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San Jose State University

Undergraduate School

Mailing Address
1 Washington Sq
San Jose, California 95192
(408) 924-1000
Email address
School Information
"As one of the most transformative universities in the nation, San José State is ready for big change. As part of Transformation 2030, SJSU's strategic plan, the campus community is dedicated to realizing the university's potential as a nationally prominent urban public university. San José State provides a comprehensive university education, granting bachelor’s, master’s and doctoral degrees in 250 areas of study. With approximately 36,000 students and nearly 4,300 employees, SJSU is an essential partner in the economic, cultural and social development of Silicon Valley and California." (Source:
General Information
SJSU leadership, under student pressure, began re-evaluating its relationship with law enforcement. In response to a student petition to "defund the police", SJSU created a task force, and has begun implementing anti-racism training for students, faculty, and staff. See developments below:

Actions Taken

Admissions Policies
  • One of the goals of the College of Science Anti-Racism Committee is "to recruit and support more undergraduate students from diverse backgrounds to participate in scientific research mentored by faculty members early on in their college career."
  • SJSU's Office of the President works with the CSU Chancellor’s Office "to expand our recruitment to areas where more underrepresented students, in particular Black students, may benefit from an SJSU education."
Anti-Racism, Bias, and Diversity Training
  • The University Council of Chairs and Directors will "have regular trainings from/discussions with the Office of Diversity, Equity and Inclusion (ideally once a semester) and engage in difficult dialog for the purpose of seeding and implementing change" and "regularly discuss with their staff, faculty and students issues undermining BIPOC members or other groups in our community, and determine how to address these issues."
  • The university's Center for Faculty Development offers "a variety of workshops including topics like 'Anti-Racist Pedagogy.'"
  • The College of Science Anti-Racism Committee hosts the Cultivating Equity and Inclusion Collaborative which is a "training space made up of faculty and staff in the CoS" whose "focus is to work on a series of learning objectives that will empower and improve each group member’s ability to fight racism."
  • The SJSU Library hosts the Anti-Racism Assessment Working Group which "monitors the current progress on the Library’s Anti-Racism Action Plan and provides the framework and recommendations needed to further the progress toward these goals." The group recommends "[p]articipation in professional development, mentorship, Anti-racism training, DEIA training, and other training [that] should be acknowledged in performance evaluations."
  • The Office of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion works with "students, faculty, staff, administration, organizations and groups on designing, facilitating and evaluating different forms of social justice education."
  • One of the goals of SJSU's 2030 Strategic Plan is to increase the university's "engagement with DEIJ [Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Justice] work as measured by participation in trainings."
  • As part of its 2023-2028 Strategic Plan, the School of Information states that it would develop "training opportunities and research dissemination activities that focus on professional development" in order to advance equity, diversity, and inclusion and "cultural competency in the school’s curriculum."
  • The Office of Diversity, Equity and Inclusion trains campus organizations (at SJSU) on the topics of unconscious bias, microaggressions, and an "introduction to Diversity, Identity and Social Inequality."
Curriculum Changes and Requirements
  • The university's K-12 Teaching Academy features modules such as "Decolonizing STEM with ABAR (Anti-Bias and Anti-Racist) themes."
  • As part of its 2023-2028 Strategic Plan, the School of Information states that it would implement an "action plan and process for implementing" equity, diversity, and inclusion "throughout the curriculum."
Disciplinary Measures
  • SJSU's Bias Incident Resource Team "collect[s] reports of incidents of bias that have impacted the campus community" and "reach out to and work to provide support to reporters and impacted parties, as well as work to engage them in voluntary educational activities such as conversations, trainings, and workshops."
Faculty/Staff Requirements
  • The university is developing new "training requirements for faculty, management and staff - training that includes identifying and addressing racist micro-aggressions and anti-bias training specific to campus roles and responsibilities."
  • The university has developed and implemented "faculty search committee and RTP evaluation training using a racial justice lens which addresses implicit bias, race, gender, and cultural competence to eliminate inequity within these processes."
  • The university announced, "In partnership with the Center for Faculty Development, ODEI developed a 10-hour required module on equity and inclusion in this certificate program. Approximately half of SJSU tenure track/tenured faculty and lecturer faculty have completed the training by Spring 2021. Another 1,000 faculty will be trained Summer 2021."
  • The university will, "Expand and enhance training requirements, offering modules identifying and addressing racist micro-aggressions and anti-bias training specific to campus roles and responsibilities, began summer 2020. Additional workshops on white privilege and systemic racial oppression, and dialogistic facilitation skills within an equity framework will be developed starting Summer 2021."
Political Actions and Support for Anti-Racism
  • SJSU's College of Education provides a variety of antiracism and racial justice resources and states that the college is "committed to addressing and uprooting racism, racial injustice, and racial inequity in our community, policies, and practices so we've compiled a sampling of resources for our students, alumni, faculty, staff, and partners to utilize in their pursuit of antiracism, racial justice, and racial equity."
Program and Research Funding
  • The university has initiated "a grant process to support this critical area of racial equity in health. This process will further support the research many of our talented and committed faculty members are doing, while infusing new areas of research in a topic that is crucial for our students and community."
  • The Institute for Emancipatory Education at SJSU "facilitate[s] community-engaged research and advance[s] emancipatory pedagogies that support the redesign of learning from preschool through post-secondary" and "support[s] the development of equitable and inclusive educational systems that nurture the creativity and brilliance of all learners so that our diverse, democratic society can truly thrive."
  • The Office of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion hosts the "InterGroup Dialogue Program"(IGD) which is a "research-based practice" that facilitates a "structured approach for engaging in face-to-face interactions engaging with issues of diversity, social inequality, and social justice...."
Re-Imagining Policing
  • Task Force Created to Respond to Student Petition to “Defund the Police”
  • The university established a Task force on safety and policing that will be "charged with assessing the concerns about safety and policing on campus, how we might address those concerns and what opportunities we have for moving forward as the safest and most effective urban-based campus in the United States." Additionally, the task force will "select an external reviewer to support and guide the work and offer recommendations for reform, such as new models of safety and policing, new training protocols, policy revisions or redistribution of resources."
  • The Department of Sociology and Interdisciplinary Social Sciences offered "Additional Anti-racist Resources," including Ibram X. Kendi's "An Antiracist Reading List" in the New York Times and "Resources from Robin DiAngelo."
  • As part of the university's plan to combat systemic racism, the university held the "Transforming Communities: A Movement to Racial Justice" event. The event "offers the opportunity for participants to gain a wealth of information and experience as they engage with content centered at the intersection of race and topics such as inequality, systemic injustice, community healing and restoration, human rights, sexuality and gender, and so much more."
  • The university's Office of Diversity, Equity and Inclusion "seeks to build individual, organizational, and institutional capacity to enact systemic change on issues of equity and social inequality."
  • The university has a new Director of Advocacy for Racial Justice and a Director of Black/African American Equity.
  • The university launched the "Campus Committee on Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion which will serve to identify equity gaps and make recommendations to the president on addressing systemic historical inequities on an annual basis."
  • One of the "course learning outcomes" of Introduction to Asian American Studies (Spring 2023) is described as follows: "Learn various methodologies, concepts, and theoretical contributions of Asian American Studies to comparative critical race analyses of power and structure, including white supremacy, liberation, sovereignty, and settler colonialism."
  • The course "Race and Ethnic Relations" is offered as part of the 2023-2024 academic catalog and is described as follows: "Analysis of racial and ethnic groups in American society; contacts and conflicts; prejudice and discrimination; dominant and subordinate group status; social structure of racial and ethnic inequality within society. Comparison of global race and ethnic relations."
  • SJSU's 2030 Strategic Plan includes a description of the "MOSAIC Leadership Today pre and post survey" which is a "plan of assessment for student engagement." The survey "measures knowledge of self and others, power, privilege, marginalized identities, multi-positionalities, leadership development for social justice, and knowledge of social change model."
  • One of the goals of SJSU's 2030 Strategic Plan is to incorporate "[u]nit-focused DEI action plans."
  • In 2020, the College of Education outlined its "commitment to racial justice" as part of its Strategic Plan which includes several initiatives on the topic.
  • As part of its 2023-2028 Strategic Plan, the School of Information states that it would provide "academic and professional support, especially for underrepresented and traditionally underserved students...."
Symbolic Actions
  • The university announced that, "Our use of the 'Spartan Up' hand gesture—often mistaken for a white power symbol— has now been retired."
  • On January 17, 2023, SJSU participated in the National Day of Racial Healing which the Office of the President states "is a time to contemplate our shared values and create the blueprint together for #HowWeHeal from the effects of racism."
  • SJSU's 2030 Strategic Plan states that its "course descriptions, catalogs, websites, and policies" would use "warm and equity-minded language" in order to "ensure culturally responsive practices."
Last updated January 13th, 2025
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