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Elson S. Floyd College of Medicine at Washington State University

Medical School

Mailing Address
412 E. Spokane Falls Blvd.
Spokane, Washington 99202
(509) 358-7944
Email address
School Information
"The Elson S. Floyd College of Medicine is Washington’s community-based medical school. Named after Washington State University’s late president, Dr. Elson S. Floyd, the college was created to expand medical education and health care access in communities across the state. The college is also home to the departments of Nutrition and Exercise Physiology, Speech and Hearing Sciences, Translational Medicine and Physiology and Medical Education and Clinical Sciences." (Source:

Actions Taken

Admissions Policies
  • The college's 2021 Strategic Diversity Action Plan states that it "develops a variety of recruitment strategies to ensure a diverse student, faculty, and staff applicant pool."
  • On January 1, 2022, Washington State University released a memo stating that the Washington State Legislature "enacted a law addressing disproportionate health outcomes by building a foundation of equity in medical training, codified in RCW 28B.10.698 and RCW 28B.10.699." In accordance with this new law, the medical college developed the following goal: "The Elson S. Floyd College of medicine will strive to enroll students that reflect the diverse population of the state of Washington with a special focus on populations that are underrepresented in the medical profession."
  • On March 29. 2022, the college published its "Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, Justice, and Access Policy," which states "The College of Medicine degree programs use an admissions process that considers experiences and attributes in addition to traditional metrics to ensure diverse students have an equal opportunity for admission."
Anti-Racism, Bias, and Diversity Training
  • One of the policy goals of the college's 2021 Strategic Diversity Action Plan is to develop and implement "onboarding and training to equip faculty to teach Health Equity and Inclusion in the curriculum."
  • The college's 2021 Strategic Diversity Action Plan states that it would "Invest in training for staff and faculty through Community of Practice Fellows and members of the college interested in becoming certified trained facilitators in sustained dialogues (Intergroup Dialogue) and the Intercultural Development Inventory."
  • The college offers professional development workshops to its staff and faculty that "focus on diversity, inclusion, implicit bias, health disparities, and cultural competence."
Curriculum Changes and Requirements
  • The college's 2021 Strategic Diversity Action Plan states that its medical curriculum includes instruction regarding the following concepts: "The manner in which people of diverse cultures and belief systems perceive health and illness and respond to various symptoms, diseases, and treatments," and "Recognition of the impact of disparities in health care on medically underserved populations and potential solutions to eliminate health care disparities."
  • One of the policy goals of the college's 2021 Strategic Diversity Action Plan is "Increased frequency of Health Equity and Inclusion in the curriculum."
  • On March 29. 2022, the college published its "Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, Justice, and Access Policy," which states "Degree programs provide students with academic curricula that include a focus on health equity, diversity, inclusion, justice, and access to ensure graduates are prepared to serve a diverse community."
  • The college's curriculum "explores health disparities that disproportionately impact diverse populations" and addresses such issues as "social determinants of health," "unconscious/implicit bias," and "cultural competency/linguistic competence."
  • Regarding its curriculum, the college states, "Health equity is threaded through the pre-clinical and clinical curriculum to help students define and describe health equity concepts...." Additionally, the "curriculum is introduced through an orientation/early first year workshop on health equity and oppression."
Faculty/Staff Requirements
  • The college's 2021 Strategic Diversity Action Plan states that "All members serving on search committees attend the Inclusive Excellence Bias Training."
  • On March 29. 2022, the college published its "Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, Justice, and Access Policy," which states "Search committee chairs and members complete training in best practices (e.g., Inclusive Excellence Bias Training) for reducing bias in the hiring process and follow the best practices detailed in the College’s Search Toolkit."
Program and Research Funding
  • The college's 2021 Strategic Diversity Action Plan states that it would advance "Health Equity and Diversity focused research [and] scholarship."
  • On December 1, 2023, College of Medicine News reported on a new "Health Equity Circle" program that was founded by one of its faculty members Dr. Luis Manriquez who stated, "creating the Health Equity Circle was a way to help students engage with their communities, give them tools for community organizing they can use during their careers, and advance social justice."
  • The college's 2021 Strategic Diversity Action Plan states the following concerning racism: "In the summer of 2020, the College of Medicine drafted and signed a letter of support encouraging the Spokane County Health District to declare racism as a public health problem. The College of Medicine acknowledges the unfortunate truth that healthcare and research have not been immune to racism and other forms of oppression."
  • On March 29. 2022, the college published its "Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, Justice, and Access Policy," which states "each department has its own infrastructure for supporting diversity, equity, inclusion, justice, and access specific to its needs and available resources."
  • The college's Equity Committee "forges strategies to ensure that the college promotes diversity and inclusion" in the areas of recruitment, curriculum, admissions, "student support", and "[a]wareness and retention activities."
Last updated August 22nd, 2024
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