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Emory University

Undergraduate School

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201 Dowman Dr
Atlanta, Georgia 30322
(404) 727-6123
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School Information
"Emory University, a top-ranked private institution recognized internationally for its outstanding liberal arts colleges, graduate and professional schools, and one of the world's leading health care systems, is located on a beautiful campus in Atlanta, Georgia's historic Druid Hills neighborhood." Emory University is a private research university in Atlanta, Georgia. Emory University has nine academic divisions: Emory College of Arts and Sciences, Oxford College, Goizueta Business School, Laney Graduate School, School of Law, School of Medicine, Nell Hodgson Woodruff School of Nursing, Rollins School of Public Health, and the Candler School of Theology. The university enrolls over 15,000 students. (Source: (Source:
General Information
At the university-level, Emory University has announced that it will be hosting a conference on the legacy of slavery at various universities, as well as considering the honorific naming of buildings. Furthermore, the College of Arts and Sciences announced that it will be rolling out a “Race and Ethnicity” general education requirement, in the fall of 2021. See developments below:

Actions Taken

Admissions Policies
  • Following the 2023 U.S. Supreme Court decision that race can no longer be used as an explicit factor in admission to colleges and universities, Emory University president Gregory L. Fenves stated, "I am deeply concerned about the impact this ruling will have at Emory and at colleges and universities across the nation." He also emphasized the University's commitment to diversity explaining, "Diversity remains a bedrock value at Emory University. It is reflected in our students, whose talents define the Emory experience. Our commitment to diversity is a commitment to them."  
Anti-Racism, Bias, and Diversity Training
  • The Office of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion offers a voluntary "Unconscious Bias" training session, where participants, "Hear the latest research on how implicit associations can impact decision making." The office says, "Training sessions about unconscious bias are open to all faculty and are particularly recommended for those serving on search and appointments committees."
  • Along with the Office of DEI, the Truth, Racial Healing, and Transformation Initiative provides "Racial Healing Circles" meant to heal the "societal racial divide" and are "the beginning process of dismantling our biased belief system through a shared humanity perspective."
Curriculum Changes and Requirements
  • The College of Arts and Sciences will be rolling out a “Race and Ethnicity” general education requirement, in the fall of 2021.
  • The College of Arts and Sciences' Faculty Senate has an "Anti-Racism Working Group," which recognizes that faculty have "the responsibility and the ability to promote equity, inclusion and justice in our classrooms, research lab environments, and departments." The group "aims to curate a set of approaches and recommendations that can be taken to combat these challenges faced by BIPOC (Black/Indigenous/People of Color) students, faculty, and staff in the College."
  • The Neuroscience and Behavioral Biology Program committed to take a few steps towards supporting diversity, equity, inclusion, and accessibility. One step includes the “intentional incorporation of a module focused on the evidence of inequitable use of sex and race as variables in neuroscience research.”
  • The Neuroscience and Behavioral Biology Program also committed to the “incorporation of biographies and research from neuroscientists who identify from groups historically marginalized in STEM.”
  • The Neuroscience and Behavioral Biology Program plans on “developing skills for identifying and promoting issues of justice, equity, diversity, and inclusion in STEM is a key learning goal in NBB research courses.”
Disciplinary Measures
  • Emory outlines its protocol for reporting bias incidents and states, "If you believe you have encountered a bias incident on campus, we strongly encourage you to submit a report."
  • The University encourages students to report instances of bias, which include "microaggressions," "stereotyping," "lack of representation," "tokenism," and "microinequities" among others.
  • Bias Support Services (BSS) is a campus resource for students that "a community where biases are not only acknowledged but also actively challenged and transformed into opportunities for growth and understanding." BSS offers a Bias Incident Form for students to fill out if they believe they have witnessed a bias incident.
Faculty/Staff Requirements
  • On February 1, 2023, Emory University announced that, for all staff, the school has “added a DEI competency to further strengthen and support the university’s commitment to creating a diverse, equitable and inclusive culture.” The DEI competency is stated as, “Pursues knowledge and displays a self-awareness of diversity, equity and inclusion (DEI) and related social issues. Seeks personal development opportunities in DEI. Adopts or modifies operational practices to help ensure diversity, equity and/or inclusion. Actively addresses or makes known issues of inequity and bias whenever possible.” Furthermore, DEI Competency Training Sessions are being offered by the Learning and Organizational Development department.
  • As of Fall 2021, the University's Writing Center added "commitment to anti-racism, equity, and inclusion” to its list of minimum qualifications and committed to discussing this requirement with candidates "during information sessions and interviews." The Center also added “experience with racial justice work” and “experience with diversity, equity, and inclusion work” to its list of preferred qualifications and places a "high value" on these experiences as it screens applicants and makes hiring decisions.
  • Tutors working at the Writing Center are subject to "advance anti-racism, equity, and inclusion" training and are provided with opportunities to "reflect on their tutoring practice in relation to these commitments." 
Political Actions and Support for Anti-Racism
  • The University's Office for Racial and Cultural Engagement homepage contains a quote from a Harvard Law Review article entitled The Social Construction of Race: Some Observations on Illusion, Fabrication, and Choice, by Ian F. Haney Lopez, stating that "race dominates our personal lives" and that "it manifests itself in our speech, dance, neighbors, and friends." Even "our very ways of talking, walking, eating and dreaming are shaped by notions of race." He insists that "race determines our economic prospects," "race permeates our politics," and that "race mediates every aspect of our lives."
Program and Research Funding
  • The Center for Faculty Development and Excellence (CFDE) hosts resources on "inclusive pedagogy" which is concerned with shaping "teaching methodologies and decisions about course content." There are numerous resources available regarding topics such as "unconscious bias and microaggressions, trigger warnings and safe space, academic freedom and free speech." The CFDE also hosts workshops and seminars for departments and programs interested in learning about, discussing, and implementing "inclusive pedagogy."
Re-Imagining Policing
  • In a message from Emory Police Chief Rus Drew, he committed that "the Emory Police Department will continue [its] efforts to create a safe and inclusive campus for everyone."
  • The University will be hosting a conference on the legacy of slavery at Emory and other colleges/universities in Fall 2021.
  • The Woodruff Library created a guide titled "Anti-Racism in Development Practice", which includes Kendi's "Anti-Racism Reading List".
  • The Woodruff Library's "Anti-Racism in Development Practice" guide also includes Robin DiAngelo's "White Fragility."
  • The Woodruff Library has a "Black Lives Matter" resource guide, which includes Ibram X. Kendi's "How to Be an Antiracist," Robin DiAngelo's "White Fragility," and the 1619 Project.
  • The Office of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion had a "Race in America Series," which featured Ibram X. Kendi "in a special live webcast 'How to be an Anti-Racist.'"
  • The Office of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion offers Professional Development, voluntary DEI Training, and LinkedIn Learning courses including "Be an Ally."
  • The Counseling and Psychological Services office offers resources on "Racial Trauma," which is defined as "distressed reaction of racially oppressed groups to harmful experiences and real or perceived acts of discrimination." Resources include a "Racial Battle Fatigue Presentation" and a "Free Racialized Trauma Course."
  • The Goizueta Business School established a Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Council in 2020.
  • The Goizueta Business School expanded "the scope of the Common Reads Program and the Ally Education Series." Community members "participated in peer-facilitated small group discussions designed to delve into the racial biases and stereotype threats they have seen and experienced in their own lives."
  • Emory University has an Equity and Inclusion Resource Toolkit made by the Office of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion.
  • The University's James Weldon Johnson Institute for the Study of Race and Difference hosts a weekly First Friday program where "Emory professors will share their latest research topics related to race, difference, and equity."
  • The Truth, Racial Healing, and Transformation Initiative at Emory was founded with the "ultimate goal" of uprooting "the conscious and unconscious belief in the false hierarchy of human value" and to "prepare the next generation of leaders" to dismantle "institutional and systemic racism."  The Initiative provides an approach to "racial equity work that connects healing to address the historic and contemporary effects of racism to establish a foundational belief of equal value for all human beings to transform systems, laws, policies, and practices within our society."
  • The University hosts six different "identity spaces" on campus including, among others, the Emory Black Student Union (EBSU), Centro Lantinx, and the Asian Student Center. The EBSU is "an affinity space managed by the Office for Racial and Cultural Engagement, dedicated to Emory’s Black-identified community members" that "aims to improve race relations on campus and in the community by creating an environment that is receptive to Black culture and ideas."
  • The University has an Office for Racial and Cultural Engagement.
  • The Office of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion hosts a yearly "Diversity Week" with various events and workshops, such as a "Truth, Racial Healing, and Transformation Workshop" and a "Students of Color Support Group."
  • The University provides a "Living and Learning about Race Resource Guide" which includes books such as "White Fragility" and "How to Be an Antiracist." 
  • The Emory Black Employee Network (EBEN) is an Employee Resource Group (ERG) through the university's human resource department that promotes "social, personal, and professional development for Black employees and their allies at Emory."
  • Considered a "Theme House" in the University's Undergraduate Housing options, the Black Student Alliance house "aims to unite the Black community and celebrate Black culture and heritage."
Symbolic Actions
  • Honorific names on campus will be re-evaluated.
  • University is hiring another diversity and inclusion officer, despite an $84 million COVID-19 deficit.
  • The University's Faculty Senate has an "Anti-Racism and Social Justice Committee" which focuses on actions that can be taken by faculty and departments "to create policies and culture that combat systemic racism on campus." Furthermore, committee members must "demonstrate a dedication to their own self-education and growth in the areas of anti-racism and social justice" and serve as "a resource for all faculty... with regard to the development of goals and plans to combat racism and promote social justice." 
  • The Office of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion published a diversity statement highlighting its dedication to equity-mindedness which "requires that practitioners are race-conscious and aware of the social and historical context of exclusionary practices in American Higher Education."
  • The University is dedicated to expanding its faculty diversity by hiring "Historically Underrepresented Groups (HUGs)" which is defined as "any faculty self-identifying as Black/African American, Hispanic/Latino, American Indian/Alaskan Native, or Native Hawaiian/Other Pacific Islander." From 2015-2022 the University nearly doubled the number of HUGs faculty, with around 30-40% of new hires coming from HUGs.
  • The University's Center for Ethics released a statement addressing the "injustice and the structural racism that permeates American society." It recommended the following actions for institutions and individuals: to accept the "challenging, disturbing, and necessary work of grappling with the way that race permeates our daily lives and results in radically different lived experiences for white people and people of color;" to denounce "each and every racist statement and action, however explicit or hidden;" and to support "organizations dedicated to eradicating the systemic and structural manifestations of that racism in education, politics, economics, law enforcement, incarceration and elsewhere." 
  • In a statement released by the James Weldon Johnson Institute for the Study of Race and Difference, Director Andra Gillespie stated, "America’s original sin of racism continues to haunt us and to propel us to mourning and righteous indignation." She continued by stating, "The fact that public officials have publicly denied the existence of structural racism stands as sobering evidence of the challenges that our society faces and of the importance of our work." Finally, she expressed that the purpose of the institute and scholarship is "to expose racism, to educate the ignorant, and to propose practical and just solutions."
Last updated July 30th, 2024
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