University of Arizona College of Medicine – Tucson
Medical School
- Mailing Address
1501 N Campbell Avenue
Tucson, Arizona 85724 - Phone
- (520) 626-4555
- Email address
- Website
- School Information
- "The University of Arizona College of Medicine – Tucson delivers cutting-edge programs in medical education, highly innovative and collaborative research opportunities, as well as advanced patient care in an environment where inclusive excellence and diversity create a foundation for community responsive action. Founded on the campus of the University of Arizona in 1967 as the state’s first MD degree granting college and a resource for the people of Arizona, today the UArizona College of Medicine ranks among the top medical schools in the nation for research, teaching and primary care. From an initial class of just 32 students, the UArizona College of Medicine today has graduated more than 4,000 physicians. College of Medicine students, faculty, staff, and alumni today continue more than 50 years of service in advancing medical care, biomedical research and knowledge in Arizona — and around the world." (Source:
- General Information
- The college's office of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion has "Anti-Racism in Medicine Initiatives" with the goal of engaging "in anti-racism work." The initiatives have subcommittees on topics including "curriculum" and "safety and security." One subcommittee focused on curriculum is working on the "Implementation of new curriculum focused on anti-racism and/or the social determinants of health," specifically through the "Histories of Health Disparities 4th year elective (Fall 2020)" and "Talking about Race – MS1 activity (Orientation)."
Actions Taken
- Anti-Racism, Bias, and Diversity Training
The college has diversity, equity, and inclusion trainings, such as "Everyday Bias for the Healthcare Professionals," "Microaggressions," and "Implicit Bias and Interviews."
On January 14, 2021, the school's News section published an article titled "Connecting with Dean Abecassis: Reflecting on a First Year" and features an interview with the school's Dean who stated that "Combatting racism is critical, and this includes developing our awareness of implicit bias or unconscious bias," and "This is why we have made implicit bias training mandatory for all of our search committee members."
- Curriculum Changes and Requirements
The Curriculum Anti-Racism in Medicine Sub-Committee is working on the "Implementation of new curriculum focused on anti-racism and/or the social determinants of health," specifically through the "Histories of Health Disparities 4th year elective (Fall 2020)" and "Talking about Race – MS1 activity (Orientation)."
The Curriculum – Evaluation / Assessment & AOA Anti-Racism in Medicine Sub-Committee proposes "an evaluation form to capture the anti-racist sensitivity of preceptor/attending/ resident in the end-of-clerkship evaluations."
The school's Department of Surgery lists "Implicit Bias" as part of its "Grand Rounds" that took place on August 5, 2020. The school "designates this live activity for a maximum of 1.0 AMA PRA Category 1 Credit(s)."
The school's Office of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion outlines its "Health Equity Grand Rounds" program and states that the school is "dedicated to reducing healthcare disparities across the practice of medicine. The goal of these health equity rounds is to provide examples of when implicit bias and/or structural racism may have impacted patient care and outcomes. Moreover, a review of evidence-based best practices and recommendations in addressing bias are also presented."
- Disciplinary Measures
The Transparency & Accountability Anti-Racism in Medicine Sub- Committee recommended "record keeping of disciplinary action including power dynamics, demographic groups, retaliation, etc."
The Safety/Security Anti-Racism in Medicine Sub-Committee recommended the "Implementation of a robust system for reporting and collecting student and faculty reports of racism and discrimination and developing policies."
- Resources
The college has an Office of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion.
The college's Office of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion provided resources including "How To Be An Antiracist" by Dr. Ibram X. Kendi and "The New Jim Crow" by Michelle Alexander.
The college said that "the Office of Diversity, Equity and Inclusion worked with each department to identify a Diversity Champion (DC) to represent the department in ensuring diversity and inclusion metrics are being addressed. The DC facilitates institutional efforts to ensure that every member of UACOM – T is trained on topics that illustrate the benefits of diversity."
The Health Sciences Library has resources on "Racism in Medicine and Healthcare," with material on topics ranging from "Colonialism" to the "The Gender Binary."
The Health Sciences library has resources on "Racism in Medicine and Healthcare," which feature an "Anti-racist Language Guide" and the "AAPR Anti-Racism Toolkit: Curricula."
On January 15, 2021, the school's News section announced that Kathryn E. Glas, MD, MBA would be the new chair of the Department of Anesthesiology and provides her biography, which includes a link to an article by Dr. Glas titled "Unconscious (Implicit) Bias."
- Symbolic Actions
The college's office of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion has "Anti-Racism in Medicine Initiatives" with the goal of engaging "in anti-racism work." The initiatives have subcommittees on "curriculum" and "safety and security."
The Faculty/Resident Recruitment and Retention Anti-Racism in Medicine Sub-Committee recommended that the college "In collaboration with ODEI & Diversity Champions, continuously assess diversity and equity within each Department."
The college was "one of 10 medical schools invited last year to join ART in Med Ed, a three-year program at the Carl Icahn School of Medicine at Mt. Sinai Medical Center in New York City designed to build anti-racist practices into the curriculum and how the colleges operate."
The college said, "The College of Medicine – Tucson’s plan has 10 “Anti-Racism in Medicine” (ARiM) themes. The College of Medicine – Phoenix’s involves a 12-Step ARiM Action Plan. For instance, sensitivity, cultural competency and unconscious bias training were added or refined for faculty development as well as resident and fellow requirements, and in the student curriculum."
The University of Arizona College of Medicine Tucson has a Aequitas Health Honors Society Chapter. The mission of this chapter is “to identify, recognize, and develop future physician leaders to address the glaring health inequities that exist in our society today.”