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Dickinson College

Undergraduate School

Mailing Address
28 N College St
Carlisle, Pennsylvania 17013
(717) 243-5121
Email address
School Information
"In 1783, Benjamin Rush, a revolutionary in both spirit and life, established Dickinson College with the intent of providing a different kind of liberal-arts education. "Here, students are encouraged to be actively engaged with the wider world and challenged to think differently and act boldly. Dickinsonians are guided by a core set of tenets—to be decisive, useful, curious and unafraid to take risks. "We produce critical thinkers who see how everything is connected. Graduates forever ready to make a difference. "This is how we’ve taught successful graduates of all kinds, from lawyers to researchers to writers to CEOs. Dickinson’s brand of liberal arts has been around for more than 200 years for one reason—it works." The college enrolls over 2,300 students, has a 9:1 student-faculty ratio, and offers 45 majors. (Source: (Source:
General Information
The Popel Shaw Center for Race & Ethnicity at Dickinson College launched the Dickinson Antiracism Project, which will "engage the Dickinson community in ongoing work to understand and practice focusing specifically on Dickinson’s persistent struggle to embrace racial, ethnic and national diversity authentically." The initiative provides antiracist resources to students. No Critical Race Training sessions are yet required of students. See developments below:

Actions Taken

Admissions Policies
  • On June 29, 2023, the college's President issued a message to the entire Dickinson community in response to the Supreme Court's affirmative action decision which stated, "While Dickinson will, of course, abide by the Supreme Court ruling, we remain firmly committed to a diverse Dickinson community...while we cannot consider race standing alone as a factor, we will continue to work to attract students from all corners of the United States and the globe."
  • On June 29, 2023, in response to the Supreme Court's affirmative action decision and speaking on diversity at the college, Dickinson's President stated, "We've eliminated the admissions application fee and have returned to being test optional, a position we have taken for many years."
  • The college's Inclusivity Strategic Plan states that it would "[a]ttract and retain a diverse student body" by "[identifying] institutional factors that affect attracting and retaining minoritized/under-represented/marginalized students."
Anti-Racism, Bias, and Diversity Training
  • The Popel Shaw Center for Race and Ethnicity offers "Cultural Training and Development" sessions. The Center states, "Workshops and presentations focused on cultural diversity and inclusion help community members gain tools to develop their Intercultural Knowledge and Competence."
Curriculum Changes and Requirements
  • Dickinson has a Global Diversity requirement which includes a course titled "U.S. Diversity" and is described as follows: "The United States has always been and remains a place of diversity, contest and inequality. The U.S. diversity course explores the ways in which diversity has enriched and complicated our lives. The course examines the intersections of two or more of the following categories of identity in the United States: race, ethnicity, gender, class, religion, sexual orientation, and/or disability."
Disciplinary Measures
  • The Bias Education & Response Team (BERT) at the college is a "non-sanctioning body that responds to bias incidents in a proactive manner, emphasizing educational resolutions." The team "represents a cross-section of the Dickinson community (faculty, administrators, and students) who support anti-bias education." (Bias reporting instructions are also outlined on this webpage.)
Faculty/Staff Requirements
  • The college's Inclusivity Strategic Plan states that it would "[r]equire implicit bias training for all search committees."
  • The Dickinson Antiracism Project will help students: "Develop an evolving set of knowledges and skills to enact and practice antiracism in their communities. Recognize the educational value of dialogue, active listening, and interactive experiences through active participation. Learn how to practice antiracism in concert with other progressive, human affirming anti-oppression practices. Understand antiracism work as a dynamic practice that necessitates ongoing education, reflection, and practice."
  • The college has hosted numerous events, such as the "White Immunity: Working Through the Pedagogical Pitfalls of Privilege" lecture and the "Clarke Forum: Ibram X. Kendi" lecture.
  • The college provided a 23-step list of tips for "allies" to be "supportive, confront discrimination, and resist complacency."
  • Students and faculty were given a list of "Antiracism educational and engagement resources."
  • The Dickinson Antiracism Project has provided anti-racism education resources.
  • On March 9, 2022, the college held an event titled "Who’s Afraid of Critical Race Theory? A Panel Discussion Exploring CRT’s Centrality in the Current Culture Wars."
  • The college has a "Center for Spirituality & Social Justice " which "seeks to develop a campus climate where people commit to understand, respect and appreciate others religious, secular, and spiritual identities," as well as "confront[s] religious and secular discrimination on campus and in the world, and work[s] together for the common good."
  • The Africana Studies Fall 2023 course catalog includes a course titled "Approaches to Africana Studies" (AFST 200-01) which is described as follows: "The course will focus on various interpretive frameworks and approaches to organizing and understanding Africana Studies, including but not limited to the African model, Afrocentricity, diaspora model, critical race theory, post-modernism, and post colonialism."
  • The Popel Shaw Center for Race and Ethnicity is a "campus resource for students, faculty, and staff dedicated to transforming Dickinson College into an inclusive antiracist learning environment." The Center "facilitates antiracist education through a variety of modes, including cultural awareness programs, community dialogues, mentoring opportunities, lectures, policy advocacy, and workshops."
  • Elizabeth Rule is an advisory board member for the Center for the Futures of Native Peoples at Dickinson College​​​ and "holds the position of Assistant Professor of Critical Race, Gender, and Culture Studies at American University in Washington, DC."
  • The college's Inclusivity Strategic Plan states that it would "[d]esign a curriculum that links programs on the shared values prioritized by Dickinson’s commitment to ethics, civic engagement and inclusivity."
  • The Center for Sustainability Education outlines its “Commitment to Anti-Racist Action” through a statement.
  • On February 22, 2024, the Black History Month’s Keynote Address focused on “The Ethics of Anti-Racism.”
  • The Department of Anthropology & Archaeology has its own Anti-racism Statement in order to “reaffirm our commitment to the values of diversity, equity, and human rights.”
  • The Waidner-Spahr Library has a guide on anti-racism topics.
Last updated July 9th, 2024
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