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Western New England University

Undergraduate School

Mailing Address
1215 Wilbraham Road
Kevin S. Delbridge Welcome Center
Springfield, Massachusetts 01119
(413) 782-1321
Email address
School Information
"From our modest beginnings in 1919 as a satellite division of Northeastern College (University) to our first charter as a distinct college in 1951, to our transition to a comprehensive university in 2011, Western New England has evolved into a leader in higher education, attracting students from around the globe. At the dawn of its second century, WNE is rising to meet the moment of unprecedented change as a model for the "New Traditional University," one renowned for graduating students who are both work-ready and world-ready, prepared to contribute to society and a constantly-evolving workforce" (Source: The total undergraduate enrollment is approximately 2,500 and the total enrollment is approximately 3,700. The student to faculty ratio is 12 to 1. The university offers 50 undergraduate majors and 30 minors in addition to 44 graduate programs.
General Information
Western New England University has required that all law school graduates take an "Anti-Racism and Cultural Competency" course, effective 2022. The law school also offers anti-racist programming. The school has received a grant to build a Diversity Task Force. WNE requires mandatory anti-racism training for undergrads. See developments below:

Actions Taken

Anti-Racism, Bias, and Diversity Training
  • As part of its Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Policy, WNE states that "[a]ll employees are also encouraged to attend diversity awareness training to enhance their knowledge and to gain insights to fulfill this responsibility" and that "DEI learning modules are available to all Faculty and Staff through LinkedIn Learning."
  • As part of its Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Policy, WNE "[expects]" that "Hiring Committee members [attend] implicit bias training prior to the start of the hiring process."
Program and Research Funding
  • With a $1,275 Alumni Association grant, WNE started the United and Mutually Equal Mentoring Program in order to provide a mentoring program for underrepresented students.
  • The Alumni Association gave WNE a $2,400 grant to build the Diversity Task Force.
  • On April 14, 2023, WNE held an event titled "Cultural Humility and Implicit Bias" where speakers "shar[ed] their insights on issues of cultural humility and implicit bias, as well as offer strategies for addressing and combating discrimination in our communities."
  • WNE's Office of Cultural Education and Inclusion is: "[g]uided by social justice principles," "works towards pluralism through our commitment to empower, advocate for, and educate members of our community," and also "advises students of color and international students."
Symbolic Actions
  • On June 2, 2020, WNE's President issued a message "Concerning Current Civil Unrest" which reads in part as follows: "We at Western New England University condemn racism, bigotry, violence, and incivility...The killing of Mr. George Floyd has sounded the alarm once again. So many members of our University community are grieving not only for the cruel death of a man but for all those who have endured injustice resulting from racism and poverty."
Last updated February 27th, 2024
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