- Mailing Address
270 Mohegan Ave
New London, Connecticut 06320 - Phone
- (860) 447-1911
- Email address
- info@conncoll.edu
- Website
- https://www.conncoll.edu/
- School Information
- Founded in 1911, Connecticut College today is where liberal education is being redefined for the 21st century. Our Connections approach encourages students to ask personal and meaningful questions and explore answers by integrating courses from multiple disciplines, engaging in off-campus learning and sharing what they have learned with the larger community. Our graduates are prepared to be creative, adaptive thinkers ready to tackle the world’s most complex problems. About our students: 1,865 total undergraduate enrollment. 92% ranked in the top 20% of their high school class. 19% domestic students of color. 96% employed or in graduate school one year after graduation.
- General Information
- Connecticut College has established the Center for the Critical Study of Race and Ethnicity: Building on several decades of scholarship that has pushed against the boundaries of traditional notions of knowledge production, the CCSRE offers an inter-, cross and anti-disciplinary approach to questions of power, difference, and social justice. Foundational themes are introduced in the gateway course AMS/HIS 206/EDU 223/CRE 209: Theorizing Race and Ethnicity. Additional cross-listed CRE courses are offered from faculty in history, French, sociology, Africana Studies, Latin American Studies and American studies. Students can also take many cross-listed classes in other departments. (source: http://conncoll.smartcatalogiq.com/2020-2021/Catalog/Majors-Minors-Center-Certificates-and-Integrative-Pathways/Center-for-the-Critical-Study-of-Race-and-Ethnicity) In 2020, Connecticut College implemented mandatory anti-bias training for students, faculty, and campus security personnel. In addition, starting with the class of 2024, all students must take a course on Social Difference and Power to graduate. (source: https://www.conncoll.edu/equity-inclusion/action-plan/priorities-and-progress/anti-racist-education-and-action-c-2020/)
Actions Taken
- Admissions Policies
CC's "Fly-in Programs" (Application deadline Sept 15, 2023) present an "opportunity for students who are BIPOC, first-generation college students, or have a commitment to social justice and diversity to see our campus, meet our community and participate in one of our signature admission events..."
One of the goals of the POSSE program at CC is to "expand the pool from which top colleges and universities can recruit outstanding young leaders from diverse backgrounds" and to "help these institutions build more interactive campus environments so that they can be more welcoming for people from all backgrounds."
On July 7, 2023, CC released a statement in response to the Supreme Court's affirmative action ruling which quoted Interim President Les Wong who stated the following: "'Nothing will deter Connecticut College from our moral commitment to social justice, accessibility and excellence. Our commitment remains strong because we know these values are important. We know that a commitment to social justice guides our moral compass. And we encourage our students, faculty and staff and our entire Conn community to engage and respect differences. We will continue to pursue these goals as we adjust to the Supreme Court’s unfortunate decision about race-conscious admissions. But we will not be turned away from the most fundamental notion of an education, from the most fundamental value of America'.”
- Anti-Racism, Bias, and Diversity Training
"To address one of the first goals of our Equity and Inclusion Action Plan (1.2.1.a., 2.1.7., 3.1.1.) we will require all members of the Connecticut College community to complete an online program that offers foundational training around questions of diversity, equity, and inclusion. This online instruction is meant to be just the first step in a much larger effort to promote advanced dialogue and understanding across difference."
"Refocus the diversity portion of new student orientation, again starting with the Class of 2024, to include a more intentional focus on combating interpersonal racism within the campus community." "Revamped new student orientation program to focus on anti-Black, and anti-BIPOC racism. Issuing Anti-Racism Action Plan guidebooks to new students."
CC links to a variety of resources on the topic of bias training including the "UCLA Implicit Bias Video Series" and "The Implicit Association Test."
The Division of Equity and Inclusion offers DEI workshops and states that "any member of our college community can easily request customized training, workshops, and programs directly from our DEI professional staff."
CC's Division of Equity and Inclusion has "[o]ffered comprehensive faculty development centering critical theories of race and ethnicity across traditional STEM fields under the programmatic theme: SYZYGY."
- Curriculum Changes and Requirements
Required course for graduation, starting with class of 2024, from the Social Difference and Power curriculum. "The Social Difference and Power requirement ensures that all students engage in questions of social difference and power at least twice during their course of study at Connecticut College. Students may choose to take these courses at any time and may take them as part of their Connections general education courses, major or minor courses or electives. In Social Difference and Power courses, students will develop: a more informed understanding of systemic forms of inequality and underlying structures of power and their disproportionate impact on underrepresented and/or marginalized peoples and communities; deeper analyses of social identity and difference."
In 2018, Connecticut College issued a 28-page report, Equity and Inclusion Plan 2018-2025, that completely reimagined campus life and academic requirements.
- Faculty/Staff Requirements
CC's Division of Equity and Inclusion states that it has "[implemented] mandatory anti-bias training for all faculty starting in fall 2020." Additionally, the division has "[r]edesigned implicit bias training for faculty search committees to strengthen critical analysis of whiteness in faculty hiring."
- Political Actions and Support for Anti-Racism
ANTI-RACIST EDUCATION AND ACTION (C. 2020) In the June 2020, Connecticut College expressed solidarity with global racial justice movements in response to a string of senseless killings of Black Americans by white police and vigilantes. Our community called on the College to prioritize the implementation of new anti-racist policies and practices. The following three priorities were established, based on the broad goals of the original Equity and Inclusion Action Plan, with a special focus on anti-racist education: campus safety and law enforcement; teaching and learning; and campus climate.
- Program and Research Funding
CC's Race and Ethnicity Programs at Unity House provides "academic, cultural and personal support to students of color, first generation, low-income and other underrepresented students on campus, while helping them develop intellectual, social, and leadership skills."
The Center for the Critical Study of Race and Ethnicity at CC "is the hub for researching and teaching race and ethnicity across the disciplines" and offers both majors and minors on the topic.
The Study of Race and Ethnicity certificate program "offers students from every major an opportunity to undertake sustained critical study of race and ethnicity" and is "based on six principles: reciprocity, continuity, community, reflexivity, resistance, and scholarly engagement."
For the 2023-2024 "grant cycle," the Center for the Critical Study of Race and Ethnicity at CC sought grant proposals in order to "encourage and support individuals or groups in their engagement with topics relevant to the study of race, ethnicity and social difference through teaching, research, artistic expression or programming."
- Re-Imagining Policing
Developed and implemented new multi-part training program on establishing anti-racist practices in campus safety. Delivered first training session on August 10, 2020; subsequent sessions being developed. Issued personal Anti-Racism Action Plan guidebooks to campus safety officers as a training tool. Invited Jeanne Milstein to engage in follow-up campus safety training sessions with NLPD and NLFD representatives.
- Resources
Ally Development resource list compiled by White CC Colleagues Committed to Anti-Racism. Racial Justice and Healing resource list compiled by the Psychology department. Sustainable Engagement in Anti-Racism resource list compiled by Student Counseling Services. Critical Study of Race resource list compiled by CCSRE. Anti-Racist Teaching and Learning resource list compiled by the Library. Revising DIEI website to include links to these and other resources.
Established a new Dean of Institutional Equity and Inclusion (DIEI). "John F. McKnight Jr. joined Connecticut College in 2016 as dean of institutional equity and inclusion. He is responsible for the overall vision and leadership of the work of equity and inclusion, and collaborates with leaders across campus to fulfill its commitment to full participation. He oversees the offices of the equity and compliance programs, gender and sexuality programs, race and ethnicity programs, and religious and spiritual programs."
The Education Department views American education as a reflection of a set of political, economic and cultural relationships that reflect the dominant social arrangements of society. Teaching is therefore viewed as a political act. The goal of the Teacher Education Program is to produce critical educators who understand that one of the consequences of living in a pluralistic society is the existence of a variety of conflicting views of what it means to be educated. As such, it works to instill in students a sense of responsibility to participate in the political process by which educational policies are initiated, employed and resisted. The Department employs a social justice curriculum where students are expected to: (1) achieve excellence in their field, (2) understand classrooms as a reflection of larger social-political and economic forces, (3) develop critical and anti-bias pedagogies and, (4) to view the classroom as a dynamic and dialectical space.
Several faculty members in the Education Department focus on critical theory and teaching for justice.
Connecticut College co-hosted a panel discussion with Ibrahim X. Kendi on how to be an anti-racist.
Connecticut College offers courses in #BlackLivesMatter (CRE-166 and CRE-167)
As part of its 2023-2024 course offerings, the Minor in Educational Studies program includes a course titled "Critical Race Theory in Education" (EDU 306).
CC announced its Fall 2023 dates for the "Diversity and Social Justice Days" which prepares and encourages its students to "do their part to make the world more just and equitable."
On February 26, 2024, CC's Africana Studies Department held an event titled "Critical Race Museology and the Black Museums Movement: Educators from One of America’s Earliest Museums of African American History."
Abbey Willis, Associate Professor of Sociology, specializes in Critical Race Theory.
- Symbolic Actions
In 2015, Connecticut college canceled classes for one day and held mandatory campuswide conversations about racism, equity and inclusion.
Global Islamic Studies faculty are hosting a summer-long series of conversations for Connecticut College students, staff and faculty focused on critical questions about race, religion and politics that the COVID-19 pandemic has brought to the forefront in the U.S. and the world. The series, “What Is the Pandemic Teaching Us? Critical Conversations hosted by Global Islamic Studies,” takes place every other Thursday at 4 p.m. through early August. The conversations take place virtually.
Connecticut College hosted a series of events to commemorate the 1619 Project, including a lecture: Khalil Gibran Muhammad exposes the ‘long arc of racial criminalization’ Khalil Gibran Muhammad Khalil Gibran Muhammad America’s story of mass incarceration “begins in the hulls of slave ships,” Khalil Gibran Muhammad told Connecticut College students, faculty and staff, with the transportation of the first captured Africans to the British North American colonies in 1619 commencing a 400-year “relationship of carcerality to moneymaking.”
The college hosted its second annual social justice conference to further its commitment to antiracism in January 2022.
CC's Division of Equity and Inclusion has "[d]eveloped [an] anti-racist learning community for white faculty and staff committed to addressing systemic racism."