- Mailing Address
Student Support and Service Center
1155 University Blvd
SE Albuquerque, New Mexico 87131 - Phone
- (505) 277-0111
- Email address
- unmlobos@unm.edu
- Website
- https://www.unm.edu/
- School Information
- "Founded in 1889 as New Mexico’s flagship institution, The University of New Mexico now occupies nearly 800 acres near old Route 66 in the heart of Albuquerque, a metropolitan area of more than 500,000 people. From the magnificent mesas to the west, past the banks of the historic Rio Grande to the Sandia Mountains to the east, Albuquerque is a blend of culture and cuisine, styles and stories, people, pursuits and panoramas." The university offers over 90 undergraduate programs, enrolls over 22,200 students, and employs over 2,960 faculty. (Source: https://www.unm.edu/welcome/index.html) (Source: https://public.tableau.com/profile/unm.oia#!/vizhome/DegreesAwarded2016-2020/Degrees) (Source: https://public.tableau.com/profile/unm.oia#!/vizhome/Enrollment_SCH_2012-2016_0/Story1) (Source: https://public.tableau.com/profile/unm.oia#!/vizhome/OfficialFacultyCounts/Dashboard1)
- General Information
- The University of New Mexico has taken more symbolic steps to forward its equity initiatives. In a campus-wide message, UNM president Garnett Stokes said, "Throughout the history of our institution and our state, there have been cultural touchpoints that require us to re-examine the symbols, artwork and facilities that identify our University culture and environment – and sometimes our values. Similar demands for reflection and change are being levied across our country, and I want to assure the University community that we are listening." Several symbols, such as the university seal and building names may be changed. No Critical Race Training sessions are yet required of students. See developments below:
Actions Taken
- Admissions Policies
On June 29, 2023, UNM's President issued a statement in response to the Supreme Court's ruling on affirmative action which reads in part as follows: "When we limit access to education, we shackle the nation. Our nation’s history has included systems that claim to support equality, while, at the same time, sadly, constructing barriers for those who are most vulnerable and disadvantaged by those same systems...We will continue to champion and lead in what we already do - build belonging through inclusivity; we will not be reduced. At UNM we don’t create barriers…we are committed to removing them. As per our institutional mission, we will continue to provide an unfettered path to higher learning, personal fulfillment, and a better future for our students."
- Program and Research Funding
The school created a Student Diversity Council, which acts separately from the Diversity Council.
The Institute for the Study of “Race” and Social Justice offers an Undergraduate Certificate in Race & Social Justice.
On April 24, 2024, the school plans to host a workshop on “Teaching that Promotes Antiracism for Health Equity: It’s Easier than You May Think.”
- Resources
The Division for Equity and Inclusion offers training in implicit bias, unconscious bias, cultural competency, equity & diverse pedagogies, and intersectionality.
The school outlined its goals and initiatives in “Justice, Equity, Accessibility, Diversity & Inclusion.”
According to the Strategic Plan 2040, the school set a goal to design a new page for its DEI website.
Objective 4 of the Strategic Plan 2040 is to “[assess] UNM’s inclusive climate across all UNM sites to document and address concerns and actively work to evolve cultural humility and literacy within our communities” through “Training Activities.”
The school has a Diversity Council which includes students, faculty, and staff. Furthermore, “[the] charge of the Diversity Council is to review historical documents addressing diversity at UNM and study campus climate policies and best practices addressing diversity and excellence at institutions of higher education.”
The College of the University Libraries & Learning Sciences has an anti-racism statement, saying that “[we] at CULLS affirm our responsibility to continuously learn about and disrupt systems of privilege, inequality, and oppression, and to reform our policies and practices in accordance with this responsibility.”
The school has an Institute for the Study of “Race” and Social Justice, which hosts numerous events and offers many resources.
The school has different Multicultural Groups.
- Symbolic Actions
"UNM Seal: There has been strong interest in examining the historic representations that have been built into the UNM Seal for more than a generation. In 2016, it was determined that while the mark was under review, an interim seal would be used for all official representation. After a considerable amount of dialogue, research and input from over 8000 participants in our communities statewide and nationally, a comprehensive and diverse committee presented art submissions to the Regents’ Academic Student Affairs and Research (ASAR) Committee this past April 30. The ASAR committee requested some modifications to the artwork, which will be returned for further consideration at its next meeting, likely to take place in August, after which it will go to the full Board for final approval."
"Adams Mural in Zimmerman Library: The recent intellectual discourse regarding the mural was conducted with considerable thought and insight, with many vested groups, and incorporated lectures, entire course sections, and meetings with interested constituents. This engagement led to a proposed solution involving a curtain veil concept, which then evolved to an enhanced technical display that allows for complete obstruction of view while still permitting the murals to be accessed for educational purposes. The transition of leadership and the viability of the selected technology unquestionably delayed the project, but this issue continues to be a priority for the University. We remain committed to covering the murals before Fall classes begin. Given the historical designation of Zimmerman Library, this process is strictly regulated by the New Mexico Historic Preservation Division, and we will continue to work diligently to comply with their requirements to implement changes."
Named Buildings: This week, the Oñate Hall building sign was removed due to vandalism. Unlike the Adams mural in Zimmerman, the University has not entered into an extensive process to address controversial building names. However, the University administration understands the need to address this important issue. All naming requests currently are reviewed by the Committee on Naming Facilities, Spaces, Endowments, and Programs, in accordance with existing guidelines and procedures. Since the naming of facilities has a long-term impact on the University, the current approval process is designed to ensure such actions are in the best interest of the institution. We will strive for an inclusive process and I have requested a review of the existing policy for naming buildings and other facilities."
UNM announced its "Anti-Racism Action Plan" for 2021.
In 2020, UNM established the CTL Committee for Anti-Racist Education. In its mission statement, its goal is to call out "embedded and pervasive nature of White Supremacy as an institutional practice."