Oregon has spent the better part of the past decade infusing equity into every level of education in the state. State law changed in 2012 to remove the position of elected state Superintendent of Education, replacing it with a gubernatorial appointee. Equity guides most policy and guidance at the Oregon Department of Education (ODE). (source)
Higher Education
Oregon’s Equity Lens – adopted in 2014: “The Oregon Equity Lens was adopted by the Higher Education Coordinating Commission (HECC) in 2014 as a cornerstone to the State’s approach to education policy and budgeting to achieve state goals. The purpose of the Equity Lens is to clearly articulate a shared goal for an equitable education system, to put into place the intentional policies, investments, and systemic changes necessary to reach our goals and to create clear accountability structures to ensure that we are actively making progress and correcting past inequities.” (source)
K-12 Education
The Oregon Department of Education (ODE) has a vast array of resources and policies dedicated to equity and dismantling systems of oppression. From the website:
Welcome to the Office of Equity, Diversity and Inclusion (EDI)
We hope to keep supporting your work and create a space for tools and resources, but also reflect on the essence of the “why” of our work. Our Equity Team is committed to looking for evidence and research-based practices that will enhance your teaching practices.
ODE Education Equity Stance
Education equity is the equitable implementation of policy, practices, procedures, and legislation that translates into resource allocation, education rigor, and opportunities for historically and currently marginalized youth, students, and families including civil rights protected classes. This means the restructuring and dismantling of systems and institutions that create the dichotomy of beneficiaries and the oppressed and marginalized. (source)