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Moses Brown School

Private K-12 School

Mailing Address
250 Lloyd Avenue
Providence, Rhode Island 02906
(401) 831-7350
Email address
School Information
Moses Brown School is an independent Quaker school founded by Moses Brown (18th-century Quaker abolitionist leader) in 1784. "At MB, we offer an incredibly varied and rigorous program, including 17 musical and performance groups across the school, 50 clubs and activities, and 61 athletic teams competing in 16 different sports. Upper School students choose from among two dozen AP and honors courses. And while individual achievement is prized at MB, we also foster a close sense of community, evident in collaborative relationships between students and teachers and in our weekly meeting for worship." "With $7 million awarded annually in need-based financial aid, Moses Brown partners with many families to make a shared investment in bright, caring, and thoughtful children from all socioeconomic backgrounds. And with 28% of our student body being people of color, our community reflects the demographics of our area." "At Moses Brown, 111 faculty members serve roughly 789 students ages 3-18, with a student-to-teacher ratio of 8:1." (Source:

Actions Taken

Admissions Policies
  • The school's 2020-21 "Diversity, Equity, & Inclusion Strategic Plan" Report/Summary states that it would "[e]stablish appropriate systems for monitoring the demographic makeup of our community, ensuring that the school reflects the diversity of its surrounding area in terms of race, gender and socio-economic status."
  • The school's 2020-21 "Current State of DEI [Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion] Work at MB" states that "[p]rogress on student diversity has been attributable to a focus on access and affordability: the Admissions team increased outreach to feeder schools with diverse populations, and the school increased financial aid substantially."
Anti-Racism, Bias, and Diversity Training
  • The school's 2020-21 "Diversity, Equity, & Inclusion Strategic Plan" Report/Summary states that "[f]or existing leadership, including the Board of Trustees, implement regular DEI training and evaluate how we make decisions and how we hire and promote."
  • The school's 2020-21 "Diversity, Equity, & Inclusion Strategic Plan" Report/Summary states that it would "[i]mplement anti-bias measures in our hiring and admissions/financial aid processes, including training for staff participants."
Curriculum Changes and Requirements
  • The school's 2020-21 "Diversity, Equity, & Inclusion Strategic Plan" Report/Summary states that it would "audit curriculum and pedagogy for DEI and multicultural content" and "Bolster programming for students and parents focused on identity, power, privilege, bias, and social inequality."
  • The school's 2020-21 "Current State of DEI [Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion] Work at MB" states, "In order to address concerns about student awareness and behavior, the ASDC [All School Diversity Committee] clerks teach three DEI-focused classes for all 9th graders. This work is designed to ensure that all students entering the Upper School have a baseline understanding about identity, privilege, race and gender as well as the school’s expectations for treating everyone with respect."
  • The school's 2020-21 "Current State of DEI [Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion] Work at MB" outlines its curriculum changes (as of 2021) for the lower, middle, and upper schools. Included in the list of classes and programs are: "New N-5 Social Justice curriculum (2020)," "Debunking the Thanksgiving Day story," "Annual grade-level diversity workshops (topics include self-identity, race, gender, ability, class and power, oppression, privilege, code switching," "Racial Justice curriculum; Dangers of a Single Story (history)," "introductory DEI lessons," and "Semester-long electives in Literature of Race, Literature of Gender, Psychology of Race, and the Mathematics of Inequality."
Disciplinary Measures
  • The school's 2020-21 "Diversity, Equity, & Inclusion Strategic Plan" Report/Summary states that it would "[e]stablish processes for reporting and responding to incidents of identity-based bias, discrimination, and racism..."
Faculty/Staff Requirements
  • The school's 2020-21 "Diversity, Equity, & Inclusion Strategic Plan" Report/Summary states that it would "[r]equire all faculty, staff, and coaches to undertake formal DEI training every two years..."
  • The school's "unconference" is an end-of-summer meeting where "impromptu sessions are conceived and led by the faculty and staff themselves, often right on the spot." Past topics have included: "a portrait of an MB graduate, a discussion of Critical Race Theory, ways to utilize our innovation lab (Ylab) and even cake making!"
Symbolic Actions
  • In April 2021, then-Head of School Matt Glendinning wrote the introduction to the school's 2020-21 "Strategic Action Plan for Diversity, Equity & Inclusion" and posed the question, "how should Moses Brown, a Friends school, respond to the legacy of bias, prejudice and discrimination in America? What role will we play in the national movement for equity and justice?"
Last updated December 1st, 2023
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