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Pace University

Undergraduate School

Mailing Address
One Pace Plaza
New York, New York 10038
(800) 874-7223
School Information
"Pace University provides to its undergraduates a powerful combination of knowledge in the professions, real-world experience, and a rigorous liberal arts curriculum, giving them the skills and habits of mind to realize their full potential. We impart to our graduate students a deep knowledge of their discipline and connection to its community. Firmly rooted in the University's founding identity and mission of Opportunitas, this unique approach will enable all Pace graduates to realize their full potential as innovative thinkers and active problem solvers who are uniquely trained to make positive and enduring contributions to our future world" (Source: Founded in 1906, Pace University now offers over 100 academic programs with an enrollment of over 12,000. The student to faculty ratio is 15 to 1.
General Information
Following the death of George Floyd, Pace University made many adjustments in its institutional practices. The President launched the Presidential Task Force on Diversity and Inclusion in order to promote anti-racist policies. A great deal of programming and training sessions were created, such as the Our Pledge Against Oppression series. Critical Race Training is being implemented and developed and the school does teach CRT in its curriculum. See developments below:

Actions Taken

Admissions Policies
  • The Division of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion at Pace addresses "structural and historical barriers to pursuing and completing higher education" and advocates for "underserved students by increasing access and opportunities."
  • The School of Education's Teachers of Color–Empowerment Network (funded by NYS DOE My Brother’s Keeper Teacher Opportunity Corps II Grant) "recruit[s] students from historically underrepresented backgrounds within the current School of Education student body and eligible students from community college partners, as well as cultivate[s] prospective participants from partner high schools."
Anti-Racism, Bias, and Diversity Training
  • Pace University states that developing and implementing "ongoing anti-bias training, and professional development in equity, diversity, and inclusion for every member of the community" is one of its strategic priorities.
  • The Division of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion at Pace educates its community on "inclusive practices in the classroom and working environments that are equitable, supportive, and affirming of all identities."
  • As part of its strategic priorities, the university states that it would "[d]evelop and implement ongoing anti-bias training, and professional development in equity, diversity, and inclusion for every member of the community."
Curriculum Changes and Requirements
  • Introduction to Critical Race and Ethnicity Studies is a "required major course" as part of the "University Core Requirements." (2020-2021 Undergraduate Academic Catalog)
  • Pace has an "Anti-Racism Education" requirement as part of its core curriculum which was developed "through consultation with multiple student groups and faculty...." The requirement, which was approved in 2021, "links understandings/analysis of race with multiple other constructs, systems, and contexts to better understand various events and structures as well as to better understand the experiences of members of our communities."
  • The Sands College of Performing Art's diversity and inclusion statement reveals the following: "[We] believe, as artists and as humans, it is our duty to identify as obvious and deliberate allies for all individuals, no matter their background." To achieve this, "diverse voices from the global majority are represented in coursework."
Disciplinary Measures
  • The Presidential Task Force on Diversity and Inclusion will create a web portal "on which members of the Pace Community can register incidents or experiences contradictory to the inclusive environment we seek to sustain."
Program and Research Funding
  • In 2020, Pace University indicated that, "Fall programming already in development includes the Our Pledge Against Oppression discussion series, featuring panels on working toward anti-racism and examining race and the prison-industrial complex and a symposium on the absence of Black and Latina/o/x intellectual communities in academia; a teach-in series rooted in critical race theory; a social justice reading club; and the annual MLK lecture."
  • The Barry M. and Jackie Gosin Center for Equity and Inclusion "supports ongoing efforts at Pace in anti-racism and equity, expands work to elevate job placement and entrepreneurship among Black, Indigenous, and People of Color (BIPOC) students, and enhances academic scholarship in these areas."
  • The President committed to establishing a President Task Force to "design a plan with short- and long-term strategies for a more equitable and just Pace University." The Presidential Task Force on Diversity and Inclusion will host "community-based projects and special events to promote belonging on campus."
  • In his statement, the President said, "We will design a comprehensive series of programming for the fall semester to examine racial justice in our community and our country, including honoring the memory of DJ Henry as we mark 10 years since his murder."
  • In 2020, the President stated, "We had planned a Diversity Climate Survey for last semester, to capture critical voices and experiences to inform the work of the DEI Division. It will be launched when we return to campus."
  • Pace's Counseling Center provided a list of anti-racist resources to faculty and staff.
  • Pace University offers a Critical Race and Ethnicity Studies Minor for undergraduates.
  • As of the 2023-2024 academic year, the course "Introduction to Critical Race and Ethnicity Studies" is offered as part of the American Studies Major which is described as follows: "This course serves as an introduction to Critical Race and Ethnicity Studies, an interdisciplinary academic field which is organized around the insight that race and ethnicity are major ideological and experiential frameworks that inform every aspect of human experience, from the formation of the individual to the organization of diverse societies. This course will introduce you to the robust academic and social justice field of Critical Race Theory."
  • The Pace Library offers antiracist resources "to help individuals who wish to educate themselves on the history and impact of racism in America...."
  • The People of Color Collective at Pace is a "group for staff, faculty, and administrators of color at Pace University focused on professional development, community building, connection, and meaningful conversations."
  • On June 29, 2023, Fortune published an article by Pace President Marvin Krislov titled "The Supreme Court can end affirmative action–but it can’t reverse the course of history," which reads in part as follows: "Regardless of the latest court decision, the major institutions of American society now recognize the importance of diversity in remaining competitive, effective, and legitimate. Employers will continue to seek diverse talent. The military will still seek a diverse officer corps. And colleges and universities will experiment with new ways to ensure their student bodies remain diverse...those who believe in progress and equality must see this new ruling not as cause for despair but as a catalyst for innovation and action."
Symbolic Actions
  • On June 5, 2020, President Krislov emailed the university community in response to George Floyd's death. The President committed to the university mission of anti-racism by stating, "At Pace University, we are committed to being unbiased and anti-racist across our institution."
  • As part of Pace University's Strategic Plan, the university identifies itself as an "Anti-Racist Institution." Pace University states that it will "commit to eradicating racism in all of our policies and practices and acknowledge the positive impacts of inclusion on our community.​"
  • The University holds the fifth annual "Social Justice Week" from October 28 to November 2, 2024 in honor of Danroy "DJ" Henry Jr's life.
  • Eleven years after the murder of Danroy "DJ" Henry Jr, the university unveiled a mural of the student stating that "Pace University is committed to being an anti-racist institution and Social Justice Week helps foster education and advocacy to its students, faculty and staff."
Last updated August 14th, 2024
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