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Washington State University

Undergraduate School

Mailing Address
1815 Wilson Rd
Pullman, Washington 99163
(509) 335-3564
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School Information
"Since 1890, Washington State University has inspired the next generation of problem solvers. WSU faculty inspire discovery and spark creativity among civic-minded students. Proud alumni become leaders with a singular goal: making the world a better place." The university offers 98 undergraduate majors, 78 master's degree programs, and 65 doctoral degree programs. The university also enrolls over 20,900 students and has a 15:1 student-instructional faculty ratio. (Source: (Source:
General Information
Washington State University has taken steps to reform its police department. To become certified, officers and employees must take seven workshops covering four areas: "building a foundation, allyship, skills and building community together". No mandatory Critical Race Training sessions are yet required of students. However, see developments below:

Actions Taken

Admissions Policies
  • One of the objectives of WSU's (Vancouver) 2021-2026 Strategic Plan is to "[e]nsure equitable opportunities and outcomes for all student populations, including parity in recruitment, retention and graduation rates across student demographic groups." One of the strategies to achieve this objective would be to "[e]xpand the pursuit of grant funding to increase college access for historically underrepresented students in the region."
  • On June 29, 2023, WSU's President issued a statement in response to the Supreme Court's Ruling on affirmative action that reads in part as follows: "WSU is convening a cross-functional team to assess all policies and programs that could be impacted by today’s decision. While we will review the court’s ruling and abide by its decision, it’s our duty — and our pledge — to continue to address the systemic discrimination and biases that hinder students of color. It’s a commitment the university already works hard to uphold in a state where affirmative action programs have been prohibited in public hiring, education, and contracting since 1998."
Anti-Racism, Bias, and Diversity Training
  • The Office of the Provost is offering the "Mindfulness-Based Anti-Racism Series" for faculty.
  • One of WSU's (Vancouver) 2021-2026 Strategic Plan strategies is to "[p]rovide professional development and enrichment to apply and sustain an equity lens in daily practice across groups, units and all campus endeavors."
  • The WSU (Spokane) Student Equity, Leadership, and Community Hub provides microaggression and unconscious bias training as well as "Community and Equity Certificate Program."
Curriculum Changes and Requirements
  • WSU's UCORE (University Common Requirements) curriculum (general education) requires students to take Global Cultural Diversity courses which "introduce students to differences, similarities, and connections among cultures by exploring the multiplicity of individual and group experiences within and across historical periods, societies, and cultures in global comparative context."
Disciplinary Measures
  • WSU's (Vancouver) Bias Response Team "mobilizes with urgency to reaffirm, reinforce and restore campus values of community, equity, diversity, inclusion and belonging."
Faculty/Staff Requirements
  • One of the strategies of WSU's (Vancouver) 2021-2026 Strategic Plan is to "[a]dd an equity and inclusion requirement to the annual review process for leadership and management."
Program and Research Funding
  • One of the university's health equity projects has the following three objectives: "to lay the groundwork for a multi-state Equity, Diversity, Inclusion and Justice Coalition for anti-racism; to identify community perspectives on healthcare needs and barriers to accessing healthcare among Asian families and Pacific Islander families; and to explore experiences of racial discrimination, trauma, healing and resilience with multi-generational households."
  • The Program in Women’s, Gender, and Sexuality Studies at WSU is described as follows: "At this important moment in history—from #BlackLivesMatter to #MeToo and everything in between... offers interdisciplinary courses in which students work together to explore the questions that these social justice movements pose, and the ways that race, ethnicity, sexuality, social class, nationality, age, and ability intersect to shape understanding of gendered experience and injustice."
  • WSU students who major/minor in Comparative Ethnic Studies will learn how to "Understand the social constructions of race impact the social fabric [sic] of our historical and contemporary world" and "Appreciate differences and to actively and critically engage in civic responsibilities, especially with respect to social justice."
  • WSU's Department of Sociology offers a minor in Workplace Diversity in which student will "increase their intercultural understanding and cross cultural skills, as well as provide evidence of those skills to prospective or current employers." Students must take either the "Social Inequality" or "Race and Global Inequality" course to complete the minor.
Re-Imagining Policing
  • Police department employees must take seven workshops (three of them are called "Equity") covering four areas: "building a foundation, allyship, skills and building community together".
  • The library provided resource lists from Black scholars, journalists, and activists.
Symbolic Actions
  • WSU's Writing Center announced the implementation of new anti-racist measures in their "Statement of Antiracist Practice & Commitment."
  • The Office of Outreach and Education hosted the "Thriving Authentically: Ascending Industry while identifying as Black, Indigenous, and Person of Color (BIPOC))" speaker event in March 2022.
  • The university hosted the "DEI Summit" in November 2021, which helps individuals "find ways to get involved in equity and social justice work."
Last updated July 16th, 2024
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