Colorado State University College of Veterinary Medicine and Biomedical Sciences
Veterinary School
- Mailing Address
1601 Campus Delivery
Fort Collins, Colorado 80523 - Phone
- (970) 491-7051
- Email address
- School Information
- "Improving the health of animals, people, and the planet has been central to our land-grant mission since 1883, when the first veterinary classes began at Colorado Agricultural College. Today, that vision remains at the heart of the College of Veterinary Medicine and Biomedical Sciences, where we empower the next generation of leaders to change the world. We improve the health of animals, people, and the planet through innovative and dedicated teaching, research, outreach, and clinical service. Through our actions, we inspire the next generation of leaders." (Source:
Actions Taken
- Admissions Policies
In February 2023, the Assistant Dean of DEI published a blog on the CVM's website discussing the future of admissions as it becomes seemingly more evident that the Supreme Court will overturn affirmative action in the Harvard and UNC cases. Naomi Nishi believes that "the end of affirmative action will lay bare the work that we have not done" and should serve as a "call to action."
- Faculty/Staff Requirements
Association Council On Education." Section 12.7.2 describes the Admissions Committee Membership process and states, "All members hold professional degrees and represent broad veterinary career fields and identity demographics. Subcommittees for special programs are composed of members of the VAC and representatives from the focus area and admitting College. All VAC members undergo six hours of training annually on admissions processes, holistic selection philosophy, and unconscious bias in admissions prior to the start of an application reading window. The VAC meets once at the conclusion of each admission cycle to reflect and discuss potential changes in the admission process."
- Resources
On January 10, 2022, the school's Assistant Dean for Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion published an article entitled "Understanding Race and Race Making” discussing the history of racism in the biomedical field. She stated, “Some of our top researchers on down to our incoming students are unfamiliar with the history of biomedical research and practice, and how it has always been enmeshed with systems of oppression, including racism, sexism, cisheterosexism, ableism, and beyond."
On July 25, 2022, the school's Assistant Dean for Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion published an article entitled, "Why faculty of color leave: A summary of research." According to the Assistant Dean, the research demonstrates that "faculty of color experience racially-charged climates and racism in their workplace. Faculty of color also frequently experience racial microaggressions and racial stereotyping within the academy.”
On March 7, 2022, the schools Assistant Dean for Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion published an article entitled "Understanding Racial Microaggressions" and defines microaggressions by quoting psychology scholar Derald Wing Sue and colleagues where they describe it as, "brief and commonplace daily verbal, behavioral, or environmental indignities, whether intentional or unintentional, that communicate hostile, derogatory, or negative racial slights and insults toward people of color.”
On February 21, 2022, the school's Assistant Dean for Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion published an article entitled "Intersectionality" which takes an in depth look into the concept. Nishi states, "If we are considering race in areas like research, admissions, and teaching and not simultaneously considering gender, ability, class, etc., people of color who hold multiple marginalized identities will be left out of the conversation and initiatives we develop."
On July 11, 2022, the school's Assistant Dean for Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion published an article entitled, "Justice, Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion in STEM Outreach," which discusses the lack of diversity in higher education. Nishi explains several concepts including "intersectional disenfranchisement" which she describes as, "Communities that are disenfranchised have experienced intersecting oppression. These communities are often made up of people with in a low socioeconomic status, are often disproportionately made up of Black, Latinx, and Indigenous communities."
On October 26, 2022, the school announced a faculty presentation entitled, “Access to Care: Structural Racism in Veterinary Medicine.”
In February of 2022, the school published a list of resources on the topic of Black History Month. In describing the importance of these resources, the school's Assistant Dean for Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion stated, "pairing this with a discussion about race and racism allows for developing social justice in our next generation."
In August of 2022, the school promoted a book entitled, "What the Eyes Don't See" by Dr. Mona Hanna-Attisha, which discusses the water crisis in Flint, MI from 2014-2016. The book details how the "impetus, longevity, and egregiousness of this disaster was largely due to the [sic] racism. This operated at all levels that created the oversight of poisoning children in Flint, most of whom were Black children, families of color, and/or those who were working class."
The school published its educational blog page entitled, "Biodiversity," which is described as an "educational blog focused on issues related to justice, equity, diversity, and inclusion (JEDI), particularly as they relate to the biomedical sciences and veterinary medicine." The blog is directed by the school's Assistant Dean of Diversity, Equity. and Inclusion, Naomi W. Nishi, Ph.D.
During the last week of March 2023, the College of Veterinary Medicine & Biomedical Sciences held Wellness Week in the D.V.M. Program. Although inclement weather led to the cancellation of their session on justice, equity, diversity, inclusion, and well-being, the Assistant Dean of DEI nonetheless provided resources for "synchronizing DEI and wellness strategies."
The Assistant Dean of DEI put out a statement on "Lifting up Black History Month" in February 2023. In it, Nishi highlights CSU’s Black/African American Cultural Center programming.
- Symbolic Actions
In June 2020, the school's Dean's Office addressed the aftermath of the death of George Floyd and racism in America by stating, "Together we are processing an incident that spotlights a disregard for human life, from which we cannot not look away. The United States has been a beacon of freedom and liberty since its inception but we are far from perfect and we must listen, reflect and work towards respect and justice for all. Perhaps we can help to move from rage to action and help to begin to dismantle systematic racism and bias. This can only occur when we admit that racism and bias exists, it is dehumanizing, it is evil and as long as we continue to treat these actions as isolated events we increasingly jeopardize not only our principles but our humanity."
In June 2020, the school released a statement on anti-racism declaring its "unwavering support for the Black Lives Matter movement." The school continued, "We as a college community, including many of us who are people of privilege, share a commitment to be allies for Black and Indigenous people, and People of Color, and will work to become actively anti-racist."
The school released an "Anti-Racism Pledge" on its Diversity, Equity and Inclusion page and pledged its "unwavering support for the Black Lives Matter movement." The Pledge states, "We as a college community, including many of us who are people of privilege, share a commitment to be allies for Black and Indigenous people, and People of Color, and will work to become actively anti-racist."