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Carthage College

Undergraduate School

Mailing Address
2001 Alford Park Dr
Kenosha, Wisconsin 53140
(262) 551-8500
Email address
School Information
"Founded in 1847, Carthage is located on the beautiful shore of Lake Michigan in Kenosha, Wisconsin, midway between Chicago and Milwaukee. Widely recognized for excellence, Carthage provides students with rare access to opportunities and facilities that cultivate the dynamic skills they need for life in a changing world." The college enrolls over 2,600 students, has a 13:1 student-faculty ratio, and has over fifty undergraduate majors and minors. (Source:
General Information
The college has taken steps to change its curriculum. Carthage College has required a "race history" course in order for students to graduate. The exact contents of the course are not yet known, particularly if the course contained elements of C.R.T. See developments below:

Actions Taken

Admissions Policies
  • The college's 2020-2023 Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Strategic Plan states the following regarding the recruitment of a diverse student body: "With the Carthage in the Year 2025 strategic plan, Carthage moved beyond earlier strategic goals focused on recruiting a diversity of students to a focus on equity and inclusion for all students. The plan articulated a commitment to creating a welcoming campus environment and ensuring the success of all students. These goals are even more appropriate now given the increasing proportion of students of color in the entering class over the past few years."
Anti-Racism, Bias, and Diversity Training
  • The college's 2020-2023 Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Strategic Plan recommends "intercultural competence professional development as part of a system-wide performance assessment of administrators, faculty and staff." The Plan also recommends offering an "Equity and Inclusion Certification Program" and an "Introduction to Equitable and Inclusive Classroom Practices."
  • The college's Anti-Racism Plan of Action states that "Faculty and staff will learn to understand, talk about, and confront racism through increased training and discussion."
  • Carthage offers an Equity and Inclusion Certificate Program to administrators, faculty, and staff in order to "deepen their intercultural competency" and "understanding of the effects of stereotypes, implicit bias and microaggressions."
  • The Office of Equity and Inclusion states, "All first-year Carthage students participate in ARISE [Anti-racism and Intercultural Seminar Experience], a two-semester program for freshmen."
Curriculum Changes and Requirements
  • The college's Anti-Racism Plan of Action states that "President John Swallow asked the Carthage faculty to implement the recently approved general education, graduation requirement course Diverse Perspectives for new students in the fall of 2021." Additionally the President "asked Provost David Timmerman to work with the Carthage faculty to ensure that all students study U.S. racial history as part of their Carthage education in their first or second year, through the graduation requirement beginning in fall 2021, and in as many courses as appropriate in the year 2020-21."
Disciplinary Measures
  • The college has a "Bias Education Response Team" and outlines its bias incident reporting system which states, "Bias incidents are those where speech or expressive conduct is directed toward an individual or group that is based on or motivated by the individual or group’s real or perceived gender, race/ethnicity, sexual orientation, religion, ability/neuro-ability, gender identity/expression, national origin, military/veteran status, and/or age."
Program and Research Funding
  • The college has received more than $500,000 in donations to fund "diversity and equity" initiatives, including $412,000 for "intercultural programs".
  • The DEIL (Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, Leadership) Fellows program "promotes diversity and student participation in campus life through volunteerism and academic excellence." The college awards 15 $2,500 DEIL scholarships to incoming students which are "renewable for four years."
  • In the third round of the "Anti-Racist Reading Group", students, faculty, and staff were encouraged to listen to the "1619 Project".
  • The college's 2020-2023 Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Strategic Plan defines "Equity-mindedness" by stating, "...acknowledge the socio-historical context of exclusionary practices, racism and the effect of power asymmetries on opportunities and outcomes for those who are underserved, underrepresented or marginalized."
  • One of the goals of the college's 2020-2023 Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Strategic Plan is to "Strengthen student intercultural competencies through curricular and cocurricular learning opportunities with diverse courses, individuals, and communities."
  • The college's 2020-2023 Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Strategic Plan reported that the college's staff would like to see the following changes regarding diversity: "Improving climate through mandatory cultural competency training and embedding cultural competency issues into job descriptions and performance criteria for all staff, faculty and administration" and "Provide more educational learning and development training on diversity, equity and inclusion, especially for supervisors and managers."
  • The college's 2020-2023 Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Strategic Plan recommends offering an "Equity-minded Course Syllabi: A Critical Inquiry."
  • The Office of Equity and Inclusion defines Critical Race Theory as follows: "Recognizes that racism is endemic to American life; expresses skepticism toward dominant legal claims of neutrality, objectivity, colorblindness, and meritocracy; challenges ahistoricism [sic] and insists on a contextual/historical analysis of the law; presumes that racism has contributed to all contemporary manifestations of group advantage and disadvantage."
  • The Office of Equity and Inclusion provides DEI resources associated with Juneteenth which include links to the Black Lives Matter website and an article titled “Black History Is American History: How Juneteenth Highlights the Necessity of Critical Race Theory and Anti-Racist Teaching.”
  • The research of Carter Rockhill, Director of BDI and Sports Management, includes "Critical race theory as applied to professional and intercollegiate athletics coaching and administration."
  • Through the Moon Shot for Equity national initiative, Carthage is "taking significant and measurable steps toward ensuring more students of color and other historically underserved populations graduate from college."
  • The Carthage Engagement and Inclusion Center "serves as a campus hub for equity, anti-racism, and inclusion programming" and is "committed to promoting the engagement, wellbeing, and all-inclusive growth of our underrepresented and historically marginalized students."
Last updated June 26th, 2024
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