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Illinois Institute of Technology

Undergraduate School

Mailing Address
10 West 35th Street
Chicago, Illinois 60616
(312) 567-3000
Email address
School Information
"Based in the global metropolis of Chicago, Illinois Tech is the only technology-focused university in the city. It offers degrees in engineering, science, architecture, business, design, human sciences, applied technology, and law" (Source: Furthermore, "in 1890 Illinois Institute of Technology was founded to lift up people from all backgrounds with education that would help them meet the needs of the age" (Source: The school has a student to faculty ratio and a total enrollment of over 2,800.
General Information
Illinois Tech has enacted several anti-racist initiatives, including workshops on diversity and inclusion. The National Science Foundation also recently awarded Illinois Tech with a grant for anti-racist teaching. The school also hosts an internship program for research on diversity. At this time, no CRT training is currently required. However, see developments below:

Actions Taken

Disciplinary Measures
  • IIT outlines its Bias Reporting procedures and states, "Students affected by bias (whether personally experienced or observed) can report the incident here or [by] using the link below."
Faculty/Staff Requirements
  • On January 13, 2023, Illinois Tech sent out a message to all faculty and staff announcing a requirement of completing Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion training no later than April 10. The training consists of 10 e-learning modules on topics like “Race and Ethnicity,” “Bias,” “LGBTQ+,” and “The Impact of Diversity and Inclusion.”
Program and Research Funding
  • On June 22, 2022, it was announced that the Illinois Institute of Technology received a $1.1 million National Science Foundation grant for a “joint-degree program [that] places special emphasis on anti-racist training for ninth through 12th grade teachers” and is targeted towards undergraduate students.
  • Illinois Tech’s Diversity Research Scholars is an internship program that is “provided to college students from other institutions to research diversity in the workplace at Illinois Institute of Technology.”
  • IIT's 2020-2025 Strategic Plan states, "A culture of excellence as well as a culture of diversity must pervade the university in both academic and nonacademic areas."
  • As part of its Black History Month celebrations, IIT Libraries provide various resources and books on the topic, including "How to be an Antiracist" by Ibram X. Kendi, "White Fragility" by Robin DiAngelo, and "Race, Religion, and Black Lives Matter" by Christopher Cameron.
Symbolic Actions
  • Illinois Tech recommends everyone to “put diversity into your daily routine.”
  • Illinois Tech’s President made a statement saying, “Our whole community is committed to deliberate and meaningful work to promote a diverse and inclusive environment that enables everyone to reach their full potential.”
  • The Office of the Vice Provost for Student Affairs crafted the Student Diversity Advisory Council, which seeks to “create opportunities for students from different backgrounds to discuss issues related to Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion at Illinois Tech.”
  • Illinois Tech has a library guide on resources for Diversity, Equity & Inclusion that gives recommendations for “celebrating diversity.”
Last updated April 16th, 2024
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