- Mailing Address
370 Lancaster Avenue,
Haverford, Pennsylvania 19041 - Phone
- (610) 896-1000
- Website
- https://www.haverford.edu/
- School Information
- Haverford College is a leading liberal arts undergraduate college located outside Philadelphia that is known for its academic rigor, Honor Code, and beautiful arboretum campus. Haverford is consistently considered among the top academic institutions in the country. Our rigorous academic program focuses on individual growth, intellectual exploration, and pushing the boundaries of each discipline. Most classes are taught seminar style with an emphasis on discussion and debate. Diversity, inclusivity, and multiculturalism are vital dimensions of Haverford's community and mission. It is important to us to create spaces that are not just welcoming of all, but that recognize and uphold the value of every person.
- General Information
- In the fall semester of 2020, a student strike led to widespread protests across campus and generated a new diversity plan from college leadership, including required bias training for faculty, staff, and students. This plan includes the following initiatives from the college president: "Understanding Race and Racism toward Creating an Inclusive Community. We will provide opportunities to examine the nature of systemic racism in America and the impacts of structural racism on the lives of those of us who have been racialized, including BIPOC community members at Haverford and beyond, with on campus and virtual programming. Race-Based Education for White People. Many white students, staff, and faculty have expressed varying degrees of uncertainty about how to be an ally or collaborator, and about their role and responsibility in racial equity work. We will offer workshops for white people about race and racism. Racial Trauma and Healing. We need to name and acknowledge where race-related conflict comes from. We need to build the resiliency and capacity to work constructively for change we all need. Plans thus far include (but are not limited to) workshops around mindfulness, race-based trauma, and healing, all with dedicated spaces for BIPOC students." (source: https://www.haverford.edu/family-friends/news/thrive-initiative-truth-healing-resiliency-inclusion-and-equity)
Actions Taken
- Admissions Policies
On June 29, 2023, Haverford's President (and other college officials) issued a "Statement in Response to Supreme Court Ruling on Affirmative Action" which reads in part as follows: "The plaintiffs sought to end affirmative action programs that many schools – including Haverford – have long used in our effort to enroll a diverse student population on campus. Haverford was among a number of colleges and universities that joined an amicus brief in support of the consideration of race as one of many possible factors in admission processes...We are deeply disappointed in and disagree with these rulings. As we made clear in an email to campus on May 2, we want to affirm for all members of the greater Haverford community – students, faculty, staff, alumni, and families – that the College is unwavering in its commitment to equitable access to education and to the essential nature of diversity in the collegiate experience in and out of the classroom, and to the responsibility to build diversity across our community."
As part of its DEI/Anti-Racism commitments, Haverford's Office of Admissions has "implemented a three-year pilot Test-optional admission policy." (As of September 3, 2021)
The college's Office of Institutional Diversity, Equity, and Access has published its 2022-2024 Interdivisional Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Goals which states that it would "continue the ongoing evaluation of student recruitment and engagement practices in support of our mission to give all students the opportunity to consider the possibility of a Haverford education, particularly those who have been historically excluded from US higher education."
- Anti-Racism, Bias, and Diversity Training
Results of the 14-day strike include improvements to recruitment and enrollment of Indigenous students, a new interim chief diversity officer and student-centered changes of that role going forward, budget for renovations to the Black Cultural Center, anti-bias training for College employees, Election Day as a holiday, and more.
Haverford held the Challenge Habit to "deepen [its] knowledge, understanding, and practice of antiracism on campus."
The college's Office of Institutional Diversity, Equity, and Access has published its 2022-2024 Interdivisional Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Goals which states that it would "Use DEI lens/insert DEI thinking into Communication’s 'Best Practices' training" and "meaningfully expand training of management and staff with respect to DEI and antiracism."
The college's Office of Institutional Diversity, Equity, and Access has published its 2022-2024 Interdivisional Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Goals which states that the Dean's Office would "Increase student-focused campus wide DEI education and programming."
Haverford's 2023-2024 initiative, "Active Voice: Sustained Dialogues Toward Antiracism," would "encourage students, staff, and faculty to listen deeply and critically explore their stories, histories, and experiences through the practice of talking across differences."
Haverford's initiative (Fall 2023), "A Long Talk About the Uncomfortable Truth," is a transformational experience that produces active anti-racists through the power of conversation."
The Division of Institutional Diversity, Equity, and Access states that it would "[m]eaningfully expand training of management and staff with respect to DEI and antiracism" and "[c]onduct ongoing implicit bias training."
- Curriculum Changes and Requirements
The college president acceded to the student strike demands to create "a Bi-Co course on Blackness and white Privilege as part of the college-wide requirements implemented in the next academic year (2021-2022)"
The college's Office of Institutional Diversity, Equity, and Access has published its 2022-2024 Interdivisional Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Goals which states that the Provost's Office would advance "perspectives across the curriculum and initiatives reflective of both inclusive and accessible methodologies and the rich diversity of faculty and student scholarship distinctive to Haverford."
As part of its Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Statement, the Department of Spanish is "committed to promoting diversity, equity, inclusion, and social justice in our curriculum, in our teaching approaches, and our community engagement courses."
The Department of Psychology states that it would "[c]ritically evaluate our curriculum and syllabi to ensure representation from Black and other racial minority scholars."
- Disciplinary Measures
The college's Office of Institutional Diversity, Equity, and Access has published its 2022-2024 Interdivisional Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Goals which states that the Provost's Office is "creating and completing a new restorative justice process that expands students' suite of opportunities for those who believe that they have been harmed in the classroom on the basis of their identities."
The Office of the President outlines Haverford's "Bias Reporting System Process" and states, "The College is required to conduct a thorough inquiry and address all reports of bias incidents of which it becomes aware."
- Political Actions and Support for Anti-Racism
Receive public transportation passes to and from social justice activism events and opportunities. The Social Justice Transit Fund provides SEPTA passes to cover local public transportation to enable student participation in one-off social justice activism and learning. For recurring transportation needs, please apply through the Community Engagement fund or request reimbursements through the OSCC.
- Program and Research Funding
As of July 27, 2023, the Philadelphia Justice and Equity Fellowship at Haverford College "connects career development with social change." The fellowships "advance anti-racism and inclusion" and students "become part of a network of organizations, professionals and activists committed to social justice movements in the Philadelphia region."
The college's Office of Institutional Diversity, Equity, and Access has published its 2022-2024 Interdivisional Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Goals which states that it would "Create and communicate an effective plan for funding around THRIVE, DEI, and CDO staff and programming" and "Support budgeting for DEI and antiracism work in other divisions and departments, with particular focus on student compensation and other forms of financial support..."
- Re-Imagining Policing
The college's Office of Institutional Diversity, Equity, and Access has published its 2022-2024 Interdivisional Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Goals which states that "Campus Safety will make meaningful progress with respect to DEI and related initiatives in order to develop strong and positive relationships with all students, faculty, staff, and the broader (local) community."
- Resources
Truth and reconciliation committees: "Haverford will also be applying to the Association of American Colleges & Universities to become a Truth, Racial Healing and Transformation (TRHT) Campus Center. This work by AAC&U with 28 colleges and universities originated with the W. K. Kellogg Foundation’s 2016 launch of a comprehensive, national and community-based process to plan for and bring about transformational change, and to address the historic and contemporary effects of racism. The work has some connection to truth and reconciliation commissions that have happened in many parts of the world, including in South Africa after the dismantling of apartheid."
Civic Engagement and Social Responsibility Council: The Civic Engagement and Social Responsibility (CESR) Council is a body of representatives which collaborates to articulate a cohesive story of Civic Engagement and Social Responsibility at Haverford College. The Council is led by Janice Lion, Associate Director of the Center for Peace and Global Citizenship (CPGC), and offers recommendations and significant support for ethical campus-community engagement. The CESR Council was established in 2017, as one of three primary recommendations made in the Blueprint for Civic Engagement and Social Responsibility The CESR Council: Centralizes and highlights CESR activities led by students, faculty, staff throughout the institution and with off-campus community groups. CESR Council members maintain a civic engagement map featuring active partnerships. Supports and articulates the needs of offices and programs which provide CESR opportunities. Stewards the College’s investments in community, regional and national partnerships and collaborates with all of those involved to bring CESR activities into alignment with College mission and values. Council members and others from the community currently collaborate in three working groups- curricular pathways, relationship management, and policy - to advance the Council’s goals.
In 2015, the Climate Survey Working Group produced a 25 page Strategic Plan for Diversity & Inclusion: "This Strategic Planfor Diversity and Inclusion(SPDI) presents some five dozen proposed initiatives designed to promote Haverford’s efforts to become an ever-more diverse, inclusive, and supportive community for all its members by connecting people, ideas, and programs across the full institutional landscape, drawing on the reservoir of creative energy expressed by all community members."
Haverford appointed a new interim Chief Diversity Officer in November 2020.
The Center for Peace and Global Citizenship (CPGC) offers local community engagement opportunities, community-engaged courses and curricular pathways, and financial support for student and faculty activities that advance peace, social justice, and global citizenship.
A member of the CPGC is Juli Grigsby, Assistant Professor of Anthropology: Through CPGC funding in 2017, Juli Grigsby traveled with students in her Reproductive Justice, Social Movements, and Civil Society course to the annual Civil Liberties and Public Policy Conference at Hampshire College, while students in her 2016 Race, Sexuality, and Criminalization course used CPGC funding to create a series of exhibits at Haverford including “Sabotaging Archetypes: Examining the Criminal Construction of Black Women During the Civil Rights Era” and “What Happened Here?: Perceiving Crime, Blackness, and the Body". In her first CPGC steering committee appointment, Grigsby brings expertise in critical race theory, feminist and queer theory, urban ethnography, violence, women’s health and US Social Movements.
COOL CLASSES: “Decolonial Theory: Indigeneity and Revolt." This peace, justice, and human rights course is a study of recent work in Latin American, Afro-Caribbean, and Afro-Diasporic critical theory and related resistance movements.
On June 20, 2023, Haverford News published an article titled "Asian American Studies Minor Marks a Successful Inaugural Year which reported that "courses such as 'Asian American Psychology' and 'Asian American Literature' center around and contextualize Asian American experiences within the broader field of critical race and ethnic studies."
Haverford has listed its "Antiracism, Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Commitments" from the 2021-2022 academic year.
Haverford's Race and Ethnicity Education Office "sustains and carries out Haverford College’s commitment to diversity by supporting student programs, faculty initiatives, and curricular innovations that cultivate a vibrant and multifaceted intellectual community."
On February 28, 2024, Haverford hosted a talk by Aja Martinez (Associate Professor of English at the University of North Texas) titled "Making Critical Race Theory: Telling the Stories and Struggles of the People Who Breathed Life into a Movement.”
Faculty member and Professor of English Gustavus Stadler writes on his bio-page that he has "abiding interests in queer theory, critical race theory, performance theory, historicisms new and old, sound studies, and cultural studies."
Haverford was a "member of LACRELA [Liberal Arts Colleges Racial Equity Leadership Alliance] through June 2023" and has published an archive of "recordings and associated materials from [those] webinars."
- Symbolic Actions
Haverford hosts an annual reception for graduating seniors to thank them for their involvement in social justice.
The College Squash Association (CSA), of which Haverford is a member, created a Justice, Equity, Diversity, & Inclusion Coaches Committee, to "gain an understanding of and data concerning diversity in college squash." Haverford's squash coach serves on this committee.
The college's "Antiracism Accountability and Advancement Group" announced its new members.
In March 2021, the "Antiracism Accountability and Advancement Group" convened and identified the following topics to focus on: "History and Relationships with Indigenous People," "DEI Data," and "Faculty of Color" among others.
The college released its "Interdivisional DEI Goals" including "cultivating a community that reflects diversity in social identity/ies (along race, ethnicity, class, gender, sexual orientation, ability, national origin, religious/spiritual practice, etc) and acknowledges diverse perspectives and experiences."
The Anti-Discrimination, Harassment, and Bias Policy at Haverford "affirms Haverford’s commitment to cultivate an environment of equity and anti-racism, anti-oppression, and anti-bias."