- Mailing Address
405 N Main St
Davidson, North Carolina 28305 - Phone
- (704) 894-2000
- Email address
- eikeeley@davidson.edu
- Website
- https://www.davidson.edu
- School Information
- Davidson College is an institution of higher learning established in 1837 by Presbyterians of North Carolina. Since its founding, the ties that bind the college to its Presbyterian heritage, including the historic understanding of Christian faith called The Reformed Tradition, have remained close and strong. The college is committed to continuing this vital relationship. The primary purpose of Davidson College is to assist students in developing humane instincts and disciplined and creative minds for lives of leadership and service. In fulfilling its purpose, Davidson has chosen to be a liberal arts college, to maintain itself as a residential community of scholars, to emphasize the teaching responsibility of all professors, and to ensure the opportunity for personal relationships between students and teachers. Further, Davidson believes it is vital that all students in every class know and study under mature and scholarly teachers who are able and eager to provide for each of them stimulation, instruction, and guidance. (source: https://www.davidson.edu/about/statement-purpose)
- General Information
- Commitment to Diversity (excerpt): Student Body Diversity Davidson College is dedicated to intellectual and cultural growth in the broadest sense. Davidson prides itself on a student body made up of talented people in the U.S. and other nations, chosen not only for their academic achievement, but also for their unique combination of talent, aptitude, worldview, service and aspiration. View the most recent Class Profile. Student Diversity & Inclusion The Center for Diversity and Inclusion (CDI) fosters an inclusive and welcoming environment on campus for systemically underrepresented student populations at Davidson College. While the Center engages all students, faculty and staff in diversity, inclusion and equity efforts on campus, specific support is offered to students of color and LGBTQIA+ students. The Center pursues this goal by providing direct support services, community spaces, educational programming, leadership development and community-building opportunities within and across social groups. Learn more about Student Diversity and Inclusion at Davidson. Curriculum Students have abundant opportunities for exploring the complexities of a diverse, interconnected, unequal and changing world through academic coursework. Each student must complete a course that fulfills the Cultural Diversity Requirement, a course with a significant focus on the cultural experiences of a group differing from that of the dominant cultures and social identities of the United States and Europe. In addition, students must also complete a course that fulfills the new Justice, Equality and Community Requirement. These courses focus on the struggles for justice and equality in various communities, locales, nations or regions of the world. Students also are strongly encouraged to supplement their education with high-impact learning experiences such as studying abroad, studying away (at other locations in the United States), community-based learning opportunities, internships, fellowships, shadowing and alternative breaks. (source: https://www.davidson.edu/about/commitment-diversity-and-inclusion) Davidson College will be instituting mandatory anti-racism training for all students, faculty, and staff. See developments below:
Actions Taken
- Admissions Policies
The Access Davidson Program took place between September 10-12, 2023, and is "designed for high school seniors from historically excluded racial and ethnic groups, those who are first in their family to attend college, and students from rural or low-income backgrounds." The program "provides prospective students with an opportunity to hear from current students, faculty, and staff over the course of their stay."
- Anti-Racism, Bias, and Diversity Training
The university will be instituting "Mandatory antiracism training for all students, faculty and staff."
Through the Office of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion, Equity Advisers "are trained in best practices for inclusive academic searches" and work alongside the Student Initiative for Academic Diversity (SIAD). SIAD are "trained student workers who conduct on-campus interviews with potential tenure-track faculty and senior administration candidates with a focus on the candidates' experiences and preparedness to teach, advise, support, advocate for and serve a diverse student body."
The Library will participate in "DEI focused training opportunities related to inclusive cataloging" and the "college-sponsored, staff-centered Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Belonging (DEIB) workshop" as part of its Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Goals.
- Curriculum Changes and Requirements
Starting with the class of 2021, each student must take one course that satisfies the Justice, Equality, and Community (JEC) requirement.
"Courses that satisfy the cultural diversity requirement focus on one or more cultures that differ from the main cultures of the United States or Western Europe. Through these courses, faculty members guide students as they explore cultural differences from an academic perspective. Many courses also may satisfy Ways of Knowing, major, or minor requirements."
"AFR 371 - Critical Race Theory" and "EDU 371 - Critical Race Theory" satisfies a major requirement in Sociology and Africana Studies, a minor requirement in Educational Studies, and a Social-Scientific Thought distribution requirement.
- Disciplinary Measures
Reporting Bias Incidents & Hate Crimes: "Davidson College is an institution of higher learning and is committed to providing a safe and inclusive environment for all members of the community. Students, faculty, and staff all play a vital role in creating living and learning spaces that are free from bias, harassment, intimidation and hate. If you have been the target of a bias incident (or have witnessed a bias incident) please complete the form:"
- Political Actions and Support for Anti-Racism
"Eight Davidson faculty and staff participated in the August LACRELA workshop 'Teaching the Truth About Slavery and America’s Racial History,' and a separate delegation participated in the September workshop: 'Strategically Hiring Faculty of Color."
- Program and Research Funding
Davidson received a $1 million grant from Lily Endowment Inc. in 2016 to fund a five year study "racism among white-dominant" churches.
Davidson received a $1.2 million grant in 2017 from the Andrew W. Mellon Foundation to fund its new course requirement in Justice, Equality and Community.
The university will be "Providing $50,000 in grants in the 2020–2021 school year for student initiatives to build an anti-racist community."
The STRIDE (Students Together Reaching for Individual Development and Education) Program at Davidson "provides direct support to first-year and transfer students of color so that they can...successfully complete their first academic year of college...through inclusive dialogues, events and relationship building with Davidson students, staff and faculty, this program attempts to minimize institutional challenges students of color may have at a predominantly white college."
- Resources
The Center for Diversity and Inclusion (CDI) "fosters an inclusive and welcoming environment on campus for systemically underrepresented student populations at Davidson College. The Center pursues this goal by providing direct support services, educational programming and community building opportunities within and across social groups."
Community Spaces Center for Diversity and Inclusion: "This student-centered lounge strives to be a community building space for diverse students to have organic conversations and enjoy social activities such as games, coloring, music and refreshments."
Course EDU 385: Race, Families, and Inequality: "The family that you're born into profoundly shapes your life chances. Drawing on theoretical frameworks from sociology, political science, and psychology we will learn how family background and other non-school factors shape unequal educational experiences and outcomes in K-12 and beyond."
Davidson In Washington Internship: "Summer internship that includes a seminar: Race and Place: Structural Inequality and U.S. Public Policy"
On August 11, 2020, Davidson welcomed "‘How to Be an Antiracist" author Ibram X. Kendi to "engage in a conversation with Davidson President Carol Quillen via Zoom."
In response to the Commission on Race & Slavery, the university pledged "to create four new tenure-track professorships, in part or entirely, in Africana Studies."
As of fall 2021, the college began offering a course titled "#Abolishthepolice: Race and Policing in the U.S."
Associate Professor of Psychology Phia Salter states, "My research utilizes cultural-psychological and critical race perspectives to inform my work on collective memory, social identity and systemic racism."
The Division of Student Life links to a "Racial Justice Resources" document and states, "Developed by team members in the Division of Student Life to provide students with resources to support active engagement in dismantling systems of oppression in our communities, this document is organized by ways we can learn, reflect and act."
The Davidson E.H. Little Library provides "Anti-Racism" resources which link to several online projects including: "Civil Rights and Social Justice ,"Davidson Anti-Racism and Inclusive Pedagogy Resources," and "Davidson Microaggressions Project."
Through Davidson's Spencer-Weinstein Center for Community and Justice, "[s]tudents, faculty and staff create and implement learning experiences that promote social, cultural and educational programs that advance pluralism and inclusivity across the campus."
- Symbolic Actions
In response to Charlottesville, the president of the college created Davidson College Commission on Race and Slavery.
Faculty Senate called for antiracism training for faculty, staff, and students. The Senate also stated, "We therefore strongly support and pledge to join or initiate various forms of action to aid the BLM movement in its goals for an immediate end to systemic racism upheld by racist and discriminatory laws, systems, institutions, and practices, and manifested as racist discrimination and violence by public servants in the United States..."
Following the release of the Davidson Commission on Race and Slavery report, the university "issued a public apology today for its support of slavery during the college’s first 30 years and its embrace of the racist laws and policies that followed."
On March 29, 2023, DC's President announced plans to build a memorial at Davidson that would honor the " the enslaved and exploited people whose labor helped build the college."
On November 7, 2023, the college announced that it is "advancing its work on understanding the college’s history regarding slavery and expanding its commitment to education and reconciliation efforts in the present and future." Davidson's Board of Trustees and President Doug Hicks would establish a "new Committee on Education and Reconciliation to guide and support the college’s strategic efforts in understanding its history and building an inclusive Davidson College community."
The E.H. Little Library at Davidson issued an "Anti-Racism Statement" which reads in part: "We publicly oppose racism, discrimination, and oppression in all forms...We strive to offer diverse collections and inclusive programming to amplify marginalized voices and promote justice and understanding. Black Lives Matter."