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Prairie View A&M University

Undergraduate School

Mailing Address
P.O. Box 519
Mail Stop 1009
Prairie View, Texas 77446
(936) 261-1000
Email address
School Information
"Prairie View A&M University is the second-oldest public institution of higher education in the state of Texas. It is a historically black college/university that, since its inception in 1876, has opened its doors to any and every person - inside and outside of Texas - seeking a first-class, four-year university experience. The university has over 50 buildings on 1440-acres and is situated in a rural part of Texas on one of the most beautiful campuses in the country" (Source: Prairie View offers 36 Bachelor's, 31 Master's, and 5 Doctoral programs. The total enrollment is 9,000 students. The school's student to faculty ratio is 16 to 1.
General Information
PVAMU has received funding from various entities in order to engage in DEI initiatives. In addition, the university has launched the Ruth J. Simmons Center. The school will begin implicit bias training within the Implicit Bias Training and Equity Project. See developments below:

Actions Taken

Admissions Policies
  • The school has an Office of Multicultural Affairs which has a mission to "promote diversity, as well as student leadership and development by contributing to the recruitment and retention of the under-represented student population and to the creation and maintenance of a more inclusive learning community."
  • As part of its 2023-2026 Strategic Plan, the mission of the College of Engineering is to "provide students from diverse backgrounds access to affordable, high-quality educational and research experiences in engineering and computer science in an inclusive environment that empowers them to create new knowledge and address societal challenges."
Anti-Racism, Bias, and Diversity Training
  • On March 26, 2021, PVAMU announced the Ruth J. Simmons Center for Race and Justice's first three projects. The third project is the Implicit Bias Training and Equity Project, which involves a collaboration between the Ruth J. Simmons Center for Race and Justice, the City of Houston, My Brothers' Keepers, and the National Training Institute on Race and Equity "to develop and implement a framework for cross-sector implicit bias training."
Political Actions and Support for Anti-Racism
  • On March 26, 2021, PVAMU announced the Ruth J. Simmons Center for Race and Justice's first three projects. The second project is the PVAMU HBCU Voting Rights Lab which will "begin with a full accounting of the experiences of students at PVAMU that really exemplify the modern battle against voter suppression for both African Americans and college students."
Program and Research Funding
  • On January 13, 2022, PVAMU announced "it is one of the 15 institutions to receive a $200,000 grant from the Propel Center" and that "the grant is designed to help create pathways and opportunities for increased diverse representation in the Arts and Entertainment industry."
  • In 2018, PVAMU "announced it would establish the African-American Studies Initiative within the Marvin D. and June Samuel Brailsford College of Arts and Sciences through a grant from the Andrew W. Mellon Foundation." This initiative involves class projects on "race and racism."
  • PVAMU announced that it launched an Advertising Club in order to promote diversity and inclusion after receiving donations from the AAF Mosaic Center for Multiculturalism.
  • On January 18, 2022, PVAMU announced, "An additional $1 million contribution to Prairie View A&M will further Shell's investment in diversity and inclusion. Those funds will be used for university infrastructure improvements and to support PVAMU's growth while creating a more diverse technical talent pipeline through retention programs, providing work experience opportunities to students to be developed into the next generation of scientists."
  • On October 28, 2021, PVAMU announced that, "Efforts to increase diversity among future public health information technology professionals received a $10 million boost with the awarding of a significant cooperative agreement to the University of Texas Health Science Center at Houston. Included in this agreement is Prairie View A&M University, along with eight other universities."
  • PVAMU hosts an eight-week research program for undergraduates titled "Mathematical Modeling in the Sciences" and states that "Undergraduates from underrepresented in science groups (African-American and Hispanic, females, first generation college students)…are especially welcomed and encouraged to apply."
  • On August 10, 2023, PVAMU announced that it received a $1.2 million grant from the National Science Foundation to support a five-year project that would "effectively prepare 24 racially and ethnically diverse students to be mathematics and science teachers...."
  • PVAMU announced the launch of the Ruth J. Simmons Center for Race and Justice, named after PVAMU President Ruth J. Simmons, in response to the death of George Floyd.
  • PVAMU aggregated various op-eds that faculty members, administrators, and alumni share as part of "addressing the need to speak out against systemic racism."
  • On March 26, 2021, PVAMU announced the Ruth J. Simmons Center for Race and Justice's first three projects. The first project is the Epa Committee on the Legacy of Slavery and the Impact of Segregation at PVAMU, which consists of "faculty, staff, students, administrators, experts, and community members."
  • PVAMU has a library guide on "Activism, Anti-Racism, Dissent and Peaceful Protest." This includes a video clip of Ibram X. Kendi, author of "How to Be an Anti-Racist," appearing on CBS.
  • In response to the death of George Floyd, the president of PVAMU announced that, "Under the Offices of Student Affairs and Community Affairs, I will ask that a standing Committee be created to recommend steps that the University can take to address persistent societal inequities," such as "voter suppression, police misconduct, discrimination and other persistent ills."
  • PVAMU has an Office of Equal Opportunity and Diversity.
  • On May 1, 2023, PVAMU announced that nine of its faculty and staff members wrote a book titled, "The Crucial Conversation: Educating through an Anti-Racist Lens” which was written in response to Critical Race Theory teaching bans across the country. The co-authors were "motivated to provide teachers with a tool to help navigate conversations."
  • As part of its hiring policies (Equal Opportunity Evaluation, Interview & Selection Process), PVAMU states that the "composition of the search committee should be a diverse group of individuals most closely associated with the position."
Symbolic Actions
  • In response to the death of George Floyd, PVAMU announced it would institute an Activist in Residence position and a Sandra Bland/Robbie Tolan Award which is awarded annually to Activists in Residence.
  • The Texas A&M University System released a statement in response to the death of George Floyd from its Council on DEI, stating, "All forms of racism, from bias and micro-aggressions to racialized violence, create an undue weight on our faculty, staff, students of color, and administration. As such, there is a direct need to continue to educate and act on our values of inclusion and equity."
  • On May 27, 2021, PVAMU announced that it was named a Fulbright HBCU Institutional Leader by the U.S. Department of State's Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs as part of a "commitment to build diversity and inclusion."
Last updated December 13th, 2023
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