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School Information
"FOR NEARLY 100 YEARS, UCLA HAS BEEN A PIONEER, PERSEVERING THROUGH IMPOSSIBILITY, TURNING THE FUTILE INTO THE ATTAINABLE. We doubt the critics, reject the status quo and see opportunity in dissatisfaction. Our campus, faculty and students are driven by optimism. It is not naïve; it is essential. And it has fueled every accomplishment, allowing us to redefine what's possible, time after time." The university has over 3,900 courses, 125 majors, and 90 minors. (Source: (Source:
General Information
UCLA has taken steps to re-evaluate its relationship with law enforcement, as well as its campus safety policies. In lieu of traditional police support, mental health professional teams will be sent in as first responders. The university has also provided a lot of anti-racism resources to its community members. For instance, the Center for Health Equity held an "Advancing Anti-Racism and Health Equity in a Lingering Pandemic" symposium, where "speakers will provide real-life examples of efforts to advance anti-racism and improve health in diverse groups. They will also share lessons learned about how to achieve these goals with practical relevance for health care providers, public health practitioners and community-based organizations." See developments below:

Actions Taken

Admissions Policies
  • UCLA's 2023-2028 Strategic Plan states that it would "[e]xpand existing Admissions recruitment efforts in underrepresented communities of Los Angeles in coordination with academic units."
  • UCLA provides a FAQ sheet on the Supreme Court's ruling on race-conscious college admissions and states, "We are still analyzing the details of the decision, but we note that under Proposition 209, California public colleges already do not consider race, sex, color, ethnicity or national origin in admissions."
Anti-Racism, Bias, and Diversity Training
  • UCLA’s Moreno Report Implementation Committee made a commitment to “enact mandatory training for all.” This includes anti-discrimination training which will be mandated for all UCLA students and employees.
  • The Office of EDI provides all UCLA employees with "a shared foundational educational experience" through the UCLA EDI Education Series, and has mandatory civil rights training for students and employees. EDI also has optional courses and resources available on the UCLA EDI Education Hub.
Curriculum Changes and Requirements
  • UCLA’s College of Letters and Science has a Diversity Requirement, alongside the School of Music, the School of Public Affairs, the School of the Arts and Architecture, and the Graduate School of Education and Information Studies.
  • UCLA's 2023-2028 Strategic Plan states that a "campuswide [sic] effort to develop courses, certificates, minors and majors will be developed to serve a diverse range of students." The plan also states that "a curriculum will be developed that will significantly increase our students’ exposure to the fundamental principles of data science, how it impacts our daily lives, and how it is intimately linked with social justice issues."
Program and Research Funding
  • UCLA has a Center for Critical Race Studies in Education. The description of the center reads, "Established in 2015, the Center for Critical Race Studies in Education at UCLA engages scholars and community members in interdisciplinary research that expands our understanding of crucial educational and social inequality issues. Centering the role of race, racism, and their intersectionality with other forms of discrimination such as sexism, classism, homophobia, and ableism, is key to the CCRSE mission."
  • The Center for the Study of Racism, Social Justice & Health at UCLA is a "multidisciplinary community of academic and non-academic affiliates working to address the root causes of racial health inequities" and "supports rigorous research, innovative teaching, and community engagement on the health implications of racial and other social inequalities."
  • The UCLA Activist-in-Residence program "seeks to strengthen the infrastructure of social transformation by supporting local movement leaders, community organizers, and artists with university resources." One of the program's activists, Funmilola Fagbamila, "has been an organizer with Black Lives Matter since its inception" and is the "Arts and Culture Director for Black Lives Matter Los Angeles."
  • UCLA's Research Enhancement Office facilitates the Racial and Social Justice Grants Program which is "designed to help launch and support research projects demonstrably centered on exploring the sources and consequences of racial inequities and social justice."
Re-Imagining Policing
  • Mental Health Professional Teams will be sent in as first responders.
  • The UCLA library has "Anti-Racism & Racial Justice Resources."
  • The UCLA Library's "Anti-Racism & Racial Justice Resources" include talks by Robin DiAngelo and Ibram X. Kendi.
  • The Center for Education Innovation & Learning in the Sciences offered resources on "Justice, Equity, Diversity & Inclusivity (JEDI) and Anti-Racism," including "Inclusive Teaching Strategies for Learning Assistants."
  • The Center for Health Equity held an "Advancing Anti-Racism and Health Equity in a Lingering Pandemic" symposium, where "speakers will provide real-life examples of efforts to advance anti-racism and improve health in diverse groups. They will also share lessons learned about how to achieve these goals with practical relevance for health care providers, public health practitioners and community-based organizations."
  • The Herb Alpert School of Music "launched the Still Waiting speaker series, with the goal of facilitating much needed dialogue about the racial reckoning that has occurred across the nation. Still Waiting challenged community members and institutions alike to acknowledge and address the impacts of systemic racism, with particular focus on the arts and music."
  • The division of Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion offered resources such as the National Museum of African American History & Culture's "Talking About Race" and "Resources for Engaging in Anti-Racism Work."
  • In a Chronicle of Higher Education job listing for an "Executive Director and Associate Dean for Anti-Racism, Equity, Diversity and Inclusion," the university said, "The Executive Director and Associate Dean for Anti-Racism, Equity, Diversity and Inclusion (AEDI) will have demonstrated experience and expertise in promoting and advancing anti- racism, equity, diversity, and inclusion in higher education, the arts, and scholarly/creative practices."
  • UCLA’s Office of Equity, Diversity and Inclusion offers toolkits on “Dismantling Racism: Resources and Best Practice,” “Preventing Discrimination: Anti-Asian Discrimination,” “Preventing Discrimination: Anti-Black Discrimination,” “Principles Against Intolerance,” “Supporting Our Latinx/Hispanic Communities,” and “Supporting Our LGBTQ+ Communities,” among many others.
  • UCLA’s Office of Equity, Diversity and Inclusion offers the “Searching For Excellence: Evidence-Based Strategies for Equitable and Inclusive Faculty Hiring” Guide.
  • UCLA’s Office of EDI has an Implicit Bias Video Series for Faculty Searching.
  • UCLA’s Office of Equity, Diversity and Inclusion hosts numerous events as part of their engagement commitment, including but not limited to a “Music and Justice” series.
  • On December 3, 2022, UCLA hosted an event called the Social Welfare Admissions and Recruitment Diversity Fair.
  • UCLA has an Anti-Racism Initiative Steering Team (ARI-ST) and Anti-Racism Initiative Project Teams (ARI-PTs). The project teams are groups of staff convened by the steering team to address a particular project.
  • The Office of Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion provides UCLA with a "Race, Racism & Antiracism Toolkit" which has the "aim to orient and inform students, faculty, and staff as they begin or continue their journey at UCLA."
  • UCLA's 2023-2028 Strategic Plan states that it would "[p]artner with the Office of the Vice Chancellor for Equity, Diversity and Inclusion to create a strong culture of inclusive teaching by embedding EDI efforts throughout all practices, programs and initiatives."
Symbolic Actions
  • On January 27, 2023, the school's Office of Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion released a statement on the death of Tyre Nichols which states the following: "We recognize the inhumanity that this tragedy lays bare. We recognize the systemic forces that continue to give rise to specific tragedies and recurring violence. Naming the harms and sharing our concerns will allow us to move forward as a community with compassion, dignity and justice."
  • The UCLA Library has an Anti-Racism Initiative (ARI) Framework, an "iterative document that consists of projects, tasks, and recommendations." The library's goal is to "permanently embed the concepts that create and sustain a just, equitable and diverse workplace into its organizational culture."
  • UCLA's Inclusive Excellence Framework for Advancing EDI (Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion) has four dimensions: inclusive leadership, education, engagement, and accountability.
Last updated March 20th, 2024
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