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Crystal Springs Uplands School

Private K-12 School

Mailing Address
400 Uplands Drive
Hillsborough, California 94010
(650) 342-4175
Email address
School Information
"Mission: Through transformative teaching and meaningful connections, we empower kind, curious learners to thrive together." "Crystal kids have one thing in common: They come to school fired up to be here. Paired with brilliant, bold, invested faculty, our students are encouraged to take risks, explore the world, and inspire each other. We take the time to ask each of our students, 'What excites you?" When students discover and pursue what makes them tick and are supported by people who believe in them, magic happens." The school enrolls 572 students, employs 67 faculty, and offers over 110 courses at the Upper School level. (Source: (Source: (Source:
General Information
Crystal Springs Uplands School has implemented an anti-racism initiative. The school has aimed to make curricular changes, including establishing, "Critical Race Theory as the foundation for 11th grade English, meeting local racial justice artists and activists in Art II, and centering culturally responsive pedagogy and equity literacy in MS math teaching practices." The school is also reportedly "taking steps to address" the difficulty "that students have in reporting or discussing racist incidents and microaggressions," though what form the reporting would take is not yet clear.

Actions Taken

Anti-Racism, Bias, and Diversity Training
  • The school told the community in its November update, "The Senior Leadership Team, Board of Trustees, Professional Adult Community (PAC) and other key constituents read, processed, and reflected on the written narratives shared with the school which led to the establishment of Board DEI goals and updates to schedules, program, policies, and practices." The school also "launched our Professional Adult Community (PAC)’s equity work, including mandatory professional development during the start-of-the-year retreat, racial affinity groups centered on racial identity development and cohorts focused on restorative practices and social justice." The school also set aside "additional dedicated time and the use of the framework for Courageous Conversations about race and justice."
Curriculum Changes and Requirements
  • One of the DEI Strategic Plan Objectives is to "Enhance innovative, inclusive curriculum and pedagogy to further elevate the academic experience."
  • The school has sought to establish "Critical Race Theory as the foundation for 11th grade English, meeting local racial justice artists and activists in Art II, and centering culturally responsive pedagogy and equity literacy in MS math teaching practices."
Disciplinary Measures
  • The school is "taking steps to address" the difficulty "that students have in reporting or discussing racist incidents and microaggressions." Though what form the reporting would take is not yet clear.
  • The school held an event titled "Common Ground: Raising Anti-Racist Kids" in November 2020.
  • Associate Director of Admission and Financial Aid stated that there were "student-led discussions surrounding various social justice issues."
  • Another goal of the school is to "Develop resources and programming to build and expand our capacity to foster kindness and inclusion."
  • Parents have been asked to complete a "Diversity, Equity, & Inclusion Survey."
  • The school had an "Anti-Racism Resources" for the school community, which included Tiffany Jewell's "This Book is Antiracist" and Ibram X. Kendi's "Stamped From the Beginning: The Definitive History of Racist Ideas in America" and the New York Times' 1619 podcast.
  • The school also included events such as "Dismantling Internalized White Supremacy: A Working Group for POC," and "Cultivating Liberation: Becoming an Anti-Biased, Anti-Racist Educator" in its Anti-Racism resources document.
Symbolic Actions
  • The school stated, "Specifically, Crystal Springs Uplands School believes that Black Lives Matter... We know we have more work to do as a school to examine and interrupt all forms of oppression, including racism in our community and beyond."
  • The school has a "Multicultural Leadership Team." The team is "composed of both faculty and students who collaborate on curricular projects and community events." The goal of the team is "to develop the equity literacy and culturally responsive practices of faculty, staff, and students in order to live out our core values and ensure that the CSUS is a place where all community members are affirmed and able to thrive."
  • The Multicultural Leadership Team (MLT) "is lead by the Chief Equity and Inclusion Officer and two faculty co-chairs, one from each division. Members of the MLT include Upper and Middle School Division Heads, Deans of Students, at least one member of each academic department, members of the student government, and additional student representatives." The MLT's goals are to "provide a space for Crystal students and adults to engage in their own growth and development as it relates to topics of equity and inclusion as well as to allow for collaboration and planning of community events."
  • In an interview with the student newspaper, the Associate Director of Admission and Financial Aid confirmed that there was a Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Taskforce.
  • On August 21, 2020, Crystal highlighted a student who is on the “Crystal's Student of Color Committee for Diversity and Equity” on its Facebook page. This post was also featured on its Instagram account.
  • On June 24, 2020, Crystal announced “a year-long diversity initiative aimed to support the Black Lives Matter movement” along with the “incoming Executive Committee” on Facebook. This post was also featured on its Instagram account.
  • On June 16, 2020, Crystal posted on its Facebook page “a link to a communication that was shared via our alumni facebook group from our Head of School” alongside its BLM statement.
  • On June 2, 2020, Crystal participated in “Blackout Tuesday” on Facebook.
  • On July 13, 2020, Crystal made an Instagram post relating to the “Recharge session” which is considered “a short presentation and discussion about systemic racism, social media, and the online experience of Crystal students.”
  • On June 5, 2020, Crystal stated on Instagram, “No more silence. Black Lives Matter. Black Students Matter. Please continue to read and participate in student led initiatives and petitions.
Last updated July 26th, 2022
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