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St. Mary’s University

Undergraduate School

Mailing Address
1 Camino Santa Maria
San Antonio, Texas 78228
(210) 436-3126
Email address
School Information
"St. Mary's University, founded in 1852 by Marianist brothers and priests, is the first institution of higher learning in San Antonio and the oldest Catholic university in the Southwest. Personal attention and powerful academic programs have made St. Mary's, located on 135 acres northwest of downtown San Antonio, a nationally recognized liberal arts institution. With a diverse student population of about 4,000 of all faiths and backgrounds, St. Mary's is home to four schools: Humanities and Social Sciences; Greehey School of Business; Science, Engineering and Technology; and Law. The University provides a Catholic education experience that evokes academic excellence while integrating liberal studies, professional preparation and ethical commitment. St. Mary’s has more than 75 academic programs, including graduate studies and law. The student-to-faculty ratio of 12-to-1 permits small classes and promotes active learning" (Source:'s-university/).
General Information
St. Mary's has created a President's Council on DEI. The university plans on incorporating DEI concepts into the way community members are educated. It is likely that these concepts will be implemented into the curriculum. See developments below:

Actions Taken

Curriculum Changes and Requirements
  • The university will "incorporate DEI in the modes by which faculty and staff educate students and foster their formation into leaders for the common good."
Program and Research Funding
  • The goal of the McNair Scholars Program at St. Mary's University is to " help first-generation, low-income students, and especially students who are members of racial/ethnic groups traditionally underrepresented in higher education, gain access to graduate education and earn doctoral degrees (Ph.D., Psy.D., Ed.D.)."
  • The Undergraduate Research Training Initiative for Student Enhancement (U-RISE) at St. Mary's is a training program for "students from populations historically underrepresented in STEM with an earnest desire to obtain a Ph.D. and pursue a research career in biomedical or behavioral sciences."
  • In August 2020, the school created the President's Council on Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion.
  • The DEI Council is holding numerous events, including community dialogues. Resources for the entire campus community are also offered by the Leadership Council, focusing on "implicit biases."
  • The DEI Council is "establishing a work group to develop cultural climate assessment surveys for faculty, staff, and students."
  • St. Mary's will "establish an office of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion to support and lead DEI efforts."
  • The Louis J. Blume Library offers resources on Black Lives Matter. Ibram X. Kendi's book, "How to Be an Anti-Racist," is included on the list.
Symbolic Actions
  • On April 20, 2021, the university released a statement in response to the Derek Chauvin trial verdict, saying, "There are a few points we hope we all can collectively agree on: systemic racism has been and continues to be pervasive in this country’s history and current reality; we have a responsibility to actively work toward being anti-racist, as individuals and as a community; our criminal justice system is a man-made construct, implemented by human beings. Sometimes we get things right. Sometimes we get things wrong. We have seen evidence of both over the years. Today, justice was served for George Floyd. Yet, our work to eradicate racism, abuse of power and systemic injustice is not over."
  • On June 1, 2020, St. Mary's released a statement in response to the death of George Floyd, saying, "The legacy of slavery and racism continues to this very day, and we fool ourselves if we believe that we can stand off to the side and let others solve this problem."
Last updated January 12th, 2024
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