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Our Top 50 Medical School Database currently has 50 schools in its medical school database. Of these colleges and universities, 39 institutions have some form of mandatory student training or coursework. According to our database, 38 schools have offered Kendi and DiAngelo materials (books, articles, talks, etc.) to their students. The trainings can be targeted, such as a new requirement for a major/department, or school-wide. The trainings can also vary in form (ex. orientation modules for new students, new degree/graduation requirement, online training module).

Of the 50 schools currently in our medical school database, 28 institutions have some form of mandatory faculty/staff training. The trainings can be department (or committee) – specific or implemented school-wide. And the trainings can serve several purposes, such as onboarding for new employees/faculty or as part of the application process for faculty search committees.

The subjects of mandatory trainings and coursework are worded differently by college, using terms such as (but not limited to):

Cultural competency
DEI (diversity, equity, and inclusion)
Implicit bias/Anti-bias
Critical race theory

We determined the top 50 medical schools based on US News Best Medical Schools: Research.

To view our medical school database, click here.

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