racism, oppression, power and privilege,” and “various forms of injustice (e.g. microaggressions, power-based personal violence, etc.).”
  • University Libraries at BGSU states that it would implement "professional development opportunities and other programs that support diversity and inclusion initiatives for all our employees." The department also noted that it is "committed to helping our employees learn about, examine, and repair the effects of institutionalized racism and oppressive systems within our own organization as well as others, through research, study, conversation, and personal reflection."
  • The Division of Diversity and Belonging's 2020 - 2023 "Comprehensive Strategy and Plan" states that it would "Deliver impactful social justice and cultural competency professional development opportunities and trainings to enhance faculty, staff, and students’ capacity." The Plan also states that the Division would also "Explore incentives for faculty and staff participation in ally and advocate training workshops."
Curriculum Changes and Requirements
  • Following the discussions from the protests of 2020, the school’s Board of Trustees is planning a new course, BGSU 1914 tentatively, as “a required course that would cover democracy and cultural diversity.”
  • BGSU's Spring 2023 Course List states that "each student enrolled in a baccalaureate program must satisfactorily complete WRIT 1120, one course approved for Cultural Diversity in the United States, and one course approved for International Perspective."
Disciplinary Measures
  • BGSU provides several ways that members of its community can report incidents or concerns and states, "it is the responsibility of each person within the University community to take action when an issue or concern arises."
Political Actions and Support for Anti-Racism
  • The BGSU professor who teaches a course on Critical Race Theory, has launched a weekly podcast in conjunction with course ETHN 6800 to “give the public insight into the subject” and showcase those being anti-Critical Race Theory as being “uninformed.”
Program and Research Funding
  • It was announced that the school’s College of Communication Sciences and Disorders established the Anti-Discrimination and Social Justice Committee to “create an inclusive, anti-racist culture of belonging in the department and CSD professions.”
  • On April 29, 2024, it was announced that BGSU halted race-based scholarships for the time being.
  • The university has hosted a workshop entitled, "Introduction to Identity, Social Justice, and Anti-Racism", which will "help people recognize and acknowledge their own thoughts, actions, and attitudes. As well as begin to make small changes in their daily lives with the goal of eradicating racism and the pernicious effects of all iterations of racism in their lives and in others."
  • The Division of Diversity and Belonging has numerous university diversity and inclusion committees, initiatives, programs, plans, and resources on diversity, equity and inclusion.
  • The College of Musical Arts at the school provides a list of resources on diversity, anti-racism, and critical race theory including articles by Ibram X Kendi.
  • The Division of Diversity and Belonging's 2020 - 2023 "Comprehensive Strategy and Plan" states that it would "Establish university-wide learning and developmental outcomes related to diversity and inclusion that can be used for programming and assessment purposes."
  • BGSU has an EDHD Inclusion and Diversity strategic plan.
  • The Institute for the Study of Culture & Society has a principle for “modeling inclusion” and DEI.
  • The school incorporates inclusion and belonging within the hiring process.
Last updated July 15th, 2024
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