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DePauw University

Undergraduate School

Mailing Address
Mezzanine Level, Administration Building
313 S Locust St.
Greencastle, Indiana 46135
(765) 658-4800
Email address
School Information
"DePauw prepares you for a life of meaning and means; we enable you to join legions of alumni who are leaders the world needs. You will be taught by extraordinary professors in small, exciting classes; live and study with peers whose diversity enriches the community; and supported as you pursue your academic and experiential passions. This is our Gold Commitment to you." The university enrolls over 1,900 students, employs over 220 faculty, and offers 49 majors. (Source: (Source: (Source:
General Information
DePauw University established a "Committee to Establish Principles and Processes for Reconsideration of Names, Statuary, Monuments and Traditions", which released a set of guiding principles. These principles are to be applied whenever a name-change on campus is requested, typically through petition. No Critical Race Training is yet required of students. See developments below:

Actions Taken

Admissions Policies
  • One of the "major" objectives of DePauw's 2027 Strategic Plan is to "[i]nstitute systems, policies, and practices that strengthen DePauw’s ability to recruit, retain, and support a diverse community...."
Anti-Racism, Bias, and Diversity Training
  • As part of the 2023 summer orientation, all DePauw students were required to complete Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion online training courses. The description reads, "Your growth as a diversity-minded leader is dependent on your commitment to engage with people and perspectives outside of your own."
  • As part of its DEI goals, DePauw's English Department states that it teaches and produces "literature that reflects a wide range of human experience." The Department also "intentionally incorporated inclusive and anti-racist pedagogy activities into the development opportunities that we regularly offer English faculty so that we can become more responsive to the changing needs of our students, our disciplines, and our world."
Curriculum Changes and Requirements
  • As of 2016, DePauw's graduation requirement has included "two [new] distribution requirements: Global Learning and Power, Privilege and Diversity and the new requirements for the 21st Century Music programs offered by the School of Music."
Disciplinary Measures
  • The Bias Incident Report Team (BIRT) "assist[s] the individual/group who reported the bias incident." BIRT also outlines the reporting process in detail.
  • The university provided a non-exaustive list of resources to "help you navigate issues surrounding racism, homophobia, xenophobia, classism, and other systems of oppression."
  • The university published a 2020 scholarly article titled "Anti-Asian racism, Black Lives Matter, and COVID-19" which "charts the professional and personal reflections of Professor Jennifer Ho, president of the Association for Asian American studies and critical race scholar about the rise of anti-Asian racism with the advent of COVID-19."
  • The Africana Studies Department "challenges students to explore issues of race, difference, identity, and subject formation and to understand the collective experience of black people in today’s world." Courses within the department include: "Black Lives Matter," "Race, Power, and Privilege," and "Race Politics."
  • DePauw links to several external diversity scholarship programs including the "Black Women Abroad Study Abroad Student Scholarship (SASS!)" and the "Diverse International Women of Color."
  • The description of the Fall 2023 Seminar "Diverse Perspectives in Theatre" reads in part, "Through the process of decolonializing US theatre, students will have opportunities to learn and practice a variety of skills and practices vital to successful writing and study at the university level." 
Symbolic Actions
  • The Committee to Establish Principles and Processes for Reconsideration of Names, Statuary, Monuments and Traditions released a set of principles to be applied when a name-change is to be considered on campus.
  • DePauw University President Lori S. White is at the forefront of the "Liberal Arts Colleges Racial Equity Leadership Alliance."
  • The Justin and Darrianne Christian Center for Diversity and Inclusion at DePauw is "committed to...enhancing the overall experience of students and employees from historically marginalized and underrepresented groups, primarily those representing BIPOC groups, and collaborating to support additional groups, as necessary."
  • On her first official day as DePauw's President, Lori S. White wrote the following message to the university: "Part of our work together will be to determine what those values mean for DePauw’s future and in this current moment – one in which issues of inequity, injustice and systemic racism are paramount even as we continue to wrestle with the unprecedented public health challenges of a global pandemic. Our institutional voice on these critical issues is an important reflection of our values and our heritage."
  • DePauw's 2027 Strategic Plan states that it would "[p]artner with university departments to support a comprehensive review of all programs to ensure that they are broadly accessible, inclusive, and equitably delivered."
Last updated June 28th, 2024
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