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California University of Science and Medicine

Medical School

Mailing Address
1501 Violet Street
Colton, California 92324
(909) 580-9661
Email address
School Information
"In August 2012, under the initial name 'Eastern California College of Medicine,' Dr. Reddy and other leaders defined the mission and vision of the institution to develop and operate a school of medicine to educate future physicians and medical support personnel, as well as conduct medical research in furtherance of the science and art of medicine. In May 2013, the institution was renamed California University of Science and Medicine. In 2017, CUSM developed its first graduate degree program, the Master’s in Biomedical Sciences program (MBS). The primary goal of the program is to better prepare students for a career in medicine or other healthcare professions, by enhancing students’ academic qualifications to gain acceptance into advanced healthcare educational programs. In April 2017, CUSM expanded its WASC Senior College and University Commission (“WSCUC”) eligibility to include the MBS program." (Source:

Actions Taken

Admissions Policies
  • As part of its Diversity Statement within the 2023-2024 Student Catalog/Handbook, CUSM states the following: "CUSM expands supports and protections with a commitment to equity, diversity and inclusion for all employment and educational practices, including but not limited to, recruitment of staff and students [and] admissions...."
Anti-Racism, Bias, and Diversity Training
  • As part of the school's 2021 Annual Report, the Office of Equity, Inclusion, Diversity & Partnership states that it offers "Mitigating Bias" and "Equity Practice and Ally Skills in medical education and healthcare" trainings.
  • The purpose of the Learning and Engagement in Anti-racism & Anti-oppression Practice (LEEAP) program is to "support personal and professional learning in equity, diversity, inclusion, and more, emphasizing anti-oppressive thinking and anti-racist practice that supports our entire campus community."
Curriculum Changes and Requirements
  • The school's LEEAP (Learning and Engagement in Anti-racism & Anti-oppression Practice) program is a "required program for all CUSM faculty, staff, and students and consists of 12 total credits of professional learning in 6 identified program areas." The purpose of LEAAP is to "support personal and professional learning in the areas of equity, diversity, inclusion, and more, emphasizing anti-oppressive thinking and anti-racist practice that supports our entire campus community."
  • As part of its Diversity Statement within the 2023-2024 Student Catalog/Handbook, CUSM states the following: "CUSM expands supports and protections with a commitment to equity, diversity and inclusion for all employment and educational practices, including but not limited to...curriculum [and] course materials."
Disciplinary Measures
  • The school's "Ethics, Equity, Professionalism and Mistreatment (EEPM) Process Concern Form" allows students, staff, and faculty to "anonymously share concerns related to these issues that you have experienced, witnessed, or heard."
Faculty/Staff Requirements
  • The school's LEEAP (Learning and Engagement in Anti-racism & Anti-oppression Practice) program is a "required program for all CUSM faculty, staff, and students and consists of 12 total credits of professional learning in 6 identified program areas." The purpose of LEAAP is to "support personal and professional learning in the areas of equity, diversity, inclusion, and more, emphasizing anti-oppressive thinking and anti-racist practice that supports our entire campus community."
  • The school's Diversity webpage states the following: "CUSM-SOM leadership acknowledges the acute need to remove barriers to the recruitment, retention, and advancement of the historically underrepresented, marginalized populations. The innovative clinical presentation curriculum emphasizes public health, population health, global health and affordable, accessible care for all. The training of culturally competent healthcare providers requires a multicultural milieu in which diversity is deeply valued and encouraged."
  • As part of the school's 2021 Annual Report, the Office of Equity, Inclusion, Diversity & Partnership summarizes its "BASE" program which "provides foundational skills, tools, education, and insights into equity practice from and for our community."
Symbolic Actions
  • CUSM's 2023-2024 Student Catalog/Handbook states, "At CUSM we recognize that racism and other forms of oppression are often inherited by way of tradition, structurally reinforced through dominant cultural norms, unconsciously validated, and unintentional."
  • In regards to professionalism, CUSM's 2023-2024 Student Catalog/Handbook states that students are expected to demonstrate "awareness of biases, sensitivity, and responsiveness to diverse populations."
Last updated April 30th, 2024
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