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Tuck School of Business

Business School

Mailing Address
100 Tuck Hall
Hanover, New Hampshire 03755
(603) 646-3162
School Information
"The Tuck School of Business, one of three professional schools of Dartmouth College, was founded in 1900 as the world's first graduate school of management. At the time, establishing a business school with the status of a graduate department was bold and unorthodox, but the wisdom of the plan has been validated during the past century. Our school served as the prototype for one of today’s most important educational formats: the graduate business school conferring the MBA degree...Dartmouth College, a member of the Ivy League, has been one of the world’s great educational institutions since its establishment in 1769. The college provides Tuck with a strong foundation on which to achieve its goal of offering the world’s best education preparation for a career of business leadership" ( Within the business school are six centers: the Center for Business, Government & Society; Center For Entrepreneurship; Center for Health Care; Center for Private Equity and Venture Capital; Glassmeyer/McNamee Center for Digital Strategies; and Revers Center for Energy, Sustainability and Innovation. Tuck has 65 full-time and clinical faculty members, 297 students, and 10,700 living alumni (

Actions Taken

Admissions Policies
  • The school's 2021 DEI Strategic Review + Action Plan" states that Tuck would "broaden the pool of under-represented and historically excluded applicants" and "raise representation of various forms of diversity, particularly with race, gender, and socioeconomic diversity across student, faculty, staff and leadership positions."
Anti-Racism, Bias, and Diversity Training
  • In 2020, Tuck Professor Ella Bell Smith taught an alumni summer session titled "Race, Equity and Conspirators in the Workplace," which looked at the "essential role business leaders can take in fighting racism and building a future that promises opportunity for all."
  • In 2020, Tuck's Net Impact, Center for Business, Government & Society, and Alumni Engagement hosted a virtual panel session titled "In Pursuit of Equitable Justice in Your Community" to "inform the Tuck community on the work taking place in criminal justice reform and how individuals can influence change and combat systemic racism."
  • The school's 2021 DEI Strategic Review + Action Plan" states that Tuck would "[e]valuate and address systemic barriers and implicit bias in recruiting processes."
Curriculum Changes and Requirements
  • In 2020, Tuck updated its first-year orientation program to incorporate programming which "prepares students on how to approach issues of diversity and reflect on the opportunity to make meaningful change." The session "Race, Diversity and Your Life: Now What?" was led by Den Slaughter and Professor Ella Bell Smith.
  • The "Diversity at Tuck" webpage states that the school's "commitment to diversity applies to the curriculum and to our educational approach."
  • The school's 2021 DEI Strategic Review + Action Plan states that Tuck would "enhance the learning experience by further integrating DEI into our curriculum, case studies, and classroom experience."
  • The school's 2021 DEI Strategic Review + Action Plan" states that the Managing Organizations (MO) program is the "final organizational behavior installment in the MBA program’s required core curriculum." The MO curriculum "explores organizations as complex social systems that bring together tasks and structures, people and culture, and the role of leadership in managing these systems, keeping them well-aligned, and in service of achieving strategic goals in a way that harnesses the benefits of diversity, equity and inclusion (DEI)."
Program and Research Funding
  • The "Tuck Business Bridge" program "delivers a comprehensive curriculum taught by top-ranked MBA faculty from the Tuck School of Business at Dartmouth" and includes a session titled, "Inclusive Leadership: The Business Case for Diversity." During Inclusive Leadership sessions, "students will learn about the framework of Inclusive Leadership and discuss the role and impact of diversity in/on individuals, teams and organizations."
  • Tuck Diversity Business Programs "have fostered diverse inclusion in the business world by educating thousands of underrepresented business owners" and include programs titled, "Building a Successful Diverse Business," "Growing an Established Diverse Business," and "Supplier Diversity Professional Excellence Program."
  • The Tuck Diversity Business Program "Sponsorship" webpage offers two ways in which corporations can donate to its programs and state, "[b]y investing in supplier diversity development, businesses enhance their supply chain, build relationships with the diverse business community, and visibly demonstrate their commitment to strengthening minority businesses."
  • Tuck's "Next50" fellowship is a "student-led organization and Fellowship program at Tuck advocating for more diverse case protagonists in MBA curricula so that every student can see themselves in the business leaders they study." The goal of the program is that "by 2025, 50% of case protagonists in the business cases taught in Tuck’s curriculum include gender, racial, and/or nationality diversity."
  • The Tuck Initiative on Workplace Inclusion was founded in May 2022 and establishes a "presence that will contribute to developing and leading inclusive workforces." The initiative supports research that "generates knowledge that can be disseminated among scholars, practitioners, and policymakers" and "inspire[s] our students to help them succeed as inclusive leaders."
  • The Tuck ESG Fund is a "student-run investment fund that invests in for-profit enterprises that exemplify ESG objectives through their mission, practices and purpose, while maintaining a strong financial return." 
  • In 2020, Tuck students hosted an "Ahmaud Arbery Ask Me Anything" event where students shared with peers their own experiences with racism and injustice.
  • In 2020, the student-led "Tuck Allies through Leadership and Knowledge (TALK) summer program brought reading groups together to discuss The New Jim Crow: Mass Incarceration in the Age of Colorblindness."
  • The school's 2021 "DEI Strategic Review + Action Plan" reported that Tuck MBA students, alumni, faculty, and staff feedback indicated that the school should "Develop [a] better understanding of allyship" and "DEI training."
  • On April 9, 2022, Tuck participated in the "Move Beyond the Buzzwords, a DEI Summit," which is described in part as follows: "As future leaders in a rapidly evolving world, understanding our personal biases and the natural inclinations of our society is the first step to achieving a more equal and equitable world. Intentions of our actions and their real impact must be reexamined and unseen discrimination needs to be questioned."
  • Tuck has a webpage titled "U.S Ethnic Minority Students" which focuses on assisting underrepresented students at the Tuck Business School and states, "[b]ased on a foundation built by Tuck students who came before them, students of color and their peers are committed to supporting each other and co-creating their Tuck MBA experiences as they design and deliver unique opportunities to learn, lead, and be led by difference."
  • The "Tuck Initiative on Workplace Inclusion" News webpage features articles about the need for corporations to implement more inclusive and diverse leadership within their organizations. Several of the articles feature interviews with the Initiative's founder, Professor of Business Administration, Ella Smith.
  • Tuck's 2022-2023 academic year included a course offering titled "ESG Investment Practicum," which is described as follows: "This practicum was developed to ‘formalize’ academic work around Tuck’s ESG Fund (TESGF). This is a co-curricular activity that provides students with a hands-on experience in managing and executing real world ESG-oriented investments, by exposing students to incorporating non-financial factors related to ESG into investment analysis."
Symbolic Actions
  • Tuck Diversity Business Programs' mission is to "carefully [customize its] executive programs to meet the unique needs of underrepresented entrepreneurs and business owners who are people of color, Native American, women, veterans of all ethnic and racial backgrounds, LGBTQI+, and/or disabled." Its five programs are "Building a Successful Diverse Business, Growing an Established Diverse Business, Digital Excellence Program, Supplier Diversity Professional Excellence, and Custom Programs."
  • On October 21, 2020, Tuck reaffirmed its commitment to DEI in an article by sharing updates on various actions taken since June of 2020. The article called on the Tuck community to be "wise, decisive leaders who better the world" by "[raising] people up by taking harmful and discriminatory structures down." Actions and next steps are recorded in Tuck's Strategic Plan for Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion and annual report.
  • On August 20, 2020, Tuck Dean Matthew Slaughter announced the creation of a new leadership role titled Assistant Dean for Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion. On September 1, 2020, Dia Draper became the inagural Assistant Dean for DEI.
  • On June 1, 2020, the school's Dean issued a statement regarding the death of George Floyd titled "Racism in America and Hope at the Tuck School," which stated, "I would like to invite all of us at Tuck – especially the majority of us who are white – to summon our capacity for empathy: first to better understand the damage of racism in America, and then to consider what new capabilities we might create at Tuck to better equip all of us to engage with racism and other wicked social problems relevant to business leadership in today’s complex world."
Last updated November 10th, 2023
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