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De Anza College

Undergraduate School

Mailing Address
21250 Stevens Creek Blvd
Cupertino, California 95014
(408) 864-8722
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School Information
"De Anza College is always at or near the top in transfers to four-year universities. We offer programs, degrees and certificates to fit your needs, and plenty of campus activities to enhance your college experience. We welcome and support a diverse student body, with student services that will help you succeed!" (Source: The total enrollment is nearly 20,000 and the student to faculty ratio is 44 to 1. The college offers over 90 associate degrees and transfer programs.
General Information
Recently, De Anza has responded to George Floyd's death by releasing statements of solidarity both at the presidential level and at the departmental level. De Anza created many programs such as the Umoja program and the REACH program in order to support diverse students. De Anza also symbolically created a multimedia series titled, "CAN/DID" to explore social justice topics. At this time, the university does not require mandatory Critical Race Training, however in this term it does require a campus wide book reading of a novel that discusses racial justice. See developments below:

Actions Taken

Admissions Policies
  • De Anza's 2022-2027 Educational Master Plan states that "[e]nrollment of students who identify as Black, Filipinx, foster youth, Latinx, LGBTQ+, Native American and Pacific Islander will be proportional to their representation within Santa Clara County."
Anti-Racism, Bias, and Diversity Training
  • The entire campus community will read a book discussing the theme of "Racial Justice and the Crisis in Democracy." The Equity and Engagement Division will also offer optional training to coordinate alongside this reading.
  • The Office of Equity, Social Justice, and Multicultural Education offers several diversity training courses including: "Developing Your Diversity/Department Equity Initiative and Student Equity Plans," "Cultural Humility in the Classroom," and "Cultural Responsive Curriculum Planning."
  • The Office of Professional Development offers a teaching seminar titled "Implicit Bias in Teaching: How does it show up in the classroom?"
  • De Anza's 2022-2027 Educational Master Plan states that it would "[c]ontinue to develop rich and ongoing professional development opportunities that focus on deepening equity-mindedness for all employees."
  • De Anza's 2022-2025 Student Equity and Achievement Plan recommends that the college provides "[r]acial equity-based training for college administrators" and "[p]rofessional development for faculty members and classified professionals, focusing on culturally responsive pedagogy and how to best support students of color and foster youth."
Program and Research Funding
  • De Anza "will fund – through donations to the De Anza President's Fund – a scholarship that BFSA will name and award, based on criteria they will develop." The BFSA is the Black Faculty, Staff, and Administrators Network at De Anza.
  • The Intercultural Studies Program at De Anza is "an interdisciplinary program that examines history, culture, race and power from a perspective of critical analysis." One of the objectives of the program is to "develop a methodology emphasizing comparative analyses of the history, politics, social dynamics, and current  challenges and opportunities of historically marginalized communities of color."
  • The Social Justice Studies program at De Anza "prepares you to understand social problems related to racism, the environment, housing, juvenile justice, LGBT rights, women’s rights, inequality, health, and education" and "helps you understand what you can do to help solve those problems and develop a career doing that important work."
  • De Anza provides funding (up to $1800) for staff and faculty who attend the 2024 National Conference on Race and Ethnicity (NCORE) which "focuses on the complex task of creating and sustaining comprehensive institutional change designed to improve racial and ethnic relations on campus and to expand opportunities for educational access and success by culturally diverse, traditionally underrepresented populations."
  • The Comparative Ethnic Studies program at De Anza "offers courses aimed at exploring the arts, histories, politics and social issues of historically underrepresented groups, including African Americans, Asian Americans, Latinx/Chicanx and Native American and indigenous populations in the United States."
  • On June 13, 2023, De Anza News announced that the college "has been awarded $1.55 million in state funding over the next five years for a new cohort program [Math, Engineering and Science Achievement] to support historically underrepresented students who want to transfer in STEM majors."
  • De Anza created CAN/DID, which is a multimedia series that comprises "an exploration of equity and social justice issues – including lessons we can all learn from the struggles of many different groups and individuals."
  • On June 8, 2020, the interim president announced that De Anza "will establish a full-time, tenure-track counselor/coordinator position for the Umoja program to serve our Black students."
  • De Anza hosted an online forum for Black students at the college.
  • De Anza provides numerous resources for anti-racism, including Ibram X. Kendi's book, "How to Be an Anti-Racist."
  • De Anza provides a list of definitions for diversity terms.
  • In 2021, the Office of Equity, Social Justice, and Multicultural Education held numerous events for "equity inspiration." The office also offers numerous resources on anti-racism.
  • De Anza's Vasconcellos Institute for Democracy in Action offers a certificate program in Leadership and Social Change which is devoted to social justice issues.
  • De Anza's 2015 Student Equity Plan described the creation of "a new curricular pathway that combines developmental Reading, English, Academic Support, Counseling, and Humanities (REACH) to serve student athletes of color."
  • De Anza has been hiring individuals to fill roles such as a Student Equity Program Coordinator and a Student Equity Research Analyst in order to continue the university's work towards ensuring equitable policies.
  • The college offers a course titled Race, Ethnicity and Inequality (CETH 10) which is described as follows: "This ethnic studies course is an interdisciplinary examination of major concepts and controversies in the study of race, racial inequality, and racism in the United States. Students will explore race and ethnicity as historical and contemporary categories of identification, focusing on the lived experiences and racialized subordination of African Americans, Asian Americans, Latinx Americans, and Native Americans."
  • The College's "Standing Against Racism" webpage has a variety of links, events, and resources in support of anti-racism. Resources include: "1619 Project," "Black Lives Matter at School," and "For Our White Friends Desiring To Be Allies."
  • The Office of Equity, Social Justice and Multicultural Education works to "eliminate institutional oppression or barriers that perpetuate inequity, injustice, and mono-cultural education."
  • The Office of Equity, Social Justice, and Multicultural Education provides division leaders with "equity planning" resources. The Office describes an equity plan as follows: "The Student Success Equity Plan is intended to help guide our student engagement and pedagogical praxis as well as aid us in working together toward this common goal. It should be strategically aligned with the division or department’s boarder equity plan and updated annual. This report should serve as a critical lens for assessing successes and reporting data in the annual program review."
  • On March 9, 2023, Inside Higher Ed published an article titled "A DEI Director Ousted for Questioning DEI?" which reported that the "faculty director for [De Anza College's] Office of Equity, Social Justice and Multicultural Education says she’s being terminated after she questioned antiracist 'orthodoxy'....”
Symbolic Actions
  • In response to George Floyd's death, De Anza's Academic Senate Executive Committee released a statement of solidarity saying, "Unquestionably, the outrageous murder of George Floyd on May 25, 2020 unleashed a torrent of longstanding frustrations and anger within American society, and throughout the world. The numerous unjustifiable deaths of other Black people, and other People of Color at the hands of municipal and state-funded law enforcement officers must cease."
  • De Anza held an Ethnic Studies Multiracial Panel Series in April-May 2021 ' with the goal of building multiracial alliances and a multiracial coalition at De Anza College, to support structural and systemic change."
  • De Anza's Equity Champion Awards "celebrate individuals and groups who are making significant contributions to inclusion at De Anza College and to advancing the college’s vision of equity, social justice and multicultural education."
  • De Anza's 2022-2025 Student Equity and Achievement Plan recommends that the college "[o]rganize ethnic workshops and programming for students of color."
Last updated June 3rd, 2024
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