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Fashion Institute of Technology

Undergraduate School

Mailing Address
227 W 27th St
New York, New York 10001
(212) 217-7999
School Information
"One of New York City’s premier public institutions, FIT is an internationally recognized college for design, fashion, art, communications, and business. We’re known for our rigorous, unique, and adaptable academic programming, experiential learning opportunities, academic and industry partnerships, and commitment to research, innovation, and entrepreneurship. "While our pedagogical mission is to prepare our students for professional excellence in design and business, our broader ethos is to foster creativity, inspire leadership, impart a global perspective, and educate students to embrace inclusiveness, commit to sustainability, and engage with community. We encourage students, scholars, teachers, and industry colleagues to cross traditional boundaries of both geography and disciplines. Together we strive to develop innovative design and strategic business solutions that will upend the status quo, create personal and professional opportunity, and have a lasting and sustainable global impact." The school enrolls over 8.100 students and offers 29 undergraduate areas of study. (Source: (Source: (Source:
General Information
In 2016, FIT unveiled its "Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Strategic Plan" to the public. The plan called for "the allocation of resources, expansion of infrastructure, building of support services, and training of faculty and staff--to meet the highest standards of diversity, equity and inclusion." To "Institute a Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Management System within FIT", the institution will make efforts to ensure that "all decision-makers have taken diversity training and have the competencies required to enable them to appropriately consider diversity, equity, and inclusion as part of policy development and planning." No Critical Race Training sessions are yet required of students. See developments below:

Actions Taken

Anti-Racism, Bias, and Diversity Training
  • Members of FIT's Diversity Council created the "Faculty Toolkit on Diversity" which is a "resource for faculty in creating an inclusive learning environment." The Chief Diversity Officer describes the toolkit as follows: "It is our responsibility as educators to have a deep understanding of how our societal, cultural, and institutional structures and practices contribute to the ongoing marginalization of our society. It is even more important to know how to effectively challenge these systems and embed diversity, equity, and inclusion, and anti-racist frameworks in our work as educators and beyond."
  • Diversity Ambassadors at FIT "serve as liaisons in their departments and/or promote diversity and inclusion at FIT." Ambassador training sessions include: "The Whiteness Project," "Understanding and managing unconscious and conscious biases: How uncovering hidden biases opens the door for inclusion," and "The Art of Radical Empathy."
Faculty/Staff Requirements
  • In order to "Institute a Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Management System within FIT", FIT will make efforts to ensure that "all decision-makers have taken diversity training and have the competencies required to enable them to appropriately consider diversity, equity, and inclusion as part of policy development and planning." Trainings will be required of faculty and staff.
Program and Research Funding
  • Prada partnered with FIT to invest in diversity, equity, and inclusion initiatives.
  • The Social Justice Center at FIT is a "groundbreaking effort to address the systemic problems faced by BIPOC [Black, Indigenous, People of Color] youth, college students, and working professionals...the SJC offers meaningful support and services to help BIPOC students and employees succeed in the creative industries, including fashion."
  • Diversity Grants at FIT "Encourages the development of educational projects, scholarly research, creative endeavors and professional activities that promote the goals of diversity, equity, and inclusion."
  • The Library at FIT has an Anti-Racism Guice of resources on systemic racism, white privilege, racism in education, and how to take anti-racist action.
  • FIT launched the Social Justice Center “to accelerate equity transformation within the fashion and creative industries.”
  • The President’s Diversity Collective at FIT is "comprised of representatives from 15 different areas of the college" which have been "tasked with forming their own DEI committee of faculty, staff, and—where appropriate—students."
Last updated June 29th, 2024
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