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California State University, Dominguez Hills

Undergraduate School

Mailing Address
1000 E. Victoria Street
Room C290
Carson, California 90747
(310) 243-3645
Email address
School Information
"CSUDH was founded in 1960; however, the campus sits on land that has a long and rich history. The university's 346 acres were once a section of the first private land grant in Southern California—the Rancho San Pedro. Juan José Dominguez (1736-1809), a Spanish soldier, received the original grant of 75,000 acres in 1784 from King Carlos III of Spain. While much of the acreage has been sold and developed, portions remain in the possession of Dominguez descendants. The site chosen for the university was known as the Dominguez Hills, named after the family" (Source: The university offers 46 Bachelor's degrees and 23 Master's degrees. The total enrollment is over 15,000 and the student to faculty ratio is 26 to 1.
General Information
CSUDH has embedded CRT in its curriculum, such as the Master of Social Work that it offers, as well as the Criminology and Justice Studies program and the Psychology program. In addition, CSUDH provides frequent programming related to anti-racism and the BLM movement. CSUDH also provides numerous anti-racism resources. CSUDH does engage in CRT programming in its institution. See developments below:

Actions Taken

Anti-Racism, Bias, and Diversity Training
  • For Black History Month, CSUDH hosted a series of courses on Instagram in February 2021. These were part of the series, "Social Justice Wednesdays: Make Dollars with Your Sense." This is a joint effort by the Rose Black Resource Center and the Loker Student Union. Participants have the incentive of the chance at winning gift cards.
  • CSUDH is a member of the Racial Equity Leadership Alliance which "provides high-quality, monthly professional development workshops and access to a digital repository of useful tools including virtual learning communities and an online resource library." Fall 2023 sessions include: "Integrating Racial Topics in Courses Across the Curriculum," "Teaching the Truth About America’s Racial History," and "Inclusive Classrooms and Teaching Practices."
  • The Office of Equity and Inclusion's 2023 Annual Report states that it would provide "educational opportunities and resources for the campus community to combat bias and violence." OEI "provided training and education to approximately 405 campus community members during the ’22-’23 Academic Year."
  • CSUDH's mandatory interactive online training for students titled "Get Inclusive" focuses on "building active bystander intervention skills throughout three modules: Diversity/Inclusion, Consent/Healthy Relationships, and Alcohol/Drugs."
  • The Office of Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Justice offers a variety of DEI trainings, including "Building Racial and Cultural Literacy," "Multicultural Competency," and "White Privilege and Allyship."
Curriculum Changes and Requirements
  • The Psychology Department of CSUDH promises it will "invest in a curriculum that includes the theme of anti-racism and brings awareness to the needs and concerns of people of color. Curricular efforts can include the modification of existing courses or the creation of new courses, new tracks of related courses, and new minors."
Disciplinary Measures
  • CSUDH has an Incident Reporting Form that is sent to the Office of Equity and Inclusion. The Office states, "By filling out this form, you are notifying the CSUDH Office of Equity and Inclusion about conduct related to discrimination, harassment, and/or retaliation (DHR), or sexual misconduct, dating violence, domestic violence, or stalking."
Faculty/Staff Requirements
  • The Office of Equity and Inclusion states that "All CSUDH staff, faculty, administrators, and student employees are required to participate in yearly trainings [Harassment/Discrimination] to comply with CSU policy, CA state laws, and federal regulations."
  • The job posting (2024) for Associate Dean, College of Arts and Humanities (Administrator III) states that a "CV, cover letter and diversity statement [are] required."
Political Actions and Support for Anti-Racism
  • The Psychology Department of CSUDH stated that it will "support organizations that champion equality and act to stifle discrimination, such as the NAACP, ACLU, Campaign Zero and, the Association of Black Psychologists, and the Black Lives Matter Global Network."
  • The Psychology Department commits that it will "vote in elections at the university-, local-, state-, and federal-level to support systemic changes in pursuit of anti-racism policies and leaders. In addition, the Psychology Department will use our collective voice to make meaningful communication efforts with legislators when policies are not in agreement with our statement."
Program and Research Funding
  • The goal of LSAMP (Louis Stokes Alliance for Minority Participation) at CSUDH is to "increase the number of individuals who have faced or face social, educational or economic barriers to careers in STEM."
  • CSUDH provided a video resource as an introduction to CRT within its Master of Social Work program.
  • As part of its Black Lives Matter Statement, the Career Center at CSUDH stated that it "wants to let our community know we are here, we are ready, and we are willing to put in the work to create and sustain systemic change. The work happening on our streets, in our news, and within our systems will continue to enact change in our curriculum, programming, and career readiness conversations."
  • The Career Center provides numerous Anti-Racism resources.
  • The Psychology Department of CSUDH seeks to mentor "students of color and other marginalized populations."
  • In 2022, CSUDH Faculty presented at the American Educational Research Association (AERA) annual meeting which featured a presentation by Assistant Professor Edward R. Curammeng on Critical Race Theory. The Professor "organized a symposium to discuss how education researchers are advancing critical race studies in education."
  • The CSUDH Book Store links to a book titled "On Critical Race Theory" ("Why it Matters and Why You Should Care") by Victor Ray.
  • Professor of Music Jonathon Grasse was nominated for the American Musicological Society’s 2023 Judy Tsou Critical Race Studies Award for his 2022 book "Hearing Brazil: Music and Histories in Minas Gerais." The award "honors outstanding musicological work in the field of critical race and/or critical ethnic studies."
  • During the 2022-2023 academic year, CSUDH "concluded" its council titled "Anti-Racism in the Academy Task Force" which made several recommendations and included, "Launch recruitment efforts to increase the number of Black students at CSUDH."
  • During the 2022-2023 academic year, CSUDH "concluded" its council titled "Anti-Racism in the Academy Task Force" which made several recommendations and included, "Provide funding to support Black faculty recruitment."
  • During the 2022-2023 academic year, CSUDH "concluded" its council titled "Anti-Racism in the Academy Task Force" which made several recommendations and included, "Hire additional psychologist who are adequately trained and competent in addressing anti-Black racism, racial trauma, cultural sensitivity, and the socio-political concerns of CSUDH students."
  • Nallely Arteaga, College of Education Assistant Professor, is a "Critical Race scholar" whose "work unpacks inequitable policies and practices in the K-12 school system that result in school pushout that are supported by deficit framed ideologies that often result in internalized racism, anti-black racism, and linguistic racism."
  • The scholarship of Edward R. Curammeng, College of Education Program Director for Curriculum and Instruction, "draws from critical race studies."
  • On February 1, 2023, Author Robin DiAngelo ("White Fragility"), gave a lecture at CSUDH which "outlined a framework of systemic racism and the strategies white people use to exempt themselves from accountability."
  • On May 8, 2024, CSUDH held its 2nd annual "State of Diversity Address" which "serves as an annual opportunity to critically assess our progress in advancing equity and justice as a matter of daily practice" and where  "senior leadership will present updates on new and continuing DEIJ programs, initiatives, priorities, and goals – connecting all efforts to the Going Far Together Strategic Plan."
Symbolic Actions
  • In response to the deaths of Ahmaud Arbery, Breonna Taylor, and George Floyd, the university released a statement saying, "We acknowledge that these acts of violence are the product of long-term structural and systemic racism. We also acknowledge the heartbreak, fear, exhaustion, and anger that is affecting our students, staff, faculty, administration, and community. Raising our voices in protest is critical, as is channeling our energies into the productive broadening and sustaining of organized nonviolent actions toward effective change."
  • In response to the Derek Chauvin verdict, the President stated that, "As long as minor infractions that could be handled with a simple citation are confronted by police with the brutality of lethal force and barbaric control of people perceived to be a threat, then genuine justice will continue to be relegated to the bookshelves of aspirational ideals."
  • CSUDH's Writing Center issued a "Philosophy and Commitment to Antiracism" statement which reads in part as follows: "The origins of education in the United States are, simultaneously and paradoxically, assimilatory and exclusionary...postsecondary writing has too often served a gatekeeping function for Black students and other Students of is imperative that our programs and practices honor students’ identities and experiences and contribute to the dismantling of educational structures that perpetuate racism and white supremacy."
  • On May 11, 2024, CSUDH offered its annual "Special Graduation Celebration" for Asian and Pacific Islander students which is "inclusive, welcoming all graduating students, regardless of their ethnicity."
Last updated June 21st, 2024
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